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Who can buy these semi automatic guns ?


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All these gun issues, got me thinking...not that am interested in guns.

I was talking to a buddy of mine this week and he said people wouldn't sell these guns to me at gun shows or wherever. They would create some excuse to not sell it to me, because I fit a profile. Really ?

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Your talking about a private sale correct? private person to private person. Not registered fire arms dealer to person.

A registered dealer (gun store, academy, Walmart, etc) would have have to sell to you if you meet the background check and other requirements.

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His point was, I couldn't buy them at a Gun Show. Is that typically private gun owners?

Thanks for clarifying the difference, shows how much I know about the market.

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There can be both registered firearms dealers and private sellers at a gun show. Some states only allow dealers. Its the private gun sales that there is a concern about, but the press rarely explains that well or that the same sale (or trade) can take place between private individuals elsewhere.

Used guns have always been traded or sold between individuals in the United States. Some state regulate it. Many do not. Farmers and others engaged in barter would and still do trade something they owned for a rifle, shotgun, or something else they needed or wanted.

This article has explain a lot of it.


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Ive never been to a gun show. But i would imagine if you have green money you could buy whatever you want. I doubt your profile would matter, although i dont know your profile.

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