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Mix Thinking About the NFL


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Guest Tigrinum Major
Friend of mine talked to him today.  he said hes stayin.


Good news for Auburn. I perrsonally don't like players leaving early, but hey, if someone had offered me a job making $200,000 a year right after my sophomore year, I might have taken it.

I don't think he would have been drafted, but I am not an NFL talent scout. He might have gone to a combine and impressed someone on a team like New England that doesn't look for stars, gotten drafted and be wearing a Super Bowl ring in about 13 months. Ya never know. I would never imagined Chris Grey lasting as long in the NFL as he has, especially as a tackle. I knew him when we were at Auburn and he was a great guy and a decent player, but I never dreamed he would have lasted as long or done as well as he has.

Good luck to AM no matter what he chooses. I hope he has 50 catches next year no matter where he plays.

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RE: Robert Johnson

If you dig deep enough, you'll find Johnson was cut by the Bears about three games into the season. Maybe earlier. He's not on the roster.

At last word, he's working out and going to try to make a roster again next season.

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Projected 6th Round (out of 7)

... Mix has 53 catches for 722 yards in the last three seasons, starting eight games. He said he initially told his parents on Christmas Eve that he was going to skip his senior season, but changed his mind while driving around a couple of weeks ago. The NFL's lukewarm report that he might go as high as the sixth round of the seven-round draft helped.

"It's not high enough for me," Mix said.  ...

That's might go as high as 6th Round. You don't have to be a math whiz to calculate what that means: undrafted free agent.

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found this article..., and they're both staying!!!

here's a snippet:


Times Sports Staff pmarsh9485@msn.com

AUBURN - Offensive tackle Marcus McNeill and wide receiver Anthony Mix said Wednesday they have unfinished business at Auburn.

That, they said, is why they'll return for their senior seasons instead of entering the NFL draft.

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