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Thinking about jumping ship


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Maybe I was too harsh on you Lewis. Your allegiance is your allegiance, not anyone else's. I'm a third generation Auburn graduate. Orange and Blue is who I am. I have heard many times growing up from relatives I have on the other side that I must be "green with envy" about what Alabama fans have. I didn't really know how to respond to that in an intelligent way until I actually got the privilege of living what so many alumni on this board and throughout the country have: my personal Auburn experience.

When you go to Auburn University, you are no longer just a fan. You are no longer just a statistic counted in a gameday stadium or a sale made off a Walmart rack. You are an Auburn man or Auburn woman. As cliche and perhaps tired as that title gets, it's true. Read that Creed about what Auburn men and Auburn women should be and see if the qualities laid out are important to you. I went from reading the Creed in the middle of a football program during halftime at an Auburn game at six years old to getting to aspire to its beliefs when I attended as a student twelve years later. I can assure you, after my Auburn experience, there is no green anywhere in me. There is only Orange and Blue.

I would not trade one day I had as an Auburn student to experience four (or five) years anywhere else. It is true my University doesn't have 15 titles credited to its football team. I don't get to claim an elevated self-worth based on what 85 men do on a football field. Do I love Auburn and want them to do well and hoist a national championship trophy? Of course. Do I wish Auburn University had more national championships in football? Absolutely. Like I said, "I" don't get to claim the titles other fanbases get to. But that's okay. I get to claim to be an alumni of one of the best universities in the nation. I get to claim to have had my character shaped and defined by my experiences at Auburn University. I get to claim kissing a beautiful Auburn girl in front of Samford Hall on a Fall Saturday night. I get to claim the Auburn Family, as dysfunctional as we all are, and watch us shape together the University, not the football team, we love. I get to claim the wisdom and knowledge learned at state of the art Engineering facilities (probably would have learned more if Shelby wasn't so close to Skybar) that helped me land the job I have today. I get to claim the quirky traditions like Hey Day and Toomers' Corner, and get to claim the awesome memories made in so many of the places on the "loveliest village." No, "I" do not get to claim 3, 5, 17, 27, national titles, but that's okay. Auburn taught me that "I can count only on what I EARN." Wherever I go in life and who I become isn't going to be shaped by an excess or lack of national titles, but I can guarantee you it will and has been shaped by what I experienced on the grounds of Auburn University. No, "I" can't claim football titles. But I CAN claim Auburn University, and I will not shrink to tell everyone that I am proud Auburn University can claim me as one of her alumni too. Good luck in your decision, Lewis. War Eagle.

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Maybe I was too harsh on you Lewis. Your allegiance is your allegiance, not anyone else's. I'm a third generation Auburn graduate. Orange and Blue is who I am. I have heard many times growing up from relatives I have on the other side that I must be "green with envy" about what Alabama fans have. I didn't really know how to respond to that in an intelligent way until I actually got the privilege of living what so many alumni on this board and throughout the country have: my personal Auburn experience.

When you go to Auburn University, you are no longer just a fan. You are no longer just a statistic counted in a gameday stadium or a sale made off a Walmart rack. You are an Auburn man or Auburn woman. As cliche and perhaps tired as that title gets, it's true. Read that Creed about what Auburn men and Auburn women should be and see if the qualities laid out are important to you. I went from reading the Creed in the middle of a football program during halftime at an Auburn game at six years old to getting to aspire to its beliefs when I attended as a student twelve years later. I can assure you, after my Auburn experience, there is no green anywhere in me. There is only Orange and Blue.

I would not trade one day I had as an Auburn student to experience four (or five) years anywhere else. It is true my University doesn't have 15 titles credited to its football team. I don't get to claim an elevated self-worth based on what 85 men do on a football field. Do I love Auburn and want them to do well and hoist a national championship trophy? Of course. Do I wish Auburn University had more national championships in football? Absolutely. Like I said, "I" don't get to claim the titles other fanbases get to. But that's okay. I get to claim to be an alumni of one of the best universities in the nation. I get to claim to have had my character shaped and defined by my experiences at Auburn University. I get to claim kissing a beautiful Auburn girl in front of Samford Hall on a Fall Saturday night. I get to claim the Auburn Family, as dysfunctional as we all are, and watch us shape together the University, not the football team, we love. I get to claim the wisdom and knowledge learned at state of the art Engineering facilities (probably would have learned more if Shelby wasn't so close to Skybar) that helped me land the job I have today. I get to claim the quirky traditions like Hey Day and Toomers' Corner, and get to claim the awesome memories made in so many of the places on the "loveliest village." No, "I" do not get to claim 3, 5, 17, 27, national titles, but that's okay. Auburn taught me that "I can count only on what I EARN." Wherever I go in life and who I become isn't going to be shaped by an excess or lack of national titles, but I can guarantee you it will and has been shaped by what I experienced on the grounds of Auburn University. No, "I" can't claim football titles. But I CAN claim Auburn University, and I will not shrink to tell everyone that I am proud Auburn University can claim me as one of her alumni too. Good luck in your decision, Lewis. War Eagle.

