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Georgetown paper chimes in...


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For what its worth, my note to the future winner of a Pulitzer--no doubt. I did try very hard to remain cogent and fair...just to try a get a response to get her take on the feedback she is sure to receive.

My note:

Ms. Fohrer,

I suspect that you will receive a fair number of notes from Auburn fans in reaction to your recent article. Most will be irate...some may even unfair in how they characterize you because you are a woman ("What do girls know about football?" — they might say) or because you attend Georgetown ("What does anyone from Georgetown know about football?"). Much to my chagrin, some will even be ugly and embarrassing. I don't answer for them, so I can't apologize. Just know they are coming.

I also should say that I have never written an e-mail in response to a newspaper article with which I disagreed. Don't know why you are the first. But I did feel compelled to write.

I completely disagree with your characterization of Coach Tuberville. I don't think he was whining and your call for him to "grow up" is itself a sign of immaturity. Why do you feel the need to tell him to grow up?

I also take issue with your claim that he made Auburn look "shameless and classless." I do not think you know very much about Auburn University or Tommy Tuberville. If you knew much at all, you would not be able to characterize him as one without class. I expect that a journalist would want to be at least somewhat accurate...even in an op/ed piece.

I, myself, as an Auburn graduate and employee, can tell you that this football season (which nearly constituted a religious experience for many people) was a bag of mixed emotion. We have been thrilled at the performance of our team. We have been overwhelmed at the character of our young men. We have also been bitterly disappointed that we were not able to have the chance to play for a national championship. Surely, you can understand why a community and a university would want to have a parade to celebrate. Maybe they don't have any silly traditions at Georgetown like ours of rolling Toomers Corner after big victories...but I suspect they do. That is part of what it means to be a fan and supporter of a University.

In sum, you may say that Auburn fans will spout off about you with things that are not accurate...that they don't understand you or your University. That is really true. But what makes this episode sad is that you have chosen to state your misinformed opinion with a 'by-line.' Fans aren't journalists. Your standard must be higher. Fair? Maybe not... but that is the way it is, as I see it.

To be fair, I bet you are a good student. Georgetown University isn't exactly "Slap-Out Tech." I don't doubt that you are a good student with a bright future. I also would be willing to wager that this article isn't your best work. Take some advice from a fan who disagrees vehemently with your take but has tried very hard to remain civil and straight-forward: Don't bother to put this article in your portfolio when you begin the process of trying to land a job as a reporter.

Good luck and I wish you better articles in the future,

Scott Greenwood 1988

ps--I don't suspect that you will bother with a response. You may see where I am from and hit the delete button but I would welcome any response you wish to make...especially if I have seemed unfair to you because I wanted very much to express myself fairly. Regards!

A. Scott Greenwood

Program Developer

Outreach Program Office

301 O.D. Smith Hall

Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5608

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What did you say tombigbee?


i really don't think that it would be appropriate to make it public since there so many ladies that use this forum.....it was not a kind and gentle response and it included things that could be associated with bodily functions and personal hygiene(sic).....it included some issues concerning her scial life and artificial insemination.... and i think that is enough to for you to get the gist of it....it was the nastiest email that i have ever sent anyone,even bammerboobs

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Why is this even posted who cares?


To show that this is what happens when you mix a Yankee, a Woman "sports" journalist, and a bammer...


Uhhh, not trying to be all thin skinned and hormonal here, but while I will go along with the mixture of a Yankee and a bammer as a sportwriter equaling a trainwreck, I would be willing to bet that there are quite a few women on this board quite capable of writing circles around some of the male sportwriters in the US when it comes to college football. :angry: So watch it.

War Tim, care to jump to my defense (and Ravad's and channonc's and tigger's...)?


As a proud AUBURN MAN, I can assure you that this "lady" knows very little, if anything, about the subject of her "report". As the Father of two intelligent and lovelly Daughters and the proud Husband of my lovelly Bride, I can tell you that to assume one does not know anything about Football because she is female is just flat out ignorance.

