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Got to talk to my buddy on the team this past weekend and he told me a couple of interesting things.

Nick Fairley has already signed his contract. Flair cant tell anyone who it is, but my friend told me how much except i can't remember.

The other thing he told me was that Dismukes insnt in nearly good enough condition to play yet. He showed up out of shape. This isn't much of a problem since he's here for spring. Also said Tunde looks really good and will probably get time in Spring depending on how Dismukes comes along.

Said Curry is not on the team (for the same reason everyone thinks/knows)

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Fairley may have signed with an agent, but I doubt he has a signed NFL contract since he has no way of really knowing how the teams will jockey in the draft.  Dismukes looked pretty ready to play in the all star game.  He must have gotten way out of shape in a hurry.

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If Fairley is giong #1 overall, he could have signed.  It's not uncommon for the first team in the draft to go ahead and begin negotiations since they know who they're getting.

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that doesn't surprise me that Dismukes is a little out of shape.  He was in good high school shape during the all-star games, but for an offensive lineman, that is very different than college in shape.

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If Fairley has signed an NFL contract I would assume it would have to be Carolina since they are #1 in the draft.  I haven't heard anything about Carolina going hard after just one guy yet.  So I would assume that it would be that he signed with an agent.

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If Fairley is giong #1 overall, he could have signed.  It's not uncommon for the first team in the draft to go ahead and begin negotiations since they know who they're getting.

It's possible, but this early??  I doubt it.  There is still a lot of time for other teams to come in and offer really sweet deals to trade up to the #1 pick.  And they may not have Fairley #1 on their board.

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I could've told you that about Dismukes. Kid's a big boy and likes to eat. I saw him licking the inside of a potato chip bag at the UTC game lol. The coaches will get him in shape though. He has all the potential to still start this Fall and I think he will and will kick butt. WDE!

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If Fairley is giong #1 overall, he could have signed.  It's not uncommon for the first team in the draft to go ahead and begin negotiations since they know who they're getting.

It's possible, but this early??  I doubt it.  There is still a lot of time for other teams to come in and offer really sweet deals to trade up to the #1 pick.  And they may not have Fairley #1 on their board.

I doubt it as well, just saying it's possible (though unlikely).  I agree that the news probably means he has signed with an agent.

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What about Curry?

It's a good spice.  Great on chicken.   :dunno:

The Indian dish will destroy your stomach.

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What about Curry?

Curry is best served in a bowl or pot

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Curry is still on the team. As for Reece, I actually saw him at Walmart last night and talked to him for a little bit (we went to the same high school and played on the same tennis team). He's doing fine and he loves it here. He's a smart guy, who's doing a good job at making the transition to college. He might've been a tad bit below starting sec shape, but he's a freshman who just got to school. so he's fine

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Got to talk to my buddy on the team this past weekend and he told me a couple of interesting things.

Nick Fairley has already signed his contract. Flair cant tell anyone who it is, but my friend told me how much except i can't remember.

The other thing he told me was that Dismukes insnt in nearly good enough condition to play yet. He showed up out of shape. This isn't much of a problem since he's here for spring. Also said Tunde looks really good and will probably get time in Spring depending on how Dismukes comes along.

Said Curry is not on the team (for the same reason everyone thinks/knows)

Fairley hasn`t signed a contract unless you mean with an agent.

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Got to talk to my buddy on the team this past weekend and he told me a couple of interesting things.

Nick Fairley has already signed his contract. Flair cant tell anyone who it is, but my friend told me how much except i can't remember.

The other thing he told me was that Dismukes insnt in nearly good enough condition to play yet. He showed up out of shape. This isn't much of a problem since he's here for spring. Also said Tunde looks really good and will probably get time in Spring depending on how Dismukes comes along.

Said Curry is not on the team (for the same reason everyone thinks/knows)

Fairley hasn`t signed a contract unless you mean with an agent.

Contract=Endorsement deal?

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no way fairley signed an nfl contract with the labor talks still going on and the combine yet to start.

Exactly.  One of the points of negotiation is going to be the structure and length of rookie contracts, so there's no way Fairley and Carolina could already have a deal signed.  Plus, Carolina's owner is apparently playing the "Bad Cop" in the negotiations (or he's a complete moron, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt), so I doubt he'd be going out of his way to undermine his own role in the negotiations at this stage.  I would expect all of the draft picks to have to wait until the new CBA is agreed to before any contracts are signed, the teams just can't risk making the wrong assumptions about how the salary cap and rookie wage scale/length of contracts are going to work. 

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CBA expires on March 3rd. No way a contract will be signed by Fairley. Draft is suppose to begin April 18th.

It's actually Apriil 28-30.  The Draft will happen under the old CBA, even if a new one has not been agreed to before April 28.  The issue will be the contracts for the drafted players, that's where I expect to see a holdup. 

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Setting aside all the CBA concerns, of which there are many that would prevent this from happening, there is only one team that can sign Fairley before the draft, and that would be no secret because it's the team with the first overall pick.  So someone saying that Nick's already signed an agreement but can't say with who, doesn't make any sense.  Again, setting aside the CBA concerns, even if Nick did sign with the Panthers, it would be unprecedented to sign him this early in the process.

I would assume that the person is talking about Nick signing with an agent, but I'm not sure why that would be a secret unless he doesn't want the other agents who are hounding him to know.  Again, that doesn't make sense because he wouldn't want to continue to fend off the agents who are still hoping to have a shot at him.  He has to sign with an NFL certified agent anyway (unless he decides to represent himself - unlikely and not very smart!).

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