Posts like this are just what I needed. Thank you for that. My post was something that has been on my mind off and on lately and knew I could come here to get support from you guys/gals. Thank you all who have understood my situation and had helpful advice.


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I've said before that if football causes enough anxiety that it would cause you to contemplate looking for another team or it causes you to have horrible days, then you are way too deep into it. Life will go on with or without football. And in a perfect world, we would never have to worry about looking for another school if football is down because the other sports are just as capable at winning. I'm just saying, Bruce Pearl may make things a lot easier to deal with this offseason.

And friends don't let friends become bammer so that option isn't even in question.

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You're a graduate of one of the finest universities in this great country. That is a great accomplishment. I wasn't able to be one of the lucky ones to do that. Football will send you on a roller coaster ride no doubt.. Despite the season we've had and the circus surrounding CWM, I I wouldn't trade being a fan of Auburn for anything. We stick with our team and most importantly we stick with the school. Football wasn't always this big of a deal and eventually it will be less of a big deal than it is now. That sounds strange but nothing like that lasts forever. The school and the things it does are the things to truly be a fan of in thus world., Auburn university has impacted so many lives for the better. That's why I love Auburn.

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Just start watching the Panthers. Don't give up on Auburn, we'll be back. Until then Cam will get you through.

thats exactly what i have done, along with AU basketball.....just lost all confidence in coach "double-bubble" and AU football
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What amazes me is folks don't think ups and downs happen elsewhere. Just a few short years ago uat was in a seven year losing streak to AU, and saben's first year saw a loss to a very bad ULM team. I promise in the next year or two they will lose NS and be back in the wilderness again just hoping to beat a team like ULM. The big difference in their fans and ours is they wash those bad memories out of their "facts". I love AU for what it stands for not how many wins the FB team gets this year. For 50 + years, every time I get the chance to return to AU it is a joyful experience. Lets go win this bowl game and get ready for another great year next year. WDE

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If you can't stick with us at our worst (and this isn't even our worst) you don't deserve us at our best.


Thanks for your support

Right back at ya. Fans that are only willing to be fans when times are good we like to call bammers. I'd suggest following womens BBall if you can't handle bad years (no parity there). No sense in letting a football team (that you don't even play for) affect your life this much. Who did you jump ship from in 2003 to suddenly become an AU fan? Maybe you could go back to them? The turds are always accepting bandwagon fans. We prefer not to. The thing here is that football has very little to do with being a true Auburn man or woman. If you're really looking for reasons to feel better about Auburn, I'd suggest you start a thread asking why people love Auburn so much. If the responses you get there don't cement you as a fan then nothing ever will. You could always change the title of this thread to "What would you say to convince someone how great Auburn is?" Or just start a whole new one. The stories and emotions that we Auburn men and women can share that aren't related to sports at all can bring tears to others who know exactly what it means. That's the response you're looking for if you want be an Auburn man or woman. If it's not what you're looking for, and all you want is a good football team and the rest doesn't matter, it's time to choose another team, because we aren't here for just a team, we're a family and there's no other place like it in the world. We could go 0-12 for 30 years and 95 percent of us would still be here talking about Auburn and how much we love it. So again, if all you want is a good team, it's time to move on to a team like bama who's average fan can tell you everything about the football team but couldn't tell you anything else about the place. We are a lifestyle, a choice of class and integrity and a decision to do what's right and good. The flip side is a win at all costs, integrity be damned mindset of a turd. Which one are you?

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I thought Auburn was a university. Yep. Says "Auburn University" on my diploma. Doesn't say anything "Auburn Football".

Auburn is a lot of things. First and foremost it is an institution of higher learning. It is an institution that produced men and women who have orbited the earth and moon (matter of fact STS-4 was an all Auburn crew with Ken Mattingly and Hank Hartsfield). It is an institution who's graduates are finding cures for diseases. It is a school who's graduates have led this country's finest men and women in defense of our nation. It is a small southern town with the best lemonade on the planet. It is rolling The Corner during our victories and holding our heads high in defeat no matter what venues those achievements and disappointments show themselves. Auburn is a family, a spirit comparable to no other. Auburn is a creed. It is a way of life.

