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A Time to Hate


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Mods, I'm not sure if this is the correct venue for this post but it has at least a tertiary relationship with Auburn Football.

I know that a lot of you on AE visit other football message boards from across the country.  Personally, I have been on this site for only a year, and the only other board I visit on a daily basis is Bleacher/Reports.  I know a lot of you have varying opinions about B/R and I too find most of the information to be pure BS.  But there are some interesting articles/opinions expressed there and I find it entertaining and sometimes enlightening.

The articles/opinions are not the reason for this post.  The main reason is that I am stupid enough to read the responses from the audience.  From my limited exposure to this zoo I have noticed two distinct categories of comments:  1. Comments from SEC fans who absolutely hate every other school in the conference but theirs.  2. Every other school in the country that can't stand the SEC.  I can understand the second one because of the blatant braggadocio that some SEC fans exihibit.  I know that I am extremely biased but I can't understand why so many fans across the country hate Auburn.  What in the Hell have we done to them?

But, I do diverge.  My main reason for this post was to get fellow Americans to wonder:  What if Islamic terrorists were to discover these message boards?  Would they think "we should go to American University.  Perhaps they could teach how to really hate".

If anyone wishes to discuss this topic off-line please send me a note.  My Email is listed in my profile.

I personally wish that I could find a National NCAA football board where light-hearted banter could be exchanged.

By the way, I do realize that most of these comments come from uneducated yahoos but some of them, from the content of their text, are at least half-way educated.

War Eagle Forever

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To answer the question about Auburn, it's probably a combination of being part of the SEC and having won a national championship recently added to the faux controversy surrounding our star player that year. ESPN did their job: everyone in the country thinks we're guilty as sin. Had a guy on Athlon sports trying to ream me out about how I knew Cam got money, blah blah blah, and I had to give him a history lesson just to shut him up (not that he believed me, only he could tell that I knew more about it than him).

Of course, that was all part of a conversation about how Chizik deserves to be higher than 9th, and the guy was defending Vanderbilt's coach as being rated higher and trying to laugh at our ignoring of all the signs of Chizik being a bad coach, at which time I pointed out that he's won the Broyles Award, the Paul "Bear" Bryant Award, a BCS National Championship, and has had three straight top ten recruiting classes.

He gave up after that. I told him he didn't have to believe; all he had to do was watch.

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I'm more disgusted by the mainstream sports media across the country having some weird love affair with UAT. (Don't even get me started with their BS second chance at a national championship...)

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Part of the joy of being a football fan for me, is loving Auburn, and hating everyone we play. If I stop hating Alabama, then the terrorists win.    ;D

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I don't know what the answer is but I know I personally get mad as he!! about many of the comments I read... they are totally ridiculous.  Most of the folks doing that are anonymous, but nothing much happened to the ones that were not, like Scott Moore, Danny Sheridan, etc.  How Danny Sheridan is still associated with USA Today after that is beyond me.  Don't they realize he is just a hate-spewing, lying, slanderous bammer tool... have they no shame?  If some organizations would do the right thing and publicly fire some of these azzclowns, maybe it would let up?  But right now it is not only acceptable to spew any hateful lie you can come up with about Auburn, but it seems to be something they get credit for doing.

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Isn't a post spewing hatred of hatred....


... rather risky and akin to opening one's self up to such. 

I mock in jest, but suggest any post which purports to suggest terrorist and bammmer haters as

being homoousios, to be possibly just an opening salvo. 

And while at first thought, my initial reaction was perhaps you had belied a failure to truly understand

all the dynamics at play.  For we being one of those, who are all too often left from or not included in

the party, often do generate a certain ire.  But knowing this is something we cannot alone claim privy,

I truly fail to perceive any national angst toward us personally, not from the fan level.  Yes - many are

the complaints of favoritism toward those whom are the constant recipient, but that's not us but other

schools.  And thus so... me thinks you're merely looking for a fight.

Good Day,

(as I turn the cheek... and slowly walk away)

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Mods, I'm not sure if this is the correct venue for this post but it has at least a tertiary relationshop with Auburn Football.

I know that a lot of you on AE visit other football message boards from across the country. Personally, I have been on this site for only a year, and the only other board I visit on a daily basis is Bleacher/Reports. I know a lot of you have varying opinions about B/R and I too find most of the information to be pure BS. But there are some interesting articles/opinions expressed there and I find it entertaining and sometimes enlightening.

