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Hillary's plan to defeat ISIS


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First thought -  She refers to them as  ISIS. Not ISIL. It's bugged me that most of the free world calls them ISIS, and yet Barry has stubbornly, childishly stuck w/ ISIL. 

But what ever name you give them.. why wait ? If she REALLY has some great strategy, what are she and Obama waiting for ? He can't get un-elected. How many more will die just so Hillary can use this promise to defeat Barry's JV team , but not until AFTER Jan 20th, 2017 ??? 

Seriously, think about this for a moment, and take your blue hat / red hats off for a second. 

Barry says ISIL is on the run. Decimated, and losing ground. Every day. By HIS reckoning, if we're to buy the spin, ISIL won't even BE by the time he leaves office. Now, he's made no such promise, wisely, but still... what's the hold up? 

And Hillary...SHE says it won't be easy and it won't be quick. It'll take a LONG time. 

So... ISIS is NOT so decimated as we're being lead to believe, huh ? Is that it ? 


Talk about an endless war ! 

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

First thought -  She refers to them as  ISIS. Not ISIL. It's bugged me that most of the free world calls them ISIS, and yet Barry has stubbornly, childishly stuck w/ ISIL. 

But what ever name you give them.. why wait ? If she REALLY has some great strategy, what are she and Obama waiting for ? He can't get un-elected. How many more will die just so Hillary can use this promise to defeat Barry's JV team , but not until AFTER Jan 20th, 2017 ??? 

Seriously, think about this for a moment, and take your blue hat / red hats off for a second. 

Barry says ISIL is on the run. Decimated, and losing ground. Every day. By HIS reckoning, if we're to buy the spin, ISIL won't even BE by the time he leaves office. Now, he's made no such promise, wisely, but still... what's the hold up? 

And Hillary...SHE says it won't be easy and it won't be quick. It'll take a LONG time. 

So... ISIS is NOT so decimated as we're being lead to believe, huh ? Is that it ? 


Talk about an endless war ! 

You are babbling, which again, may be fine for talk radio but doesn't cut it with the written word.

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 Too much for your mind to process? That's OK. You don't need to stay here. 

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15 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

 Too much for your mind to process? That's OK. You don't need to stay here. 

Who can "process" babble?  :dunno:  

Like they say:   junk in, junk out.

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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Who can "process" babble?  :dunno:  

Like they say:   junk in, junk out.



right over your head.

Got it. 

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, that's the problem.  It was just too sophisticated for me.   :laugh:

surprised you used that word correctly. 


So, unless someone's thoughts come from Huffpo, Slate or NPR, it doesn't merit any attention, huh? 

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31 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

surprised you used that word correctly. 


So, unless someone's thoughts come from Huffpo, Slate or NPR, it doesn't merit any attention, huh? 

That's called "begging the question".  It's a tactic commonly used by weasels to frame the debate in a way they think favors them.

If you were really sophisticated, you wouldn't bother using such a banal device.

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Swing and a miss, dictionary kid. It's called an honest and sober look at what is going on in the world. 

I guess your  blue hat is permanently glued onto your noggin, and there's no hope of having an open minded discussion on the matter. Or any. 

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13 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Swing and a miss, dictionary kid. It's called an honest and sober look at what is going on in the world. 

I guess your  blue hat is permanently glued onto your noggin, and there's no hope of having an open minded discussion on the matter. Or any. 

By the "world" I can only presume from your posts that you mean Raptorworld

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3 minutes ago, homersapien said:

By the "world" I can only presume from your posts that you mean Raptorworld

No, homer. Planet Earth. You know, you're standing on it ? I am specifically talking about Hillary and her " plan "  to defeat ISIS. She TALKED about this, in her speech. You know, the one you have recorded on DVR, and play over and over in your head ... yeah, that one. 

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1 minute ago, AURaptor said:

No, homer. Planet Earth. You know, you're standing on it ? I am specifically talking about Hillary and her " plan "  to defeat ISIS. She TALKED about this, in her speech. You know, the one you have recorded on DVR, and play over and over in your head ... yeah, that one. 

And what was it about her plan you didn't like?

And how does it differ from Trump's "plan"?  He does have one, doesn't he?

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

And what was it about her plan you didn't like?

I specifically answered that question  in the OP.

Wow.. just... WOW! 

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9 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I specifically answered that question  in the OP.

Wow.. just... WOW! 


Your problem is with her saying it's going to take a long effort?

So does that mean you think it can be done quickly and easily?

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Just now, homersapien said:


Your problem is with her saying it's going to take a long effort?

So does that mean you think it can be done quickly and easily?

Are you SERIOUSLY this ignorant on the issue ? 

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9 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Are you SERIOUSLY this ignorant on the issue ? 

Does that mean"yes"?

Is there a quick and easy way to defeat radical Islamists?

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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

Does that mean"yes"?

Is there a quick and easy way to defeat radical Islamists?

Yes. Start by not referring to them as the JV team ...

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55 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

Yes. Start by not referring to them as the JV team ...

Or stay out of Iraq...

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19 minutes ago, homersapien said:

We're talking Hillary's plan.  You've got nothing.

Neither does she.

That's the point. 

Further, Obama is kicking the can down the road, and allowing her to use ISIS as a campaign topic, instead of actually doing something to FIX the problem. 

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