I believe in Auburn, and love it. So does my seven year old son who is already learning to live by our creed. He knows many of the buildings on campus and at his young age already knows Auburn is far more than just a football team. It is Samford Hall, Foy Hall and the hotline. It's Niffers, the Supper Club (even if it will soon be a part of our history). It is Haley Center, even though we all hate it. It is Petrie Hall, the President's House, J&M, and Guthries.

You either are Auburn, or you aren't. War Eagle.

Amen....I'm a fan of Auburn University and all that it stands for. Football is fun to enjoy (or agonize over) but that is not what Auburn is about.

Maybe it just takes time for some more recent graduates to realize what a great opportunity Auburn provided them .....and to see the school in a bigger way.

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This may sound like a troll post or whatever you call it but I seriously feel like being a fan of another team. Idk...I don't watch any other sports and I don't necessarily want to not be an Auburn fan but I feel like I need another team to pull for. I've been an Auburn fan since 2003 and graduated from Auburn in 2009. I've seen/been to lots of great games but it's been tough being an Auburn fan. Does anyone else feel the same? If not, will you talk me down from the ledge?

Are you really this weak? Damn, grow a pair.

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This may sound like a troll post or whatever you call it but I seriously feel like being a fan of another team. Idk...I don't watch any other sports and I don't necessarily want to not be an Auburn fan but I feel like I need another team to pull for. I've been an Auburn fan since 2003 and graduated from Auburn in 2009. I've seen/been to lots of great games but it's been tough being an Auburn fan. Does anyone else feel the same? If not, will you talk me down from the ledge?

Are you really this weak? Damn, grow a pair.

The Muschamp school of how to win friends and influence people.... :)

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This may sound like a troll post or whatever you call it but I seriously feel like being a fan of another team. Idk...I don't watch any other sports and I don't necessarily want to not be an Auburn fan but I feel like I need another team to pull for. I've been an Auburn fan since 2003 and graduated from Auburn in 2009. I've seen/been to lots of great games but it's been tough being an Auburn fan. Does anyone else feel the same? If not, will you talk me down from the ledge?

Your time as a fan includes some of our best years. Hard for me to sympathize. Bama's doing well-- maybe you should pull for them. Walmart can hook you up with the attire.

Definitely won't be an Alabama fan. Just can't do it. And you're right...I think we've had our best and worst years since I've been a fan. I just hate not being competitive at all when we aren't having an incredible season (04, 10, 13)

Failures make triumphs much more enjoyable. If you are an Auburn grad then you of all people should know that Auburn is much more than football and the world should never revolve around a sport. We have enough of those folks in this state and it's pretty clear the kind of life they lead......


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To the OP, I was trying to find a way to be empathetic. But, honestly, I have never felt this way in my life. Not about Auburn.

I'm not even sympathetic to your point of view.

I guess if you really feel like your allegiance to Auburn is optional, I don't want to try to talk you down from the ledge.

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I've said before that if football causes enough anxiety that it would cause you to contemplate looking looking for another team or it causes you to have angry days, then you are way too deep into it. Life will go on with or without football. And in a perfect world, we would never have to worry about looking for another school if football is down because the other sports are just as capable at winning. I'm just saying, Bruce Pearl may make things a lot easier to deal with this offseason.

And friends don't let friends become bammer so that option isn't even in question.


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I also grew up an Alabama fan until I attended the fine Auburn University. I even held out for a year or so before succumbing to the inevitable. It seemed all I heard as a youngster are the naysayers and the poor mouthers about everything Auburn, and nothing but cultish love for the Bear and the Tide, all the dumb jokes, all the 'backwards redneck' comments, calling everyone 'barn rats', etc...Granted, this didn't come from my family, but friends, acquaintances and others just taking jabs at anything and everything they saw in orange and blue.

You get to the Loveliest Village and it doesn't take long to realize just how wrong those people were, and how they had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. It is a great school, in a quaint college town, with wonderful, passionate people who love and support the university, the athletics programs and everything else in between.

I made an about face in the early 90's while attending Auburn and have never once looked back. It's been more than 20 years since I graduated from Auburn University, and still get back every chance I get. I believe in Auburn and LOVE it.

Stick with us man. It's a roller coaster right now for sure. it won't always be this way.


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I thought Auburn was a university. Yep. Says "Auburn University" on my diploma. Doesn't say anything "Auburn Football".