I am a football junky and an AU Season ticket holder for 20 consecutive years.

My oldest Daughter, the former AU Tigerette, Not only knows more about the sport than most people I know, but, she assisted in the recruitment of this years TEAM.

Jenny has PROVEN to be the undisputed AU Football Goddess of the AU Nation. B)

The opinion of her and the other ladies on this board make it more fun and ultimately more informative. :thumbsup:

All that having been said, this Georgetown "chick" is a bovine clodpated moron.

(Somewhere just above a uater.) :big:

WAR EAGLE ! ! ! :au:

Death to all that is crimson (Just for you Jenny!) :D

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I told her to call Scott Van Pelt at ESPN if she wanted to find out what kind of place Auburn was. I could not remember the guys name from Syracuse. She needs to read both of those articles.

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She also said nothing about how Stoops accused ESPN of conference agendas...

But she DID imply that OU and USC earned their place in the Orange Bowl...as if Auburn didn't.  Hello?  Auburn is now the ONLY TEAM IN NCAA HISTORY to beat 5 10-win teams in one season....what a b!tch.


Hey buddy, sorry but we didn't beat 5 ten-win teams but 4! Lsu's final record was 9-3,,, Tenn. 10-3,,,,,GA 10-2,,,,, Va. Tech 10-3

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My e-mail to Kristen...


  You are sincerely entitled to your opinion of Coach Tommy Tuberville but in the future, you might choose to stick with the facts. In your article, you posted the following...

"During halftime, Tuberville stated that anyone who believed this to be the national championship game, without Auburn in it, was crazy."

  He made no such comment. In fact, you elected not to utilize quotation marks. In reality, he spoke highly of both teams and commented on how well Coach Norm Chow prepares his offense when he has more than one week to work with. For the record, he was invited to the Orange Bowl by ABC along with Urban Meyer and Nick Saban. You mentioned Auburn's parade to celebrate a championship season. What is wrong with rewarding these fine young men for winning the SEC Championship & posting only the 3rd, 13-0 team in SEC history? How dare you degrade what this team accomplished on and off the field.

You also mentioned Auburn's weak strength of schedule. Here is a link for you...


According to the NCAA, Auburn had the 5th toughest schedule this past season, which ranks higher than the participants in the Orange Bowl. I recognize the USC Trojans as the 2004 Mythical National Champions but I take offense to your shoddy attempt to attack Auburn University, it's players and Head Football Coach. Did you even attempt to interview Coach Tuberville yourself? Have you ever met the man or even spoken to him? I think we know the answer to my questions based on your bogus quote and lack of research subsequent to writing your article. Does your editor allow you to write anything you want? At such a young age, I would hope, "ethics" would still be a major component in your penmanship unless your ambition is to write for some grocery store tabloid.

Good Luck in your studies and career...

Her response...


  While I appreciate you taking the time to both read my column and reply,  I no longer have time to send out full responses. The quote came from ESPN.com. I wish you and the Tigers the best of luck in 2005,


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Hey buddy, sorry but we didn't beat 5 ten-win teams but 4! Lsu's final record was 9-3,,, Tenn. 10-3,,,,,GA 10-2,,,,, Va. Tech 10-3

Hey buddy, I count the SEC championship as a win over a team that ended with 10 wins. That makes 5. I mean, we had 5 chances to lose to teams with 10 wins but we didn't. We won them ALL.

And remember this: If Auburn defeats Virginia Tech and Tennessee, Georgia and LSU win their bowl games, the Tigers will be the only undefeated team in the history of NCAA football defeat five ten-win teams in a single season. The only one. Ever.

Kevin Strickland seems to think so too.

