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The Trenches

guerra aguila

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We all know that Auburn had a young football team last year.

I think Auburn in some senses matched up very well at the skill positions, but I think they got pushed around in the trenches a bit.

I wanted to weigh in for a second on how much of an impact The big guys up front on both side of the ball will have on this season.

I believe the offensive line is going to be full of talent, and athleticism. Experience hurt Auburn in 2011 due to losing 25 seniors in one season.

It can be said that Cameron Newton came to Auburn at the perfect time.... along with Nick Fairley's emergence.

Auburn won the 2010 national title with a team that I believe is far less talented than the one we currently boast.

I think Auburn's rush defense will be among the best in the SEC this year... lets take a look.

When healthy, Craig Sanders is a vital part of this defense... I strongly believed that he and Ladarious Owens were Auburns two best defenders in 2011, and when both got hurt, it hurt Auburn.

I think that coach BVG will utilize Corey Lemonior  in various ways, put him all over the field the way Georgia used Jarvis Jones. I am excited to see what we can do with him.

I hope that we can see a healthy version of Bonomolo... Im not sure that we will, but it would be nice.

Nosa Eguae could be Auburns most potent defensive end... hes dominant and hes the total package... strong and fast... I expect him to be a leader.

My question now is what does Auburn do with guys like Jabrian Niles and Devaute Sigler?

Both are listed in the 290 lb range, but Auburn has plenty of guys like Dee Ford who can be speed rushers.... I think we definitely need more combo guys that can do a little of both.

I think Justin Delaine can be a freak of a player, and give Auburn a bit of an edge with his length. He still lacks the necessary size to be a 45-50 play a game DE. I think he can certainly be a specialist... but we still have a few guys on the roster that would be considered on the fence with their size and speed... with six months till kick off... what do you guys see happening?

Angelo Blackson and Gabe Wright to me should have an incredible season... along with Jeffery Whitaker and Kenneth Carter, I believe that Auburn is going to push back this year... Im looking forward to it, and accompany these players with a great defensive coordinator... we should be better than people think.

I believe the skilled positions suite Auburn just fine... I just wanted to say that the biggest difference this year in an 8 win season and perhaps a 10-11 win season will be in the trenches.

With BVG running the defense, I think our tigers will field a top 10 group nationally.

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Our D ends will be as good as anyone in the Conference. Our tackles should see great improvement this year. Bigger , meaner, faster, more experienced.

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I don't think the ends were the problem last year. It was obvious that there was a clear divide between the top DTs in the conference and our guys. We had the talent but we didn't have the experience or the strength to compete. Only Gabe Wright showed noticeable improvement over the course of the season, and Wright was also the leader among the DTs in TFLs with 2. Auburn doesn't need a dominating DT like Fairley to be good on the line - it needs 2 to 3 capable and solid contributors who can deliver strong performances.

I have no doubt the line will be better with the experience gained, I just hope that Whitaker, Carter, Wright, Blackson, Sigler, etc., can actually man up and play with the big boys in conference. So far, they haven't shown the ability to. Corey and Nosa and Dee can only do so much - 4-3 ends are very specific in their skill sets and obligations. But you don't gain that much experience without some improvement. 4 starters - 4 juniors now with 2 full seasons under their belt. The line should be much better, but I'm staying cautiously optimistic.


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Keep an eye on Sigler this year.  It is being reported that he has added approx. 40 pounds, and is up to 295.  If he can still move like he did last year, he might become Fairley 2.0!!!

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I think Corey Lemonier garners some national attention (All American status) and flirts with going in the draft. He's only gotten better since arriving and don't players typically show vast improvement from sophomore to junior years? If that is true.. I feel bad for SEC QBs.

The trenches are top priority in the SEC, and I think the coaches have assembled lines on both sides of the ball with the potential to be great

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IMO I believe our guys in the trenches will show a dominant side this year for a number of reasons.

They will be  bigger, stronger, more knowledgeable and more coherent as a unit on both sides of the

ball. Also other teams in the SEC (LSU,turds)that had the experienced, bigger and stronger players in

the trenches will be gone. Add all that along with a haungrier revamped coaching staff and you have a

recipe for success.

:we:  :aufb:

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Sigler is going to be an  beast!!! Absolutely no doubt about it.

I thought Owens was/will be a big party of the DL (but he was the only player on the DL not mentioned in the recent DL artice on rival).

I don't think Sander will contribute that much.

Bonomolo isn't with the team (not listed on the roster).

I agree this team has more potential talent than that in 2010 with out a doubt.

I'm most impressed with the depth we are building on the DL .

