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The Draft Is Slavery-Reject it, always and everywhere, says Ron Paul

"Some say the 18-year-old draftee “owes it” to his (or her, since HR 163 makes woman eligible for the draft) country. Hogwash! It just as easily could be argued that a 50 year-old chicken-hawk, who promotes war and places innocent young people in danger, owes more to the country than the 18 year-old being denied his (or her) liberty."



There is hope. Rep. Metcalf and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) have proposed legislation called the Separation of Powers Restoration Act (H.R. 2655). The bill would restore the proper division of power within the branches of government, thereby preventing further executive abuse. It would terminate existing states of emergency and grant Congress the exclusive authority to make such declarations.

The bill would require the president to issue orders based only on statutory and constitutional authority. The orders would not have the effect of law and would be limited in application and effect to the executive branch. Finally, the bill would permit members of Congress, state and local governments, and people whose liberty or property interest has been adversely affected to sue in court to stop an order's enforcement.

"The American public has grown increasingly weary of the use of executive orders," says Rep. Paul. "Presidents must be able to direct their employees, but this power must be closely confined by the laws which they are constitutionally and legislatively empowered to execute."46

Congress must either abolish or amend the National Emergencies Act of 1976. It must hold the president accountable for his actions. Ultimately, we must all step up to the plate. “If we are to be saved from the autocracy that follows [the abuse of presidential power], Congress, the states and the courts must perform their duties under our system of divided and separated powers,” said William J. Olsen and Alan Woll. 47 Otherwise, in the words of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-Maryland), “We’ll need another revolution.”48

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