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Anyone have any practice info?


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From Mr. Goldberg's twitter

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Auburn's Gene Chizik on practice: "I'd like to see more energy out there. I thought we were sluggish. I wasn't impressed at all."

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Gene Chizik on QBs: "There's nobody stepping forward right now. That's disappointing to see. I don't see lot of impressive quarterback play"

Kinda discouraging to hear.

I hope we are hearing just a lot of "coach speak". If it is as bad as they have been making it out to be, it may be a very long year for us.

Hopefully it is just coach speak. I know the pads are on now but the reports lately are quiet different than the ones AUQBDAD were giving this summer. And I certainly don't see DAD just hiting the boards to pump sunshine.
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Wow. For the first time I am starting to get a little worried about the QB position. We have a healthy QB who cannot separate himself from an injured QB. I know this coaching staff isn't big on heaping praise upon guys, but there has been almost nothing positive coming from the coaches compared to seasons past. Not just at the QB position, but across the board. A little disconcerting considering the season is two weeks away.

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From Mr. Goldberg's twitter

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Auburn's Gene Chizik on practice: "I'd like to see more energy out there. I thought we were sluggish. I wasn't impressed at all."

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Gene Chizik on QBs: "There's nobody stepping forward right now. That's disappointing to see. I don't see lot of impressive quarterback play"

Kinda discouraging to hear.

I hope we are hearing just a lot of "coach speak". If it is as bad as they have been making it out to be, it may be a very long year for us.

Hopefully it is just coach speak. I know the pads are on now but the reports lately are quiet different than the ones AUQBDAD were giving this summer. And I certainly don't see DAD just hiting the boards to pump sunshine.


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Wow. For the first time I am starting to get a little worried about the QB position. We have a healthy QB who cannot separate himself from an injured QB. I know this coaching staff isn't big on heaping praise upon guys, but there has been almost nothing positive coming from the coaches compared to seasons past. Not just at the QB position, but across the board. A little disconcerting considering the season is two weeks away.

I agree. I really hope that the coaches are just keeping everything close to the vest so as to not let too much out before the Clemson game.

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Here's my evaluation:

This is a ploy for Chizik to get the best out of all the guys in order to create the depth chart in the best way possible.

Summary: This is a challenge to the players, younger and older to show their best in order to get PT.


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From Mr. Goldberg's twitter

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Auburn's Gene Chizik on practice: "I'd like to see more energy out there. I thought we were sluggish. I wasn't impressed at all."

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Gene Chizik on QBs: "There's nobody stepping forward right now. That's disappointing to see. I don't see lot of impressive quarterback play"

Kinda discouraging to hear.

I hope we are hearing just a lot of "coach speak". If it is as bad as they have been making it out to be, it may be a very long year for us.

Hopefully it is just coach speak. I know the pads are on now but the reports lately are quiet different than the ones AUQBDAD were giving this summer. And I certainly don't see DAD just hiting the boards to pump sunshine.

This is why I would really like to here from AUQBDAD. Last year he warned that the season would be bumpy one and then this year he really seemed up beat about it. I dont know if its just because it looks like his son will be starting or if he realy thinks we looked good during practice. But from the coaches we have heard very little positive feedback. Really not sure what to expect from them at this point. I think our Defense is going to be better, just not sure what to expect from our Offense.

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I don't think there is any coach speak here. He seems genuinely pissed at how the QBs are performing. Philip Marshall described it as an "unloading" on the quarterbacks over at AU Undercover. He says he thinks the message was received by the QBs AND Coach Loeffler.

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I believe that we are hearing a bunch of coach speak.....Why would he want to heap more pressure on KF by bragging on him to the local media. I hope he continues to keep the expectation level of KF very low. The last thing our young QB needs is 90,000 fans expecting the second coming of Cam.

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Needless to say it's getting to be crunch time in naming a starting QB. I find it hard to believe KF is having a hard time in moving ahead of an injured CM for the starting job. If that is the case, this may not be year many of us expect. I'll put my trust in the coaches for they know far better than I do.