If ya'll haven't seen the rosters a few guys on the DL that stood out ot me were:

Keymiya Harrell 6'4 - 260lbs - gained 25lbs

Lemonier 6'4 - 240lbs - gaine 12lbs

Angelo Blackson - 6'4 - 316 - insane

Devante Sigler - 6'4 - 295lbs - he came in at 250lbs

The biggest improvement in this years game i think we will notice is the physical play... Yox is doing work!

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I think Corey Lemonier garners some national attention (All American status) and flirts with going in the draft. He's only gotten better since arriving and don't players typically show vast improvement from sophomore to junior years? If that is true.. I feel bad for SEC QBs.

The trenches are top priority in the SEC, and I think the coaches have assembled lines on both sides of the ball with the potential to be great

Most of my observations have shown that typically the greatest growth in skill and play are between the sophomore and junior years. JMO.

And ICA....I would say that having dominant D lineman is what wins championships. It allows your defense to open up and lets your linebackers to roam. Again JMO.

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Did Dee Ford get a medical hardship. Was it a redshirt is he leaving ?

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I would shocked, dismayed, and tazed if we did not see dramatic improvement in the trenches. I see no way CVG would not demand more physicality and focus on basics.

No offense meant to Roof, but CVG is a major step up....

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Sigler is going to be an  beast!!! Absolutely no doubt about it.

I thought Owens was/will be a big party of the DL (but he was the only player on the DL not mentioned in the recent DL artice on rival).

I don't think Sander will contribute that much.

Bonomolo isn't with the team (not listed on the roster).

I agree this team has more potential talent than that in 2010 with out a doubt.

I'm most impressed with the depth we are building on the DL .

If ya'll haven't seen the rosters a few guys on the DL that stood out ot me were:

Keymiya Harrell 6'4 - 260lbs - gained 25lbs

Lemonier 6'4 - 240lbs - gaine 12lbs

Angelo Blackson - 6'4 - 316 - insane

Devante Sigler - 6'4 - 295lbs - he came in at 250lbs

The biggest improvement in this years game i think we will notice is the physical play... Yox is doing work!

Why do you think Sanders won't contribute much?  Not saying I disagree.  I really believe it depends on  CBVG evaluations.  I have a feeling Van Gorder will take charge with DEs and LBs and make the decisions regarding positions, depth charts, etc. Hope so.  CS has the size, strength, speed, and motor to contribute but so do most of the other DEs.  He just needs quality coaching which I'm not sure was there last year.
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I still think Sanders was one of Auburns most intense players in 2011... if hes healthy, he makes things happen.

Ill call it a hunch, but we need him on the field.

Thats my opinion, but the guy is exactly the type of mean player that CBVG needs right now.

I like him.

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The Auburn team will improve as the O & D lines improve. The skill is there. Development, experience, and mental toughness will put them over the top.

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Trenches are important.D line is what makes the sec the best conference IMO. I'm not downing anybody's opinion but I don't see how Sanders could be looked at as the teams best defender. That's like saying Benton is our best offensive player.Those guys have the tools and physical ability but technique hasn't been there. I definitely see sanders contributing but I don't think he beats out any starters.

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Trenches are important.D line is what makes the sec the best conference IMO. I'm not downing anybody's opinion but I don't see how Sanders could be looked at as the teams best defender. That's like saying Benton is our best offensive player.Those guys have the tools and physical ability but technique hasn't been there. I definitely see sanders contributing but I don't think he beats out any starters.

We shall see my friend.
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  • 2 months later...

I still think Sanders was one of Auburns most intense players in 2011... if hes healthy, he makes things happen.

Ill call it a hunch, but we need him on the field.

Thats my opinion, but the guy is exactly the type of mean player that CBVG needs right now.

I like him.

I do believe if given more than 8-12 plays a game, Sanders' would start to take over. He's big, strong, fast, loves contact, and plays better when he bleeds. That's what defense is about, and I think if CBVG does the evaluating, instead of CMP, he may get more playing time. He's really never been given a fair shot at Auburn, just instant relegation to a DE backup role. I am glad he's here, but in all honesty, from a business standpoint,  he should have gone to Bama, and been a "jack" linebacker, like he was recruited for. If he's not gonna get any more PT than he did last year (as in 8 plays @ Clemson, while our starter was walking the whole 4th qtr) he needs to get back on the KO team and lay people out.

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I still think Sanders was one of Auburns most intense players in 2011... if hes healthy, he makes things happen.

Ill call it a hunch, but we need him on the field.

Thats my opinion, but the guy is exactly the type of mean player that CBVG needs right now.