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Hey buddy, sorry but we didn't beat 5 ten-win teams but 4! Lsu's final record was 9-3,,, Tenn. 10-3,,,,,GA 10-2,,,,, Va. Tech 10-3

Hey buddy, I count the SEC championship as a win over a team that ended with 10 wins. That makes 5. I mean, we had 5 chances to lose to teams with 10 wins but we didn't. We won them ALL.

VaTech, UGA, Tenn, Tenn.

That's still 4 isn't it? Kevin Strickland said "IF" LSU won their game, which they didn't.

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Got an answer from Georgetown's finest (seriously she was pretty good lookin'):


Thank you for your email. I assure you, I read every email,even those headlined "you're an idiot." You are right about comments about Georgetown,mygender, etc. Anyway,I have spent the last 6 days responding to over 250 emails so I am now utterly behind in my classwork. I apologize I do not have more time to respond. Auburn fans have every right to be disappointed and also proud of their team. I believe it could have been handled differently. Sorry for thebrevit.Best of luck to Auburn in2005,



I wonder what she meant by the line: "I believe it could have been handled differently."

Did she mean the way CTT/AU responded after the BSC snub? Probably

Maybe, just maybe, she was saying she wish she had handled her article differently (a la, the Huntsville Times editor)??

Oh well...maybe we can make her ride in next year's "Parade of Champions!"

WAR EAGLE....always!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey buddy, sorry but we didn't beat 5 ten-win teams but 4! Lsu's final record was 9-3,,, Tenn. 10-3,,,,,GA 10-2,,,,, Va. Tech 10-3

Hey buddy, I count the SEC championship as a win over a team that ended with 10 wins. That makes 5. I mean, we had 5 chances to lose to teams with 10 wins but we didn't. We won them ALL.

VaTech, UGA, Tenn, Tenn.

That's still 4 isn't it? Kevin Strickland said "IF" LSU won their game, which they didn't.


Ah....thanks lswho. :lol:

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Guest Tigrinum Major
A. Scott Greenwood


Do you one day aspire to be The Scott Greenwood?

Sorry, that is an old A. Whitney Brown joke that I just couldn't let slip by.

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I got a reply...


If these words don't sting, why won't you all stop emailing? If I am just a silly girl up at a non-football school, what do you guys care what I think? Best of luck to Auburn in 2005,


And I wrote her back...

Again, you miss the point.  Yes, I love football with a passion, and have very little patience with someone who spouts off an opinion without bothering to check the facts first.  You aren't the only one I have written to this year - I have included male sportswriters in the bunch too.  The Auburn guys who emailed you did so to get their chuckles,  But there was something else about your article that really struck home with me.  My primary reason for emailing you to call you on the errors in your article is that every time a woman like you makes stupid remarks about sports, especially football, it makes it that much harder for another woman to be taken seriously in the same field.  You should have read some of the other comments on the Auburn message boards about your article.  They did not comment on the good grammar or the well formed sentences - you were just some silly girl trying to pretend to know something about football.

In the harsh reality of life, which you will see once you get into the real world, is that even though this is the 21st century, women do have to work harder and get all their ducks in a row sooner in certain careers which have long been held to be a man's world.  I am in the oil and gas business in Texas, and believe you me, this is about as good old boy as it gets.  Sports reporting is the same way.  Continue to write as you did, making inaccurate statements and popping off uninformed opinions without facts to support that position, and you will be at best dismissed and at worst ridiculed as just another dumb broad who got where she is by {insert your insult of choice here}.

I am not whining about "discrimination" or wanting special treatment because I am female - I work very hard and make my own way.  But you can be assured that when I go into a negotiation with ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco against a cadre of male attorneys, I have every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed, and I know that contract inside and out.  You need to take this as an object lesson, and if sports journalism is really what you want to do, you need to be more like Suzy Kolber on ESPN, and less like Lisa Guerrero, the FORMER ABC sideline reporter.

