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Johnny Football in trouble?


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AJ green sold a bowl jersey for $1,000 and got suspended for 4 games. If JFB received $10k in improper benefits he can kiss his college eligibility goodbye.

The big IF....like.... if pigs could fly. This should not be about IF....it's about having proof that committed a violation...until then I would think any AU fan that remembers how AU and Cam were treated would have a little compassion for any other kid or school that might be getting the same treatment and drop all the speculation. We need to act like adults....

What is with the vituperative comments? My statement was not remotely accusatory. I clearly said "if," and not he did. Put the hair trigger up for the evening.

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BTW, why does every single thread have to be about Alabama? I hate them too but sometimes you guys talk about them more than their own fans!

...Perhaps because this is the "Rivals" forum and they're our biggest rival? :-\ :idea:

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BTW, why does every single thread have to be about Alabama? I hate them too but sometimes you guys talk about them more than their own fans!

...Perhaps because this is the "Rivals" forum and they're our biggest rival? :-\ :idea:

Yes this is a rivals forum but this thread is about Texas A&M, not UAT. I hate them as much as I do our other rivals, but not by much (if any) more; especially when we've had a better record against them in the past decade (6-4) than against Arky (5-5), Georgia (3-7) and :corndog: (3-7) . It's a bit annoying when Georgia week arrives and we're already talking about :zapbama: .

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AJ green sold a bowl jersey for $1,000 and got suspended for 4 games. If JFB received $10k in improper benefits he can kiss his college eligibility goodbye.

Yep, the NCAA has set a precedent for less minor offenses in this area. AJ Green lost 4 games, and 6 Ohio State players had to sit for up to 5 games for selling uniforms, discounts on tattoos, etc.. If this is true he will sit for at least a year. Manziel's family needs to get him an attorney to deal with the NCAA and TAMU, whether this is true or not.

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Uh-Oh. Joe Schad is weighing in on the situation. Looks like Manziel is screwed...

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AJ green sold a bowl jersey for $1,000 and got suspended for 4 games. If JFB received $10k in improper benefits he can kiss his college eligibility goodbye.

The big IF....like.... if pigs could fly. This should not be about IF....it's about having proof that committed a violation...until then I would think any AU fan that remembers how AU and Cam were treated would have a little compassion for any other kid or school that might be getting the same treatment and drop all the speculation. We need to act like adults....

What is with the vituperative comments? My statement was not remotely accusatory. I clearly said "if," and not he did. Put the hair trigger up for the evening.

Guess I disagree with your interpretation...I find the statement quite accusatory because IMO, the problem with IF type comments is that they contain a certain amount of an "assumption of guilt"...otherwise no one would be talking about the prospective penalties. On the other hand, I guess by using IF when talking about serious issues like this the writers is in a position to contend he or she is open minded about the issue...and maybe that's true. :dunno: who knows what's in a person's heart?

Then again, Stewart Mandel in an SI.com piece today has already declared that no matter what the evidence (or lack of it), just like in the Cam Newton case (which he dredges up for the umpteenth time) JF has already been found guilty by public opinion so the only issue is whether the NCAA levies some kind of penalty. At this point, it's not a question of whether JF actually committed the violation..... because about everyone living outside of College Station already thinks he took the money...and it's just a matter of the penalty he will pay....4 games, a season, ??

To Stewart's credit however, he has ceased wondering when Auburn will have to give back it's BCS trophy. Maybe there is hope for Auburn and Cam yet? Meanwhile, no matter what the outcome of an investigation, JF is a condemned man....at least in the eyes of many.

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AJ green sold a bowl jersey for $1,000 and got suspended for 4 games. If JFB received $10k in improper benefits he can kiss his college eligibility goodbye.

The big IF....like.... if pigs could fly. This should not be about IF....it's about having proof that committed a violation...until then I would think any AU fan that remembers how AU and Cam were treated would have a little compassion for any other kid or school that might be getting the same treatment and drop all the speculation. We need to act like adults....

What is with the vituperative comments? My statement was not remotely accusatory. I clearly said "if," and not he did. Put the hair trigger up for the evening.

Guess I disagree with your interpretation...I find the statement quite accusatory because IMO, the problem with IF type comments is that they contain a certain amount of an "assumption of guilt"...otherwise no one would be talking about the prospective penalties. On the other hand, I guess by using IF when talking about serious issues like this the writers is in a position to contend he or she is open minded about the issue...and maybe that's true. :dunno:/> who knows what's in a person's heart?