I like him.

I do believe if given more than 8-12 plays a game, Sanders' would start to take over. He's big, strong, fast, loves contact, and plays better when he bleeds. That's what defense is about, and I think if CBVG does the evaluating, instead of CMP, he may get more playing time. He's really never been given a fair shot at Auburn, just instant relegation to a DE backup role. I am glad he's here, but in all honesty, from a business standpoint,  he should have gone to Bama, and been a "jack" linebacker, like he was recruited for. If he's not gonna get any more PT than he did last year (as in 8 plays @ Clemson, while our starter was walking the whole 4th qtr) he needs to get back on the KO team and lay people out.

I agree with some of this but I don't agree he hasn't been given a fair shot at all.

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Unless I am dead wrong he's never taken a practice snap at LB. I could be wrong but I doubt it. That just seems strange since he has some experience at MLB, albeit HS, and everyone on here keeps saying how loaded and deep we are at DE, and how worried they are at LB. You yourself were talking about LBs leaving thier feet to make tackles, and giving up weight to a HB. Not a football guru, or genius, but I'd be danged if I wouldn't try him out for a week or so at practice. Guaranteed he wouldn't get run over, or outrun to the sidelines.

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Unless I am dead wrong he's never taken a practice snap at LB. I could be wrong but I doubt it. That just seems strange since he has some experience at MLB, albeit HS, and everyone on here keeps saying how loaded and deep we are at DE, and how worried they are at LB. You yourself were talking about LBs leaving thier feet to make tackles, and giving up weight to a HB. Not a football guru, or genius, but I'd be danged if I wouldn't try him out for a week or so at practice. Guaranteed he wouldn't get run over, or outrun to the sidelines.

According to BVG when asked that question he responded that he didn't see the necessary skill set in any players that would warrant making that move, DE to LB.
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In addition to the good points several of you have brought up about the players being bigger, stronger, more experienced this year on the DL there are two other other very important factors, the system and depth.

System: Coupled with the fact that they are better players this year, they will be in an attacking system instead of a read- react system like they were last year. Put those two factors together, better players in a more aggressive system, and I think you will see a huge difference in the performance on the DL.

Depth: On DE's we are blessed with a richness of quality depth. On DT although we aren't quite as deep, we still have decent depth and the quality is on the same level as DE. That will enable us to keep fresh players in there, going at 100% as much as possible, with very little drop off in talent. This will wear down an opposing OL by the 2nd half. Unless an opposing OL has enough quality depth to match us, it is going to be hard for them to keep up the entire game.

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In addition to the good points several of you have brought up about the players being bigger, stronger, more experienced this year on the DL there are two other other very important factors, the system and depth.

System: Coupled with the fact that they are better players this year, they will be in an attacking system instead of a read- react system like they were last year. Put those two things together, better players in a more aggressive system,  and I think you will see a huge difference on the DL.

Depth: On DE's we are blessed with a richness of quality depth. On DT although we arent quite as deep as DE, we still have decent depth. This will enable us to keep talented fresh players in there going at 100% as much as possible which wears down an opposing OL by the 2nd half. Unless an opposing OL has enough quality depth to match, it is going to be hard for them to keep up.

I couldn'y agree with you more. This year will be less about who is a starter in the D-Line and more about how many rotate in and how we wear teams down as the game goes on.

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In addition to the good points several of you have brought up about the players being bigger, stronger, more experienced this year on the DL there are two other other very important factors, the system and depth.

System: Coupled with the fact that they are better players this year, they will be in an attacking system instead of a read- react system like they were last year. Put those two things together, better players in a more aggressive system,  and I think you will see a huge difference on the DL.

Depth: On DE's we are blessed with a richness of quality depth. On DT although we arent quite as deep as DE, we still have decent depth. This will enable us to keep talented fresh players in there going at 100% as much as possible which wears down an opposing OL by the 2nd half. Unless an opposing OL has enough quality depth to match, it is going to be hard for them to keep up.

I couldn'y agree with you more. This year will be less about who is a starter in the D-Line and more about how many rotate in and how we wear teams down as the game goes on.

While wearing them down, its vital that Auburn finds a way to force some turnovers.  We lacked them last year and missed out some opportunities to get the defense off the field.

I think the trenches will matter the most this year simply because a good pass rush is helpful in creating turnovers. Panic the qb, and opportunities will arise.

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Stopping the run...getting off the field on 3rd downs...things AU did well in 2010...if the defense can do well in those areas in 2012 then the opportunities to be great are well within reach. And the Oline must become more physical at point of attact....hit the defense and hit them hard.

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