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Saban story

Tiger Oak

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Tell me if you have heard this or if it is made up. Another Auburn fan here at work told me that Saban was running a practice last spring I'm assuming. A compliance officer had an office that overlooked the practice field and an NCAA investigator was in his office. As they looked down on the field they noticed several former tide players on the field some of which were current NFL players. Thing is the former players were not just watching. Saban had paired them up with specific players and they were coaching players one-on-one on technique at their positions. The NCAA guy said hey you know you can't do that, it's a violation. They went down to the field and told Saban he had to stop because they can only have 14 coaches and they basically had 25 working with the team. This was on a Friday. When the compliance officer came into work on Monday he found his office had been moved to one that did not overlook the practice field. He went to a new team after the season. I guess even compliance officers get processed at bama. Don't know how true this is but it is a good story.

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I have no idea if this really happened or not, but in my brain, this is 100% factual and correct. 

^^^ LMAO!  :party:

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So Bama's compliance department isn't set up as a traditional one that is in place to make sure the athletic programs comply with NCAA rules, it's a compliance department that complies with Nick Saban or is fired.

I'm not sure that I can completely buy the story, but given how fast they investigated and found no wrong doing in the T-Town Menswear scandal, it wouldn't surprise me.

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I heard this one as well...can't remember it was here or on the Scout site. Anyways, this was a story told by a former Alabama basketball coach and this supposedly happened a couple years ago (2009?). The former coach said that Saban was a ticking time bomb for the school between this and his nasty ego. He said that Saban's ego is so big that when he came to turd town, an email was sent to the whole athletic department informing them that you don't speak to Saban unless he acknowledges you first...

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I could be wrong, but wasn't UA advertising for a new Compliance Director not too long ago? And, as far as the athletic dept as a whole, I remember Finebaum himself saying that it wouldn't have surprised him if Saban was the catalyst to have Mark Gottfried fired as the basketball coach. Apparently Nicky took some recruits to a BB game and Bama did bad, and, if you believe Finebaum, Nicky was NOT happy. Maybe this is true, maybe not.

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Just thougt I'd throw my two cents in:  I know a girl who did pole vault for Bama for four years.  Her last year was Saban's first year.  She told me that every year before that the track team had access to the indoor practice facility to train in when it was cold or rainy out, but as soon as Saban got there he put an end to that.  He said that it was only for football and no one else could use it.  This may have changed since then, but I know her senior year that's how it was.  It may not seem like a big deal, but she still doesn't like him very much because of that. 

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While we are on Saban stories...I have a friend whose son was an offensive lineman and was recruited by Saban 4 years ago.  They went on their visit and when they went to Saban's office, he told them to come in, never got up to greet them, and used a button on his desk to close the door.  They said they sat there for an hour listening to Saban talk about himself and his accomplishments.  The son was a huge Bama fan, but after the visit with Saban, he signed to play for Georgia Tech.  They both said he was the most egotistical, self centered coach they ever met. 

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While we are on Saban stories...I have a friend whose son was an offensive lineman and was recruited by Saban 4 years ago.  They went on their visit and when they went to Saban's office, he told them to come in, never got up to greet them, and used a button on his desk to close the door.  They said they sat there for an hour listening to Saban talk about himself and his accomplishments.  The son was a huge Bama fan, but after the visit with Saban, he signed to play for Georgia Tech.  They both said he was the most egotistical, self centered coach they ever met.   

Well, I know your friend is telling the truth because Saban does have a button to the door in his office.  He loves that button. 

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Check this article out. It's kinda old but it's interesting:

The Two Sides of Nick Saban


I love the hey Nick, how do you spell your name. That is classic. Reminds me of the Colonel telling the Capt. in Good Morning Vietnam; You are more in need of a BJ than any white man I know.

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This says it all about Saban, however bama fans will see nothing wrong and only see positive character traits.

I really like the part where he can't remember his players name.

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I hope they enact more new rules because of Nick Saban, like 'truth and ethics in recruiting rules'.  I think conferences and the NCAA should require schools to publish and update within hours, whenever there are changes to the following:

The names of every scholarship player and whether they are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate students.

- The total number of players on scholarship as well as a breakdown as to how many are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

- What session seniors or graduate students are projected to finish their scholarship.

I just think all of this has to be out in the open to prevent people like Nick Saban from playing fast and loose with the truth and the rules.  This way Nick Saban will know how many players he has on scholarship, how many scholarships he has to give, and how many early enrollee slots he expects to have available... and so will the recruits as well as the media.  :-X

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They don't need to enact more rules. Kids and more specifically their parents need to get their heads out of their backside and see the POS for what he is. If they can't do that then there is no need in whining about being mistreated.

With the internet and seriousness of the recruiting process today there is no reason not to know how the guy conducts his and bama's business.

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When I think about him being their coach, I almost feel sorry for them.  But then I remember the fanbase we're talking about. 

He's just using them for his own glory and doesn't give a damn about Bama or its players.  But as long as they win, I guess that's all that matters to them.

Nick Saban and the University of Alabama - a match made in Hell.

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When I think about him being their coach, I almost feel sorry for them.  But then I remember the fanbase we're talking about. 

He's just using them for his own glory and doesn't give a damn about Bama or its players.  But as long as they win, I guess that's all that matters to them.

Nick Saban and the University of Alabama - a match made in Hell.

