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In Review of the Recruiting Season


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I was on the 2013 recruiting needs thread and saw where we only have 14 seniors.  So I tried to look at that from the coaches perspective.  They had 15 or 16 wrapped up going into the final couple of weeks.  Therefore, knowing that we had a small senior class for next year, is it possible that they made a decision to go after the big fish realizing that it is high risk, high reward?  Realizing that they will probably only have room for 20-22 next year, did they say "let's go after the studs and if we get them, we get them.  If not, we will be ok because we have another small senior class next year.  For the sake of balance from class to class does this make sense?  Are we just unhappy with this class because we did not get 2 or 3 big time players on NSD, the Yeldon flip, and our hated rival racked up?    If that is the case, then it is not that big of a deal when you look at it.  Had we gotten Goldman and Darby or Alexander would anyone be upset?  Had we gotten one of those guys and kept Yeldon would we be upset?  I say we would be thrilled.  If that is the case, then two players is the difference between despair and elation.   

After looking at it this way, I am extremely happy with our class and will look forward to next year being even stronger.  We will get our linebackers and dline players next year and this year will be forgotten or maybe even celebrated.  War Eagle!

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