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Can we get our own Auburn tv show.  I get so sick of hearing why dont the barn have a show like tider insider. Just wondering, thought it would be a good idea.  We might have had a show in the past, i really dont know.  Thanks and War Eagle

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would you really want a show even remotely like turder insider?...now really,would want anything as amateurish and silly as that? :beatmullet:....an AU show?...yeah. i'm with you on that,but not like that slapstick garbage

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i agree but there's alot of people that made me who i am like my grandpa and grandma.  They love Auburn football/sports and cant stay up to date on news. They dont have internet.  They only thing they know to do is to turn it Joxx(bammers station) I just think it would be a great idea. 

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