The articles/opinions are not the reason for this post. The main reason is that I am stupid enough to read the responses from the audience. From my limited exposure to this zoo I have noticed two distinct categories of comments: 1. Comments from SEC fans who absolutely hate every other school in the conference but theirs. 2. Every other school in the country that can't stand the SEC. I can understand the second one because of the blatant braggadocio that some SEC fans exihibit. I know that I am extremely biased but I can't understand why so many fans across the country hate Auburn. What in the Hell have we done to them?

But, I do diverge. My main reason for this post was to get fellow Americans to wonder: What if Islamic terrorists were to discover these message boards? Would they think "we should go to American University. Perhaps they could teach how to really hate".

If anyone wishes to discuss this topic off-line please send me a note. My Email is listed in my profile.

I personally wish that I could find a National NCAA football board where light-hearted banter could be exchanged.

By the way, I do realize that most of these comments come from uneducated yahoos but some of them, from the content of their text, are at least half-way educated.

War Eagle Forever


Thanks for taking the time to read Bleacher Report as I work hard to put content up that is informative and worth your time. Most all is opinion, but I am a Columnist, not necessarily a reporter. Some breaking news stuff happens, but mostly thought provoking stuff. I can only speak for myself so take that for what its worth.


The comments there are absurd at times. I rarely grace the "troll" attempts with responses unless it is completely out of hand. Haters gonna Hate though. There are some legit people on the articles looking for answers and contributing good exchanges.


rednilla hit the nail on the head. People HATE Auburn more than any other SEC team. People hate the SEC, but the Auburn stuff is really out of bounds. I think it is a host of different factors that make it happen, but the national media has not helped the Auburn cause like it has other schools. I am far from a tin foil hat wearer, but their is a love-fest with certain schools. (ie. Alabama, Ohio State, Florida)

I also think that Auburn needs to work on its image nationally a little more. Project her message with the fervor that others try and destroy it. That is somewhat a personal mission of mine. Changing the scene from within. Auburn is one of the most trafficked teams in the college football subsection of B/R. Top five consistently. Folks like yourself help keep the message flowing from me.

One thing that I think makes Auburn unique as well is the Love that surrounds the school and its people. Folks love to hate Love, if that makes sense. Others simply don't understand why the Auburn Family is such a tight group.

Keep up the good fight. War Eagle.


Ian Berg

B/R Auburn FC

Owner/Publisher Shug Jordan Parkway

Owner/Producer Shug Jordan Parkway Radio

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Mods, I'm not sure if this is the correct venue for this post but it has at least a tertiary relationshop with Auburn Football.

I know that a lot of you on AE visit other football message boards from across the country.  Personally, I have been on this site for only a year, and the only other board I visit on a daily basis is Bleacher/Reports.  I know a lot of you have varying opinions about B/R and I too find most of the information to be pure BS.  But there are some interesting articles/opinions expressed there and I find it entertaining and sometimes enlightening.

The articles/opinions are not the reason for this post.  The main reason is that I am stupid enough to read the responses from the audience.  From my limited exposure to this zoo I have noticed two distinct categories of comments:  1. Comments from SEC fans who absolutely hate every other school in the conference but theirs.  2. Every other school in the country that can't stand the SEC.  I can understand the second one because of the blatant braggadocio that some SEC fans exihibit.  I know that I am extremely biased but I can't understand why so many fans across the country hate Auburn.  What in the Hell have we done to them?

But, I do diverge.  My main reason for this post was to get fellow Americans to wonder:  What if Islamic terrorists were to discover these message boards?  Would they think "we should go to American University.  Perhaps they could teach how to really hate".

If anyone wishes to discuss this topic off-line please send me a note.  My Email is listed in my profile.

I personally wish that I could find a National NCAA football board where light-hearted banter could be exchanged.

By the way, I do realize that most of these comments come from uneducated yahoos but some of them, from the content of their text, are at least half-way educated.

War Eagle Forever

What really interests me about your post is how this "hate" seems to permeate through not just college football, but through all aspects of all cultures in the world right now.  There seems to be no room for discussion or compromise.  People who are basically good individuals want to indentify with a group and become involved in "group think".  The prevailing attitude of groups today seems to be, our group is all good and your group is all bad.  No matter how the lines are drawn, politically, geographically, by religion, by race, by class, or even by college football teams, the theme seems to be, we are responsible for all that is good and you and your kind are responsible for all that is bad.  I wonder if is a basic shift in how we think?  Is it a result of the media feeding the hate for profit?  Is it attitudes that have always prevailed but are more apparent now we have more opportunity to comment via the internet?

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Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. This world, and especially this nation has a herd mentality instead of a lone wolf mentality. It's,

"y'all let me know what I should think, because it's easier and takes less effort."

