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Healthy Weight!!!


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One thing that has me very excited is the weight adjustments in this off-season. Jeffrey Whitaker has lost more than 30 pounds and is now 303. Sigler has gained 20 and is up to 295. Corey Grant checked in at AU at 186 and is up to 203. Westerman is knocking on the door of 300 at 298 and should be there by fall. These are only a few examples. This is gonna be fun to watch.

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Agreed. I fully expect the people calling for Yox's removal to eat crow sometime during the season.

I second this post.

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I think Yox has done a good job of getting certain players to the right weight this year.

We all know that every body type is different, so sometimes you have to tweak some things here and there.

I even heard that McCalebb weighed in less than he was last year?

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I even heard that McCalebb weighed in less than he was last year?

If true, then maybe he's accepted that he needs to play a situational role and not try to be something he's not and get hurt, because with his speed, he'll get paid to play that situational role in the NFL.

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I've read the strength debates on here and personally I see can see the points on both sides of that debate, but I don't think yox has ever had a problem with getting guys bigger it's how strong the guys are that will make a difference. Just because a guy weighs more doesn't mean he's stronger. I'm guessing the guys will be stronger though.

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It goes to show that this coaching staff has things under control. They saw our team was soft and outmanned at times last year. This year georgia and alabama won't look like some kind of freak monster team across the line from our boys. I expect this added strength and weight to translate into more physical play. The coaches want that, and they're going to get it. Period.

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I really see us winning the west this year. With LSU being the biggest obstacle. I also see bama having a bigtime down year this season. Don't know why I feel that way, I just have a feeling that we will have a totally different attitude and outlook this year. 

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One year makes a lot of difference...last year most of those "soft and outmanned" players were just barely out of high school playing against more mature athletes.  The early videos of our guys show what Yox and the other  coaches can do to get these guys into SEC-shape. 

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I even heard that McCalebb weighed in less than he was last year?

If true, then maybe he's accepted that he needs to play a situational role and not try to be something he's not and get hurt, because with his speed, he'll get paid to play that situational role in the NFL.

I have said this about McCalebb from year 1. I never saw a reason for McCalebb to be anything other than a burner, because thats what he does best. I also hope we hit him out of the backfield more often in the passing game.

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I even heard that McCalebb weighed in less than he was last year?

If true, then maybe he's accepted that he needs to play a situational role and not try to be something he's not and get hurt, because with his speed, he'll get paid to play that situational role in the NFL.

I have said this about McCalebb from year 1. I never saw a reason for McCalebb to be anything other than a burner, because thats what he does best. I also hope we hit him out of the backfield more often in the passing game.

This. I've been pleasantly surprised with his pass catching ability out of the backfield. That can be a huge weapon for us next year.

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One year makes a lot of difference...last year most of those "soft and outmanned" players were just barely out of high school playing against more mature athletes.   The early videos of our guys show what Yox and the other  coaches can do to get these guys into SEC-shape. 

That was my point. Perhaps I didn't word it effectively. Just saying all the posters at through out the season that were complaining as if the coaches didn't know we needed to be bigger, stronger, and faster. Or that coach Chiz didn't see the problems on the staff. My point was this staff is fully capable of making the best choices for our program.

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Difference is that Westerman is a 300 pounder with a six pack of abs.  He has very little "bad" weight and with Coach Yox working him he still has some of the best weight room stats on the entire team.  The Redshirt year was perfect for him and now he is on his way to being able to play at 300 + pounds with incredible strength and the ability to play "smash mouth" knock you off the ball football like Loeffler's offense will dial up.  The other thing is that even as his weight has increased he is still incredible nimble and quick into the flat for pulling situations at OG.  Give all the credit in the world to the Auburn strength and conditioning staff under Coach Yox. Proud that several on the team are honed in and weights up or down are helping these guys be the best athletes they can be.

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Difference is that Westerman is a 300 pounder with a six pack of abs.  He has very little "bad" weight and with Coach Yox working him he still has some of the best weight room stats on the entire team.  The Redshirt year was perfect for him and now he is on his way to being able to play at 300 + pounds with incredible strength and the ability to play "smash mouth" knock you off the ball football like Loeffler's offense will dial up.  The other thing is that even as his weight has increased he is still incredible nimble and quick into the flat for pulling situations at OG.  Give all the credit in the world to the Auburn strength and conditioning staff under Coach Yox. Proud that several on the team are honed in and weights up or down are helping these guys be the best athletes they can be.