Auburn is a lot of things. First and foremost it is an institution of higher learning. It is an institution that produced men and women who have orbited the earth and moon (matter of fact STS-4 was an all Auburn crew with Ken Mattingly and Hank Hartsfield). It is an institution who's graduates are finding cures for diseases. It is a school who's graduates have led this country's finest men and women in defense of our nation. It is a small southern town with the best lemonade on the planet. It is rolling The Corner during our victories and holding our heads high in defeat no matter what venues those achievements and disappointments show themselves. Auburn is a family, a spirit comparable to no other. Auburn is a creed. It is a way of life.

I believe in Auburn, and love it. So does my seven year old son who is already learning to live by our creed. He knows many of the buildings on campus and at his young age already knows Auburn is far more than just a football team. It is Samford Hall, Foy Hall and the hotline. It's Niffers, the Supper Club (even if it will soon be a part of our history). It is Haley Center, even though we all hate it. It is Petrie Hall, the President's House, J&M, and Guthries.

You either are Auburn, or you aren't. War Eagle.

GREAT POST!!! lewisbr, read the creed and read the "I am Auburn" poem. You will step away from the ledge quickly and wonder why you wrere ever on the ledge. I have been an Auburn fan all my life. My first live game was in 1968. I walked on as a slow Split End (WR in 1975) and after a groin injury on the 3rd day of fall practice, Coach Jordan told me he appreciated me coming out but he didn't see it working out. We have many, many ups and downs throughout the years. But through it all I have been there. As Coach Dye once said 'Auburn fans love Auburn, Alabama fans love Alabama football'. Auburn is more than a football team, it is a feeling and a lifestyle. From the Creed... "And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it. Welcome back, lewisbr. WAR EAGLE!!

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I thought Auburn was a university. Yep. Says "Auburn University" on my diploma. Doesn't say anything "Auburn Football".

Auburn is a lot of things. First and foremost it is an institution of higher learning. It is an institution that produced men and women who have orbited the earth and moon (matter of fact STS-4 was an all Auburn crew with Ken Mattingly and Hank Hartsfield). It is an institution who's graduates are finding cures for diseases. It is a school who's graduates have led this country's finest men and women in defense of our nation. It is a small southern town with the best lemonade on the planet. It is rolling The Corner during our victories and holding our heads high in defeat no matter what venues those achievements and disappointments show themselves. Auburn is a family, a spirit comparable to no other. Auburn is a creed. It is a way of life.

I believe in Auburn, and love it. So does my seven year old son who is already learning to live by our creed. He knows many of the buildings on campus and at his young age already knows Auburn is far more than just a football team. It is Samford Hall, Foy Hall and the hotline. It's Niffers, the Supper Club (even if it will soon be a part of our history). It is Haley Center, even though we all hate it. It is Petrie Hall, the President's House, J&M, and Guthries.

You either are Auburn, or you aren't. War Eagle.

I came in to post something similar but you stated it better than I could have.

To me, Auburn is much much more than a football team. War Eagle

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If you are seriously considering this you are not and never have been an Aub period! A lot of people who are fans of other schools graduate from Auburn with a quality education and go on to successful lives, however, those who really believe in the Auburn Creed and embrace the Auburn Family are there for life and understand that life has its' ups and downs. I don't think you are a troll, I just think that like so many, the only validation you can have in life is to back a winner and when your replacement starts to lose you will move on from them. WDE and IGTBAAT

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If you are seriously considering this you are not and never have been an Aub period! A lot of people who are fans of other schools graduate from Auburn with a quality education and go on to successful lives, however, those who really believe in the Auburn Creed and embrace the Auburn Family are there for life and understand that life has its' ups and downs. I don't think you are a troll, I just think that like so many, the only validation you can have in life is to back a winner and when your replacement starts to lose you will move on from them. WDE and IGTBAAT

Likely doesn't even know what IGTBAAT is or means...

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This may sound like a troll post or whatever you call it but I seriously feel like being a fan of another team. Idk...I don't watch any other sports and I don't necessarily want to not be an Auburn fan but I feel like I need another team to pull for. I've been an Auburn fan since 2003 and graduated from Auburn in 2009. I've seen/been to lots of great games but it's been tough being an Auburn fan. Does anyone else feel the same? If not, will you talk me down from the ledge?

If you are questioning this. You are not a fan to begin with. Later dude.

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I can't believe you actually attended Auburn University and got a diploma based on this post. You are a troll.


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Outstanding post Flyer99!

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