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JHS - The 'Other' Endzone

logan adams

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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

Thanks for that information. So in this case, he has a safety net which are the TU people and BOT. He is still is the front and center to mass fanbase.. I like some information more than none.. But I would like what we get to be finalized when announced. Much like the jumbo tron.

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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

Thanks for that information. So in this case, he has a safety net which are the TU people and BOT. He is still is the front and center to mass fanbase.. I like some information more than none.. But I would like what we get to be finalized when announced. Much like the jumbo tron.

If parts were still available for the old jumbo tron there would not be a new one being installed right now.

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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

Thanks for that information. So in this case, he has a safety net which are the TU people and BOT. He is still is the front and center to mass fanbase.. I like some information more than none.. But I would like what we get to be finalized when announced. Much like the jumbo tron.


As fans/alum/financial supporters of AU, we all like information about AU. I simply fail to see the need to dribble out information that hasn't been fully vetted and finalized by the BOT/TU people. It's like they use Jacobs like a puppet or a front man in a circus. When stories get piece-milled out like this it appears Jacobs is working fast as a cat in a litter box covering up the crap. Jacobs wants everyone to "think" the buck stops with him, "the plans didn't meet MY expectations for excellence" lololol........Just keep this news under wraps until the real AU men in power are satisfied, then once final renderings/financing have been finalized, go to the media and let it be known.

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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

Thanks for that information. So in this case, he has a safety net which are the TU people and BOT. He is still is the front and center to mass fanbase.. I like some information more than none.. But I would like what we get to be finalized when announced. Much like the jumbo tron.

If parts were still available for the old jumbo tron there would not be a new one being installed right now.

That's depressing, however I suppose we could say if the locker rooms were not better, or concession stands not better, we would not be talking north endzone either. Everything has a reason. I like we are moving forward, and am ready to get to finalized and approved rendering that meet my expectations. Lol.

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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

That's exactly right and it begs certain questions. If the plan didn't meet your own "high standards" and "expectations", what are you doing presenting it to the board? When you are having weekly meetings with the architects why did the plan ever get to that point in the first place ? Finally, where were those "high standards" and "expectations" during those weekly meetings ?
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I have no beef with it, he is the central spokesman on this, mine as well take ownership.

So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

That's exactly right and it begs certain questions. If the plan didn't meet your own "high standards" and "expectations", what are you doing presenting it to the board? When you are having weekly meetings with the architects why did the plan ever get to that point in the first place ? Finally, where were those "high standards" and "expectations" during those weekly meetings ?

Sure....makes sense for him to blame the delay on the BOT....always good policy to blame the boss who over-rules your plan or idea.

As noted, might be good for him to avoid interviews on the subject.....but having spent about 30 years working with Architect and Engineering designers on projects of all kinds, I can say that it's not unusual to send the plans back to the drawing board (or cancel them outright) for a wide variety of reasons...architect gets carried away with the design, business conditions change, someone of influence imposes themselves into the process or someone has second thoughts about the design......shoot who knows? ...but more importantly.....why does it matter who did not like the proposal?

For whatever reason ....it's back to the drawing board....which IMO is better than just marching along because some architect though he had a good plan and JJ or someone else was reluctant to pull the plug because they might look bad.

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So true...... but that does not give the anti-Jacobs cadre an excuse for another negative post.

Bottom line...HOK did not provide a suitable plan. JJ has about 20 bosses...not to mention the PTB....quibbling over who "was not satisfied" is just pettiness.

And that plan that HOK presented was approved by Jacobs. That my point. The TU people and the BOT rejected the plan. How do you think this got put in front of the powers that be?

I'm not anti Jay Jacobs. He is just over his head. That's all. He really needs to stop doing interviews and stay out of the limelight.

That's exactly right and it begs certain questions. If the plan didn't meet your own "high standards" and "expectations", what are you doing presenting it to the board? When you are having weekly meetings with the architects why did the plan ever get to that point in the first place ? Finally, where were those "high standards" and "expectations" during those weekly meetings ?

Sure....makes sense for him to blame the delay on the BOT....always good policy to blame the boss who over-rules your plan or idea.

As noted, might be good for him to avoid interviews on the subject.....but having spent about 30 years working with Architect and Engineering designers on projects of all kinds, I can say that it's not unusual to send the plans back to the drawing board (or cancel them outright) for a wide variety of reasons...architect gets carried away with the design, business conditions change, someone of influence imposes themselves into the process or someone has second thoughts about the design......shoot who knows? ...but more importantly.....why does it matter who did not like the proposal?

For whatever reason ....it's back to the drawing board....which IMO is better than just marching along because some architect though he had a good plan and JJ or someone else was reluctant to pull the plug because they might look bad.

You speculate that it is the board, WDE says it is JJ, seemingly speaking from inside knowledge. I am just looking at the public statements and comparing them to my own experience.

The questions I posed would be asked of anybody in charge of a project making those same kind of statements, not because it is JJ. Tough questions should be asked to ensure the process doesn't continue in the same manner. Based on my experience, the best way to do that is with more accountability and less acceptance of spin. That my good Auburn friend, and I mean that, is why it all matters.

After all, people are getting paid some very good money to manage all this.

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