Then again, Stewart Mandel in an SI.com piece today has already declared that no matter what the evidence (or lack of it), just like in the Cam Newton case (which he dredges up for the umpteenth time) JF has already been found guilty by public opinion so the only issue is whether the NCAA levies some kind of penalty. At this point, it's not a question of whether JF actually committed the violation..... because about everyone living outside of College Station already thinks he took the money...and it's just a matter of the penalty he will pay....4 games, a season, ??

To Stewart's credit however, he has ceased wondering when Auburn will have to give back it's BCS trophy. Maybe there is hope for Auburn and Cam yet? Meanwhile, no matter what the outcome of an investigation, JF is a condemned man....at least in the eyes of many.

I don't think he took the money, sounds like a scam to me! The guy doesnt need the money, Somebody is scared of jf being a threat to a certain team! The timing couldn't be more suspicious to me, if ur gonna launch an investigation on him u need to do one in turdsville!! WDE
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If he did this it may be against the rules but I for one have no problem with it. These young men make the schools a lot of money. Why shouldn't they be able to get some themselves ? Many of them need it to help with other expenses they have while on campus. IMHO it is a stupid rule.

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I don't know why JM would take money for signing memorabilia. His parents are well off. His dad bought him a Mercedes to cruise around for heavens sake. My dad gave me a matchbox car and a can of turtle wax for my 16th bday. If he did take money then JM is a bigger fool than I thought.

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AJ green sold a bowl jersey for $1,000 and got suspended for 4 games. If JFB received $10k in improper benefits he can kiss his college eligibility goodbye.

The big IF....like.... if pigs could fly. This should not be about IF....it's about having proof that committed a violation...until then I would think any AU fan that remembers how AU and Cam were treated would have a little compassion for any other kid or school that might be getting the same treatment and drop all the speculation. We need to act like adults....

What is with the vituperative comments? My statement was not remotely accusatory. I clearly said "if," and not he did. Put the hair trigger up for the evening.

Guess I disagree with your interpretation...I find the statement quite accusatory because IMO, the problem with IF type comments is that they contain a certain amount of an "assumption of guilt"...otherwise no one would be talking about the prospective penalties. On the other hand, I guess by using IF when talking about serious issues like this the writers is in a position to contend he or she is open minded about the issue...and maybe that's true. :dunno:/> who knows what's in a person's heart?

Then again, Stewart Mandel in an SI.com piece today has already declared that no matter what the evidence (or lack of it), just like in the Cam Newton case (which he dredges up for the umpteenth time) JF has already been found guilty by public opinion so the only issue is whether the NCAA levies some kind of penalty. At this point, it's not a question of whether JF actually committed the violation..... because about everyone living outside of College Station already thinks he took the money...and it's just a matter of the penalty he will pay....4 games, a season, ??

To Stewart's credit however, he has ceased wondering when Auburn will have to give back it's BCS trophy. Maybe there is hope for Auburn and Cam yet? Meanwhile, no matter what the outcome of an investigation, JF is a condemned man....at least in the eyes of many.

I don't think he took the money, sounds like a scam to me! The guy doesnt need the money, Somebody is scared of jf being a threat to a certain team! The timing couldn't be more suspicious to me, if ur gonna launch an investigation on him u need to do one in turdsville!! WDE

Don't forget the grassy knoll. The Warren Report just didn't know where the skeletons were buried. :-\

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I don't know why JM would take money for signing memorabilia. His parents are well off. His dad bought him a Mercedes to cruise around for heavens sake. My dad gave me a matchbox car and a can of turtle wax for my 16th bday. If he did take money then JM is a bigger fool than I thought.


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I would not be surprised if this turns into a play by the Manziels to challenge the NCAA. I heard it reported that recently aTm had Johnny Football signing autographs for exclusive boosters (they payed the University not Manziel). Johnny's dad has stated before that he does not like the fact the school can make so much money off his son and his son can not make any money. The Manziels have the money to turn this into a nasty legal fight. There is already an active law suit against the NCAA for using players likeness in video games.

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Someone should tell JF that it is okay to do this, but you have to accept payment in the form of free suits, fishing trips, laptops or a new Dodge Charger. Apparently, those are the only "NCAA Approved" benefits. Cash is not acceptable, and will result in being suspended for as long as it takes to get past the bammer game on any program's schedule. If bammer is the last game of the year, or a bowl opponent, suspensions will be handed down at that point.