You should read this article about Suzy if you haven't already.  The link is http://www.youngmoney.com/careers/on_the_job/030718_01 .  Here is a relevant quote from that article:

During an exclusive interview with YOUNG MONEY, sportscaster Suzy Kolber spoke candidly about how women in sports are judged by different standards from men and her climb up the career ladder.

The sports anchor also received unwanted attention in 2002 when 60 Minutes commentator and resident grumpy old man Andy Rooney complained that "a woman has no business being down there trying to make some comment about a football game." She responded by saying, "He has a right to say what he wants, but from my standpoint, it's not a reflection of me. I clearly know what I'm talking about."

Granted, Andy Rooney is a hack, but I hope you see my point. Is it fair? Heck no. But I can tell you that I get a great deal of satisfaction out of being better than my male colleagues and often times the fact that the attorneys across the table have underestimated me works to my advantage.

As I mentioned earlier, your writing style, grammar, etc., are excellent. Just work harder on the content from now on than you did on that BCS article, and take something from this experience. One thing to note is that in this Internet day and age, something you write for your college newspaper can and will be blasted around the globe in milliseconds, so you'd better put in the extra effort to get the story right the first time.

Good luck to you.

See -Jenny isn't quite as bitchy today, and I tried to pass on some of my world-weary experience to a member of the younger generation. If we ever see this chick on the sidelines one day, we'll know she listened. :) If we see her on "Girls Gone Wild" - maybe not so much...

Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports. War Eagle!

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anyone sent anything to her editor?

her dismissive responses are unsatisfying!

that's what's wrong w/ journalists...they rarely have to answer for their cheap-shot words.


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I got a reply...

If these words don't sting, why won't you all stop emailing? If I am just a silly girl up at a non-football school, what do you guys care what I think? Best of luck to Auburn in 2005,


And I wrote her back...

Again, you miss the point.  Yes, I love football with a passion, and have very little patience with someone who spouts off an opinion without bothering to check the facts first.  You aren't the only one I have written to this year - I have included male sportswriters in the bunch too.  The Auburn guys who emailed you did so to get their chuckles,  But there was something else about your article that really struck home with me.  My primary reason for emailing you to call you on the errors in your article is that every time a woman like you makes stupid remarks about sports, especially football, it makes it that much harder for another woman to be taken seriously in the same field.  You should have read some of the other comments on the Auburn message boards about your article.  They did not comment on the good grammar or the well formed sentences - you were just some silly girl trying to pretend to know something about football.

In the harsh reality of life, which you will see once you get into the real world, is that even though this is the 21st century, women do have to work harder and get all their ducks in a row sooner in certain careers which have long been held to be a man's world.  I am in the oil and gas business in Texas, and believe you me, this is about as good old boy as it gets.  Sports reporting is the same way.  Continue to write as you did, making inaccurate statements and popping off uninformed opinions without facts to support that position, and you will be at best dismissed and at worst ridiculed as just another dumb broad who got where she is by {insert your insult of choice here}.

I am not whining about "discrimination" or wanting special treatment because I am female - I work very hard and make my own way.  But you can be assured that when I go into a negotiation with ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco against a cadre of male attorneys, I have every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed, and I know that contract inside and out.  You need to take this as an object lesson, and if sports journalism is really what you want to do, you need to be more like Suzy Kolber on ESPN, and less like Lisa Guerrero, the FORMER ABC sideline reporter.

You should read this article about Suzy if you haven't already.  The link is http://www.youngmoney.com/careers/on_the_job/030718_01 .  Here is a relevant quote from that article:

During an exclusive interview with YOUNG MONEY, sportscaster Suzy Kolber spoke candidly about how women in sports are judged by different standards from men and her climb up the career ladder.

The sports anchor also received unwanted attention in 2002 when 60 Minutes commentator and resident grumpy old man Andy Rooney complained that "a woman has no business being down there trying to make some comment about a football game." She responded by saying, "He has a right to say what he wants, but from my standpoint, it's not a reflection of me. I clearly know what I'm talking about."