You know, at first when Saban started his 'oversigning and cutting', the bama fans denied he was doing that.  Then when they could no longer deny it they took the attitude that there was nothing wrong with it and it was just the smart way to do things.  It is still morally wrong and it should be against the rules, it certainly is against the spirit/intentions of the rules.
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I think, more than anything, and saban would never in a million years admit to this, that he is absolutely eaten up with the fact that he couldn't cut it in the NFL, and is running bammer like an NFL franchise to prove to everybody out there that he can coach and run an NFL team.

You never know, he may be running bammer like this hoping and praying that an NFL team will see how he is doing it, and give him another chance to prove himself on that level.

Did we ever hear about his cut and release system while he was at LSU? I can't remember it if it was common knowledge. 

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Nothing you could sy about  :devil: from a stand point of having little or no character would surprise me. I think Weegle right. He might be running  his program this way to prove he could be successful in the NFL. But, he will never get the chance to return to pro ball. And even if he did one of those players might stick one in him and break it off.

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I doubt this story and am incredulous some or all that have posted here believe it.

Hey, even if it was true, we should use every one of  :devil:'s bending of the rules to our advantage.

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I doubt this story and am incredulous some or all that have posted here believe it.

Hey, even if it was true, we should use every one of  :devil:'s bending of the rules to our advantage.

I pray that we never treat kids like Saban does and I can only think of one reason you think we should.

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As long as Mike Slive is the commissioner of the SEC, nothing will happen to  :devil:.  This is why all the "Saban To the (insert other team name here)" threads are pointless.  Saban has the perfect situation:

1.  The university is scared of him, and gives him carte blanche over the ENTIRE athletic dept.

2.  The players he recruits are scared of him, and allow him to treat them like property.  The parents of these kids know how he acts, and obviously do not care.

3.  The fanbase is only concerned with winning % and NC's, which he has brought them.  Unethical behavior means nothing to them, because they are never punished for it.  (How many schools do you remember that were on multiple probations at the same time, yet never had to relinquish anything of consequence?)

4.  The REC has connections everywhere, and use them to skirt around the rules, while leaving no paper trails.

5.  The media worships weeman as the 2nd coming of Bear Bryant (who was the biggest cheater of them all).

If you had all this, and were worshipped as a god, would you be willing to give it up to try your hand at the NFL again?  Not likely. 

"The greatest trick the  :devil: ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist". - Charles Baudelaire.

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You know, at first when Saban started his 'oversigning and cutting', the bama fans denied he was doing that.  Then when they could no longer deny it they took the attitude that there was nothing wrong with it and it was just the smart way to do things.  It is still morally wrong and it should be against the rules, it certainly is against the spirit/intentions of the rules.

As long as Mike Slive is the commissioner of the SEC, nothing will happen to  :devil:.  This is why all the "Saban To the (insert other team name here)" threads are pointless.  Saban has the perfect situation:

1.  The university is scared of him, and gives him carte blanche over the ENTIRE athletic dept.

2.  The players he recruits are scared of him, and allow him to treat them like property.  The parents of these kids know how he acts, and obviously do not care.

3.  The fanbase is only concerned with winning % and NC's, which he has brought them.  Unethical behavior means nothing to them, because they are never punished for it.  (How many schools do you remember that were on multiple probations at the same time, yet never had to relinquish anything of consequence?)

4.  The REC has connections everywhere, and use them to skirt around the rules, while leaving no paper trails.

5.  The media worships weeman as the 2nd coming of Bear Bryant (who was the biggest cheater of them all).

If you had all this, and were worshipped as a god, would you be willing to give it up to try your hand at the NFL again?  Not likely. 

"The greatest trick the  :devil: ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist". - Charles Baudelaire.

Nawh - this would be lack of institutional control.

(standard sarcastic yellow)

(and while on probation  :rolleyes:)

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As long as Mike Slive is the commissioner of the SEC, nothing will happen to  :devil:.  This is why all the "Saban To the (insert other team name here)" threads are pointless.  Saban has the perfect situation:

1.  The university is scared of him, and gives him carte blanche over the ENTIRE athletic dept.

2.  The players he recruits are scared of him, and allow him to treat them like property.  The parents of these kids know how he acts, and obviously do not care.

3.  The fanbase is only concerned with winning % and NC's, which he has brought them.  Unethical behavior means nothing to them, because they are never punished for it.  (How many schools do you remember that were on multiple probations at the same time, yet never had to relinquish anything of consequence?)

4.  The REC has connections everywhere, and use them to skirt around the rules, while leaving no paper trails.

5.  The media worships weeman as the 2nd coming of Bear Bryant (who was the biggest cheater of them all).

If you had all this, and were worshipped as a god, would you be willing to give it up to try your hand at the NFL again?  Not likely. 

"The greatest trick the  :devil: ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist". - Charles Baudelaire.

You could have changed a few names in this to reflect the situation Pete Carrol had at USC and the PAC10 a few years ago. I'm sure Saban/bama just laugh about how that ended and tell themselves that you don't just give their families free houses to use, cars, money, etc... you have to make them earn it by house sitting.  And Tressel at tOHS... they laugh at that too, all you have to do is have undated form letters that supposedly told any businesses uncovered to have ceased doing what they were caught doing well before they were caught, or something like that.

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