It takes alot of strength and courage to stand out from the crowd, and very few want to have the spotlight on them. And when that someone steps out and puts themselves in that spotlight, the herd hates them because they dared to separate themselves from what the group thinks. That's why people don't like others that have tattoos, or different color hair, or nose rings. Because they had the courage to be what they wanted to be and not what the crowd "said" they should be. Being different makes you unique.

Auburn has separated itself from bammer and in this state, if you go against the mighty turd, you are a piece of crap. They and the nation think Auburn should just know their role, and remember that they are not the state university and stop trying to outshine the "state" school. But Auburn doesn't give a rip about what those old school people think and that's why they hate Auburn so much. Because Auburn dared to snatch the spotlight away from bammer, and wouldn't conform to them.

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Icanthearyou, makes extremely good points and asked an excellent question.

I think in the heart of what people believe to be an anonymous environment, you get many reactions.

You get to see people's hopes, fears, anger, prejudices, humor, sadness, inability to deal wtih others and attempts at manipulating others. To me, it is more telling how people react to what they see online and blogs etc, than it is what you see in and of itself. There is no way to gauge the sincerity or lack thereof in online comments.

I believe humans have in few if any ways adapted to the fastness of technology growth, particularly when it comes to social media's. Few if any people would say to another's face what they dare to say online. Hopefully at some point, it will evolve to the point where we realize this can be a one to one interaction as well. It continually exposes the best and the worst in us.

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...  Is it attitudes that have always prevailed but are more apparent now we have more opportunity to comment via the internet?

Undoubtedly there are many who have found the Internet as a way to get out their message, or whatever, in ways they never could before.  And laws have not caught up with technology.

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Mods, I'm not sure if this is the correct venue for this post but it has at least a tertiary relationshop with Auburn Football.

I know that a lot of you on AE visit other football message boards from across the country.  Personally, I have been on this site for only a year, and the only other board I visit on a daily basis is Bleacher/Reports.  I know a lot of you have varying opinions about B/R and I too find most of the information to be pure BS.  But there are some interesting articles/opinions expressed there and I find it entertaining and sometimes enlightening.

The articles/opinions are not the reason for this post.  The main reason is that I am stupid enough to read the responses from the audience.  From my limited exposure to this zoo I have noticed two distinct categories of comments:  1. Comments from SEC fans who absolutely hate every other school in the conference but theirs.  2. Every other school in the country that can't stand the SEC.  I can understand the second one because of the blatant braggadocio that some SEC fans exihibit.  I know that I am extremely biased but I can't understand why so many fans across the country hate Auburn.  What in the Hell have we done to them?

But, I do diverge.  My main reason for this post was to get fellow Americans to wonder:  What if Islamic terrorists were to discover these message boards?  Would they think "we should go to American University.  Perhaps they could teach how to really hate".

If anyone wishes to discuss this topic off-line please send me a note.  My Email is listed in my profile.

I personally wish that I could find a National NCAA football board where light-hearted banter could be exchanged.

By the way, I do realize that most of these comments come from uneducated yahoos but some of them, from the content of their text, are at least half-way educated.

War Eagle Forever

What really interests me about your post is how this "hate" seems to permeate through not just college football, but through all aspects of all cultures in the world right now.  There seems to be no room for discussion or compromise.  People who are basically good individuals want to indentify with a group and become involved in "group think".   The prevailing attitude of groups today seems to be, our group is all good and your group is all bad.  No matter how the lines are drawn, politically, geographically, by religion, by race, by class, or even by college football teams, the theme seems to be, we are responsible for all that is good and you and your kind are responsible for all that is bad.  I wonder if is a basic shift in how we think?  Is it a result of the media feeding the hate for profit?  Is it attitudes that have always prevailed but are more apparent now we have more opportunity to comment via the internet?

A shift in how we think? Ha! Look back in time and tell me when it hasn't been that way. Remember the Holy Crusades? Christian soldiers going to right the wrongs of the Islamic takeover. Is that really so different? The masses of humanity have always been herded around and told what to believe.

It is what it is.

But let's keep the thread on point with Auburn football instead of reaching farther. I thoroughly enjoy such discussion, but it is not appropriate for this forum.

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Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. This world, and especially this nation has a herd mentality instead of a lone wolf mentality. It's,

"y'all let me know what I should think, because it's easier and takes less effort."

It takes alot of strength and courage to stand out from the crowd, and very few want to have the spotlight on them. And when that someone steps out and puts themselves in that spotlight, the herd hates them because they dared to separate themselves from what the group thinks. That's why people don't like others that have tattoos, or different color hair, or nose rings. Because they had the courage to be what they wanted to be and not what the crowd "said" they should be. Being different makes you unique.