You're right about him not having any "bad" weight. I saw him on campus a couple weeks ago and the guy honestly looks more like a tight end. I don't mean that in a bad way at all... He's probably the most "cut" offensive lineman I've ever seen. It's extremely impressive( and a little surprising) that he's weighing in close to 300lbs with his build.

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Why can't Ladarious Phillips lose weight?  He needs to get down to 270 or so, but he just continues creeping closer to 300.

i'm afraid that is his "personal problem" ... i thought last year the coaches should have sat him down (they probably did - i just have a different spin on it) and said - son you either stay at 290 - 300 and be fourth string on the DL or get to 270 and play FB.  i am guessing it was more like "get to 270 or you aint playin - period" - hence the "personal problems".  i predict LP is a highly motivated 270# come august or not on the team.  just my guess.

also, i love that O-mac is simply going to stay at the weight that is good for him.  He obviously will never be 185-190.  he is a situational guy with a great attitude and leadership.  this 170# rb was our go-to pass blocking 3rd down RB last year.  i think that role worked great for him.  if he continues to use his speed, gutsy blocking, heady play and pass catching coupled with his obvious dedication to special teams play ... he will make a pro team somewhere.  i think his most valuable role last year, aside from his leadership, was as a gunner on the kicking teams.  that all by itself may get him a shot in the bigs.

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Weights are subjective to who ever is ginving the info. This is one of the most mysterious things in football.in getting an accurate weight of a player. It's all over the place. One "source" says a kid weighs in at a scale crushing weight, then you lay eyes on him and there is no way it's accurate. It's crazy. Then you see articles (Cory Grant's or instance) that state a running back is 230 running a 4.3 forty....Then today we see he is weighing in at 200....Just typical off season talk.

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"this 170# rb was our go-to pass blocking 3rd down RB last year.  i think that role worked great for him.  " 

I don't remember us having a good 3rd down RB last year except for the CF bowl.  He did run this well during this game but we didn't have a good 3rd down game last year.  With a little experience under their belt, the OL should be able to give O-Mac the ability to be a game changer. Either way, it will be fun to watch this year.  Looking for O-Mac to produce a lot of  :tdau::thumbsup: 

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Weights are subjective to who ever is ginving the info. This is one of the most mysterious things in football.in getting an accurate weight of a player. It's all over the place. One "source" says a kid weighs in at a scale crushing weight, then you lay eyes on him and there is no way it's accurate. It's crazy. Then you see articles (Cory Grant's or instance) that state a running back is 230 running a 4.3 forty....Then today we see he is weighing in at 200....Just typical off season talk.

I really don't think these weights are inaccurate. In fact there has been evidence of AU being more strict this year in terms of reported height and weight. The main evidence for this to me was a post on 247 comparing height and weight of players from last year to this year. There were MANY (at least 15) players who shrunk in height...which does not really happen until you are much older. They don't want to end up like Bammer sending a guy like Maze (listed at 5' 9") to the Senior Bowl only to show up at 5' 7"...just makes you look like a silly 4th grader pretending to be 5 ft tall.

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Why can't Ladarious Phillips lose weight?  He needs to get down to 270 or so, but he just continues creeping closer to 300.

I think LP has missed his opportunity...same size as when he arrived, has not responded to coaches wanting him to lose weight, now "personal problems" ...meanwhile Chiz continues to recruit younger kids for his position and they are working to make it on the field. 

My prediction is that LP is the last 2* we recruit now that the 4 year scholarship plan is in effect.  No more 'projects' or 2*/3* kids signed at the last minute because we still have a scholly or two left.  Meanwhile, the rest of his signing class seems to be working hard and I expect we will see a major difference on the field this season.

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With LD sitting out spring because of personal problems, I wonder, if he doesn't return, just who will be the back up tp Prosch?

good question.  I would guess one of the TEs.  Lutz was in effect our fullback pretty much in addition to his TE duties last year.  If we had a running play all you had to do was look for Lutz and you knew where we were going..

I would think it would be someone further down the depth chart than Lutz to be Prosch's backup

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With LD sitting out spring because of personal problems, I wonder, if he doesn't return, just who will be the back up tp Prosch?

i wonder if an off the radar guy like chris humphries could fill in admirably.  if he had a limited role and could focus on a some specific things to get good on, i think he could fill in nicely. 

also, there may be some other possibilities - this is a crazy idea - like burgess.  smart heady kid who is down to the 250's and may just be quick enough for 10-20 feet to throw a block.  he was the dark horse candidate at center last year - means he has to be able to block some, right?

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