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Sharpton Decides Sony Is Racist

Proud Tiger

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If old al wants to see the biggest RACIST in America.....All he need do is look in a mirror..............

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TexT.....It's a secret. You wouldn't understand.

Do you know what he is referencing?

Good point.

Google "Sony racist emails," Proud.

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The man knows no shame.


What is your objection?

Having seen the video, I'd say most Americans would object to the derogatory manner by which A.S. references the 1950's, as being so horrible here in the US, and that Sony in 2014 is so completely stuck in the past, that no advancements have been made.

The guy is a walking race baiter, and profits from the destruction HE promotes.

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Atta boy Ben....come to Sharpton's rescue.

I have my own issues with Sharpton. Planning on following my suggestion to gain some context or are we going to start flinging bombs at one another?

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Atta boy Ben....come to Sharpton's rescue.

I have my own issues with Sharpton. Planing on following my suggestion to gain some context or are we going to start flinging bombs at one another?

I didn't think racist remarks actually counted when they're made by liberals? I would also say that the back and forth emails between 2 people wherein they privately joked about Obama's likely movie preferences hardly justifies branding an entire company as racist

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I have all the context I need about Sharpton. He is the #1 racist in the US. and maybe the world

I'll take that as a no. Guess it's time to start flinging bombs, then!

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

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I agree with James Wood. Sharpton is nothing but a race racketeer and tax cheat and has blood on his hands after 2 of NYPD were maliciously murdered.

Boy, talk about a classical use of the "scape goat" gambit!

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I have all the context I need about Sharpton. He is the #1 racist in the US. and maybe the world

So you need no facts to start a thread?

Facts? They don't need no stickin' facts!

Hell, they can start and maintain a thread without facts.

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I agree with James Wood. Sharpton is nothing but a race racketeer and tax cheat and has blood on his hands after 2 of NYPD were maliciously murdered.

Amen and amen
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I'm still confused on the whole Sony issue.

So is it not OK to accuse them of being racist now? Cause just less than a couple of weeks or so ago, it was OK to point out liberal hypocrisy in Hollywood and deem the entire industry racist.

You know. The one where the author of the article complained about stereotyping (despite being fired for doing that to others), then the liberal female was calling the liberals racist, then the conservative African-American (the one guy that should of been offended or using this as cannon fodder) was this is nothing but good natured ribbing.

Cause back then it was ok to point out that there are racists and call people racist in Hollywood. But now if Sharpton does the exact same thing, the industry is no longer racist?

So does this mean that Fox was race baiting by it's printing of a article that stated the same, and then even had two radio personalities go head to head on the issue of race lead there by a Fox host on Fox's channel? Because they did the exact same thing as Sharpton. Bring out the emails and claim they were racist in a industry that itself has been and is still racist.

In this case, I fail to see a difference in Sharptons message and Juan Williams.

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Ben....ref. your post #13 above. You have hit a new low for all time for very one who has ever posted here. I threw no bombs at you. By your own admission you "took it that way." Do you have the guts to tell me those things face to face?

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Ben....ref. your post #13 above. You have hit a new low for all time for very one who has ever posted here. I threw no bombs at you. By your own admission you "took it that way." Do you have the guts to tell me those things face to face?

You really need to up your pop culture reference IQ.

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Titan....you must be confused to allow the over the top name calling by Ben in #13 above.

Sad that a moderator like you allows this kind of stuff.

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Titan....you must be confused to allow the over the top name calling by Ben in #13 above.

Sad that a moderator like you allows this kind of stuff.

Do I seriously need to explain the joke? :rolleyes:

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