Auburn has separated itself from bammer and in this state, if you go against the mighty turd, you are a piece of crap. They and the nation think Auburn should just know their role, and remember that they are not the state university and stop trying to outshine the "state" school. But Auburn doesn't give a rip about what those old school people think and that's why they hate Auburn so much. Because Auburn dared to snatch the spotlight away from bammer, and wouldn't conform to them.

Weegs is right, people don't want the responsibility for thinking for themselves.  I once followed Big Bird until I realized how foolish that was, then I became a loyal follower of Golf, but now, I am prepared to follow Weegs to the gates of hell if necessary.  We should think for ourselves.  Everyone who believes that should join me and follow Weegs. 

What do we do now Weegs?

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Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. This world, and especially this nation has a herd mentality instead of a lone wolf mentality. It's,

"y'all let me know what I should think, because it's easier and takes less effort."

It takes alot of strength and courage to stand out from the crowd, and very few want to have the spotlight on them. And when that someone steps out and puts themselves in that spotlight, the herd hates them because they dared to separate themselves from what the group thinks. That's why people don't like others that have tattoos, or different color hair, or nose rings. Because they had the courage to be what they wanted to be and not what the crowd "said" they should be. Being different makes you unique.

Auburn has separated itself from bammer and in this state, if you go against the mighty turd, you are a piece of crap. They and the nation think Auburn should just know their role, and remember that they are not the state university and stop trying to outshine the "state" school. But Auburn doesn't give a rip about what those old school people think and that's why they hate Auburn so much. Because Auburn dared to snatch the spotlight away from bammer, and wouldn't conform to them.

Weegs is right, people don't want the responsibility for thinking for themselves.  I once followed Big Bird until I realized how foolish that was, then I became a loyal follower of Golf, but now, I am prepared to follow Weegs to the gates of hell if necessary.  We should think for ourselves.  Everyone who believes that should join me and follow Weegs. 

What do we do now Weegs?


"The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"


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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. This world, and especially this nation has a herd mentality instead of a lone wolf mentality. It's,

"y'all let me know what I should think, because it's easier and takes less effort."

It takes alot of strength and courage to stand out from the crowd, and very few want to have the spotlight on them. And when that someone steps out and puts themselves in that spotlight, the herd hates them because they dared to separate themselves from what the group thinks. That's why people don't like others that have tattoos, or different color hair, or nose rings. Because they had the courage to be what they wanted to be and not what the crowd "said" they should be. Being different makes you unique.

Auburn has separated itself from bammer and in this state, if you go against the mighty turd, you are a piece of crap. They and the nation think Auburn should just know their role, and remember that they are not the state university and stop trying to outshine the "state" school. But Auburn doesn't give a rip about what those old school people think and that's why they hate Auburn so much. Because Auburn dared to snatch the spotlight away from bammer, and wouldn't conform to them.

Weegs is right, people don't want the responsibility for thinking for themselves.  I once followed Big Bird until I realized how foolish that was, then I became a loyal follower of Golf, but now, I am prepared to follow Weegs to the gates of hell if necessary.  We should think for ourselves.  Everyone who believes that should join me and follow Weegs. 

What do we do now Weegs?


"The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"


I'M ALL IN .......... CHARRRGE!!!!!!!!!!! :beatmullet:

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There was a great article a few months ago " The NATION views Auburn through the eyes of the B'ham press" or something like that. Every fan from outside the SEC that hates Auburn or thinks we got away with one in the Cam smearing needs to read this. It should be required reading for all haters to gain some perspective on the BS Auburn deals with 247/365. 

War Eagle !

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Haters are gonna hate we should let them stew in their anger and ruin their own day. The constant idea that everyone is out to get us is getting old it may hold some truth but the fact is that we should enjoy this envy. WDE

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There was a great article a few months ago " The NATION views Auburn through the eyes of the B'ham press" or something like that. Every fan from outside the SEC that hates Auburn or thinks we got away with one in the Cam smearing needs to read this. It should be required reading for all haters to gain some perspective on the BS Auburn deals with 247/365. 

War Eagle !

Do you have an internet link to this article?

War Eagle!

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Hating something is not good for anyone. I hate Bama but regardless of how I feel about them it will not change was bama is or does, only how I react to bama. I can change me but no one else, I don't care what bama does anymore or any other team. I now just support AU with all my heart and what happens to other teams is irreverent, good or bad.

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