Granted, Andy Rooney is a hack, but I hope you see my point. Is it fair? Heck no. But I can tell you that I get a great deal of satisfaction out of being better than my male colleagues and often times the fact that the attorneys across the table have underestimated me works to my advantage.

As I mentioned earlier, your writing style, grammar, etc., are excellent. Just work harder on the content from now on than you did on that BCS article, and take something from this experience. One thing to note is that in this Internet day and age, something you write for your college newspaper can and will be blasted around the globe in milliseconds, so you'd better put in the extra effort to get the story right the first time.

Good luck to you.

See -Jenny isn't quite as bitchy today, and I tried to pass on some of my world-weary experience to a member of the younger generation. If we ever see this chick on the sidelines one day, we'll know she listened. :) If we see her on "Girls Gone Wild" - maybe not so much...

Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports. War Eagle!


Well Jenny, all I have to say is "You go girl" ! ! ! ! :big:

WAR EAGLE ! ! ! :au:

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Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports.  War Eagle!


I suggest we designate, or at least put to a vote, Jenny as the official football goddess of AUNation; so she doesn't have to rely on self-appointed titles.

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She has MY vote. (And, in Florida, She would have my vote TWICE ! ! !) :D

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Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports.  War Eagle!


I suggest we designate, or at least put to a vote, Jenny as the official football goddess of AUNation; so she doesn't have to rely on self-appointed titles.


There can be no true goddess without a playoff system. Show me the brackets.

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Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports.  War Eagle!


I suggest we designate, or at least put to a vote, Jenny as the official football goddess of AUNation; so she doesn't have to rely on self-appointed titles.


Football Goddess is not so much a title as it is a way of life. Not too sure I can assume an officially appointed title - too much pressure and expectation once you are official (right, WarTim, Official Caller of the Nip??) I have to WANT to be a goddess... :big: But I would appreciate continued love and support for as long as I wish to maintain the role. My hope is that one day I will be able to pass this calling on to Katie - unless she decides to become a freakin' corndog, and then she can go hang! :lol:

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A. Scott Greenwood


Do you one day aspire to be The Scott Greenwood?

Sorry, that is an old A. Whitney Brown joke that I just couldn't let slip by.


:roflol: I love that line! Used it many times..."I am not yet THE Scott, etc."

But alas, I am still only one of the huddled masses...yearning for a playoff.

Speaking of playoffs, love the bit about wanting to see the brackets for AUN goddess...Cool stuff, SCWarEagle!!! No offense Jen...I am sure you would be the #1 seed.

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Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports.  War Eagle!


I suggest we designate, or at least put to a vote, Jenny as the official football goddess of AUNation; so she doesn't have to rely on self-appointed titles.


Football Goddess is not so much a title as it is a way of life. Not too sure I can assume an officially appointed title - too much pressure and expectation once you are official (right, WarTim, Official Caller of the Nip??) I have to WANT to be a goddess... :big: But I would appreciate continued love and support for as long as I wish to maintain the role. My hope is that one day I will be able to pass this calling on to Katie - unless she decides to become a freakin' corndog, and then she can go hang! :lol:


"Don't let your babies grow up to be corndogs ! ! !"

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Oh, and as the self-appointed football goddess of the AUNation, on behalf of my fellow football goddess sisters on this board, thanks to all of you who recognized the fact that some girls do know sports.  War Eagle!


I suggest we designate, or at least put to a vote, Jenny as the official football goddess of AUNation; so she doesn't have to rely on self-appointed titles.


There can be no true goddess without a playoff system. Show me the brackets.



You got that right. No more voting for official football goddesses! They have to earn it on the message boards!

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I'm all for women knowing about football. My gf knows more about fb than half the guys I know. You just cannot beat being able to watch a game and have your gf yell at the refs for a bad call right along side you. :D :D :D

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