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Ok... it's official! Our QB's all suck... Our Offense is going to suck. We are gonna win 3-4 games TOPS! Danny Sheridan was right about the bagman and the bammers are gonna win the MNC again! :tease:

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Here's a few things I've learned during the down time:


Scot Loeffler will be calling plays from the booth this season. Clint's arm is still crappy. Wallace has been taking the 2nd team snaps at QB. KF will undoubtedly be the starter, although I think that has nothing to do with Clint's shoulder. Quan Bray and Trovon Reed have been stepping up in practice. OMac and Mason have been limited in practices by the coaches because they are the first 2 options. The OLine has been fluid because Grimes is still feeling out his young talent. I'd say the starters up front for Game 1 will be Robinson, Sullen, Dismukes, Kozan, and Slade barring injuries of course. I do expect the OLine to be fluid during the season as well.


Jonathan Evans has moved into the starting lineup at LB, along with Holland and Bates. Ford, Lemonier, and Whitaker will be starters on the DL; still waiting on another DT to step up. Whitehead and Ryan Smith are running 1st team at the safety positions. Therezie and Florence are banged up. Davis has been sidelined as well. Your starting corners will most likely be Therezie and Davis, though.

Too many videos to post so here's some links for your viewing pleasure:

Chizik and players

Loeffler and VanGorder interviews

Good stuff. Thanks for that!

This ^^^^

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here is my two cents. Frazier has always done well in a Gus system, a system that required the qb to do very little as far as reading a defense and calling a play. Gus had said himself that Cam would change a play and run it, and they would be like what are you doing and Cam was always right. He has all the skill in the world, but running a Gus offense forever, has not benefitted him. Frazier will get it, but it will take time and dedication way beyond he has ever done. He can't turn to the sideline to see what play to call, he has to now decipher and audible a play to attack the defense. It will take time, but he will learn how to do this, to some extent running a Gus offense forever has done him a disservice.

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I'd like to think that the lack of optimism with regard to offensive positions is just a direct result of our defense being that good/improved. Hopefully it will all work itself out once they go head-to-head with inferior defenses and everyone will settle in just in time to run all over everyone on the schedule, wde.

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From Mr. Goldberg's twitter

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Auburn's Gene Chizik on practice: "I'd like to see more energy out there. I thought we were sluggish. I wasn't impressed at all."

Auburn Gold Mine@AUGoldMine

Gene Chizik on QBs: "There's nobody stepping forward right now. That's disappointing to see. I don't see lot of impressive quarterback play"

Kinda discouraging to hear.

I hope we are hearing just a lot of "coach speak". If it is as bad as they have been making it out to be, it may be a very long year for us.

Hopefully it is just coach speak. I know the pads are on now but the reports lately are quiet different than the ones AUQBDAD were giving this summer. And I certainly don't see DAD just hiting the boards to pump sunshine.

This is why I would really like to here from AUQBDAD. Last year he warned that the season would be bumpy one and then this year he really seemed up beat about it. I dont know if its just because it looks like his son will be starting or if he realy thinks we looked good during practice. But from the coaches we have heard very little positive feedback. Really not sure what to expect from them at this point. I think our Defense is going to be better, just not sure what to expect from our Offense.

With these valid points in mind, I can see Dabby-doo putting the rush on our QB to open the game while we catch them off-guard with our new downfield bomber packages. After adjustments... insert Prosch-smash package. #hopefulPloy

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I'd like to think that the lack of optimism with regard to offensive positions is just a direct result of our defense being that good/improved. Hopefully it will all work itself out once they go head-to-head with inferior defenses and everyone will settle in just in time to run all over everyone on the schedule, wde.

I do get the sense that our D is improving. CBVG started out really demanding. I think he still is, but he sounds ... less displeased.

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<p><strong>LaDarius Owens 8/18/2012:</strong></p>

<p> </p>

<p><object id="flashObj" width="486" height="412" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,47,0"><param name="movie" value="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="flashVars" value="videoId=1791463444001&playerID=634644568001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAPLMIMAE~,kKetLjW2WxWxzSKDBsVhEGBzcng6UNxq&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" /><param name="base" value="http://admin.brightcove.com" /><param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="swLiveConnect" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1791463444001&playerID=634644568001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAPLMIMAE~,kKetLjW2WxWxzSKDBsVhEGBzcng6UNxq&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object></p>

<p> </p>

<p>Via <a href="http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/index.ssf/2012/08/ladarius_owens_battling_for_pl.html">Joel A. Erickson</a></p>

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I think this video should scare fans of other schools. Auburn D is on its way back -- maybe sooner than later.

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