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Would be really interested to see how things would play out if they let Manziel play while the NCAA keeps investigating then have proof come out midseason. If they've played Bama and beat them by that point how does it affect the polls?

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Someone should tell JF that it is okay to do this, but you have to accept payment in the form of free suits, fishing trips, laptops or a new Dodge Charger. Apparently, those are the only "NCAA Approved" benefits. Cash is not acceptable, and will result in being suspended for as long as it takes to get past the bammer game on any program's schedule. If bammer is the last game of the year, or a bowl opponent, suspensions will be handed down at that point.

I love Auburn and I love that my sons went there.

So many of y'all have Saban and Alabama living in your heads that they ought to pay rent -- except that they already own the property, apparently. Everything that happens, fails to happen, might happen or might not happen as it relates to our football team can be traced to the REC or Saban,

It saddens me that so many of us seem to buy into conspiracies no matter how convoluted just because we HATE everything that Alabama stands for. If there was a Bitter Fan version of Alcoholics Anonymous, half the posters on here would need to join.

My brother is the same way. He'll get a few facts, or what appear to be facts, make his judgement, and it's full speed ahead and damn the rest of the story. I read post after post that says the KNOW something when they don't know anything except what they read from other posters that swear they know something. We want to believe every bad thing so badly that we become deaf to anything that might contradict our sense of 'it's all their fault that I'm a loser' syndrome. And when I'm talking about 'loser', I'm certainly NOT referring to our fine university.

It's time for some of you to suck it up (your gut, not your thumb) and look at what we can do instead of what they might have done.

Anyone that's ever read any of my measly few posts know that this subject is the one that gets in my craw more than any other. We can only control what we do -- be that building a powerhouse football program or bitching about those programs that do. Which do you think is more constructive?

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Bigger story is why anyone who threatens Alabama is automatically guilty. Joe Schad and company did this to us not too long ago. Support Texas A&M and don't assume Manziel is guilty just because ESPN says so.

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Remember this guy?

John M. Phillips@JohnPhillips 4h

I represent a person who has provided photos of Johnny Manziel signing at Drew Tieman's residence. It's clearly him signing lots of stuff.

He was the one edited this:


I supposed ambulance chasing just isn't scummy enough. He must also be a sports agent.

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Someone should tell JF that it is okay to do this, but you have to accept payment in the form of free suits, fishing trips, laptops or a new Dodge Charger. Apparently, those are the only "NCAA Approved" benefits. Cash is not acceptable, and will result in being suspended for as long as it takes to get past the bammer game on any program's schedule. If bammer is the last game of the year, or a bowl opponent, suspensions will be handed down at that point.

I love Auburn and I love that my sons went there.

So many of y'all have Saban and Alabama living in your heads that they ought to pay rent -- except that they already own the property, apparently. Everything that happens, fails to happen, might happen or might not happen as it relates to our football team can be traced to the REC or Saban,

It saddens me that so many of us seem to buy into conspiracies no matter how convoluted just because we HATE everything that Alabama stands for. If there was a Bitter Fan version of Alcoholics Anonymous, half the posters on here would need to join.

My brother is the same way. He'll get a few facts, or what appear to be facts, make his judgement, and it's full speed ahead and damn the rest of the story. I read post after post that says the KNOW something when they don't know anything except what they read from other posters that swear they know something. We want to believe every bad thing so badly that we become deaf to anything that might contradict our sense of 'it's all their fault that I'm a loser' syndrome. And when I'm talking about 'loser', I'm certainly NOT referring to our fine university.

It's time for some of you to suck it up (your gut, not your thumb) and look at what we can do instead of what they might have done.

Anyone that's ever read any of my measly few posts know that this subject is the one that gets in my craw more than any other. We can only control what we do -- be that building a powerhouse football program or bitching about those programs that do. Which do you think is more constructive?

AuburnDad, those are all good points but they will likely fall on deaf ears. The mindset of loathing everything about "the other guys" and blaming it all on this is already ingrained in our culture. The same people who are spouting off conspiracy theories about their football team's rival will likely be blasting others for not letting them practice their religion the way they want to or decrying whichever political party they don't belong to as "ruining this great country of ours." It's simply a manifestation of peoples need to belong to a group/movement and it isn't going to change anytime soon and no amount of logical responses to knee jerk conspiracy theories will make any difference.

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Bigger story is why anyone who threatens Alabama is automatically guilty. Joe Schad and company did this to us not too long ago. Support Texas A&M and don't assume Manziel is guilty just because ESPN says so.

Schad was on ESPN sunday afternoon doing just this

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