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Synopsis of LY Trial

DKW 86

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I dont think the Prosecution Case is going as strongly as they hoped but then again, I really think there is real damage being done. What do I mean?

1) AM testifies that he never took ACT, that someone else took it for him. Big surprise here when you think about it. Dont most of the :ua: crowd make fun of :ut: for academic dishonesty? Wasnt this also alleeged/proven with the Gaines kid too?

2) LL was paid $150K. There is a paper trail. LL spent most of it and now he owes for back taxes since he cannot repay it. he has filed an amended return already showing the $150K in income.

Contrary to all the :ua: crap there seems to be ample evidence that LY took many $9500 withdrawals out of his account just as LL was depositing money into his account. You see at $10K there has to be Fed Govt Notification about it all.

3) :ua: , :ut: , :om: , :arky: , :lsu: and Michigan State were all in on the negotiations.

THANK GOD :au: was nowhere near this crap!!!!!

4) Donnan seems to be directly linked to the money from :uga:

more to come later.

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LL amended his tax returns AFTER he worked out the deal from the prosecution back in the day.

he also had NOTHING to show for the 150k that he "spent"

Where did the money go? "i spent it..its my word against LY"

David, they could come out and say LY is totally innocent and we have proof that someone else did it...and you would still say we are guilty. Because at the end of the day...you WANT us to be guilty.

The court of law for you, like many others here, is not enough to absolve alabama in this situation.

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LL amended his tax returns AFTER he worked out the deal from the prosecution back in the day.

he also had NOTHING to show for the 150k that he "spent"

Where did the money go? "i spent it..its my word against LY"

David, they could come out and say LY is totally innocent and we have proof that someone else did it...and you would still say we are guilty. Because at the end of the day...you WANT us to be guilty.

The court of law for you, like many others here, is not enough to absolve alabama in this situation.


More than likely he had no idea the illegal funds were even taxable until he got in trouble which would be "after". It certainly isn't unusual for someone like this to spend money without anything to show for it ... no surprise here.

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LL amended his tax returns AFTER he worked out the deal from the prosecution back in the day.

he also had NOTHING to show for the 150k that he "spent"

Where did the money go? "i spent it..its my word against LY"

David, they could come out and say LY is totally innocent and we have proof that someone else did it...and you would still say we are guilty. Because at the end of the day...you WANT us to be guilty.

The court of law for you, like many others here, is not enough to absolve alabama in this situation.


He got an Explorer/Expedition.

Mrs. Means got furniture.

I think he blew the rest or most of it. The point is he cannot repay what he doesnt have, he had to pay the taxes on the income that was DEPOSITED INTO HIS CHECKING ACCOUNT!

We heard ad nauseum that there was no $150k. There was $150K just like was reported. There are withdrawals in cash and Cash deposits made that follow a close pattern between the two.

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LL amended his tax returns AFTER he worked out the deal from the prosecution back in the day.

he also had NOTHING to show for the 150k that he "spent"

Where did the money go? "i spent it..its my word against LY"

David, they could come out and say LY is totally innocent and we have proof that someone else did it...and you would still say we are guilty. Because at the end of the day...you WANT us to be guilty.

The court of law for you, like many others here, is not enough to absolve alabama in this situation.


What do yoiu mean we want you to be guilty. bama admitted to the NCAA that it was guilty and even proposed sanctions.

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How did you put it yesterday when you responded to me?

"PT let me put this in a way that even you can understand"

We did not admit guilt to anything to do with Albert Means or Kenny Smith.

We admitted to a few meals and a stripper party. You should go back and read the NCAA/UA release before spouting off at the mouth.

If the NCAA accused Mal Moore of murdering somebody to get an edge in recruiting...and we admit to giving out some meals...does that mean Mal Moore murdered someone just because we admitted guilt in regards to the meals? Not just no but hell no.

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Here's another good question for all of you guys who think the NCAA had honorable intentions and is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right and just when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with bama...

During all your antibama trial updates david...you failed to mention that Lang testified that he got money from UGA, UK for the recruitment of means...AND that UT, UK, UGA, Michigan St and Arkansas were all involved in bidding. Yet none of those other schools got hammered? Is that fair? No...but as long as bama gets slammed...thats all that matters right?

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BG....I have a hard time believing the NCAA honcho said bama was looking down the barrel of a smoking gun over a few meals and a stripper party. Did they need the secret witnesses to tell them that? And why did bama readily disassociate LY as a booster? So I guess I don't get it.

By the way I guess you got it in the earlier post you mention since you didn't respond :poke:

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Here's another good question for all of you guys who think the NCAA had honorable intentions and is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right and just when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with bama...


BG....are you looking for sympathy? On an Auburn board? :no:

Man you must have hit happy hour real early today. :lol:

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Here's another good question for all of you guys who think the NCAA had honorable intentions and is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right and just when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with bama...


BG....are you looking for sympathy? On an Auburn board? :no:

Man you must have hit happy hour real early today. :lol:


bammer logic has no rhyme or reason........i feel their pain.....bhwaaaaaaaaaaa.....the mean ole ncaa is picking on us.....bhhhwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Here's another good question for all of you guys who think the NCAA had honorable intentions and is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right and just when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with bama...

During all your antibama trial updates david...you failed to mention that Lang testified that he got money from UGA, UK for the recruitment of means...AND that UT, UK, UGA, Michigan St and Arkansas were all involved in bidding. Yet none of those other schools got hammered? Is that fair? No...but as long as bama gets slammed...thats all that matters right?


Question for you, BGB: Have you ever been stopped by the police for a traffic violation and, while you're in your car waiting for the police to finish writing up the citation, notice all the other cars speeding by really fast? Here's a hint for you. Don't ask the trooper how come he doesn't chase after all the other speeders ('cause it makes you look really whiney & foolish.)

Have a nice day and enjoy the trial. I know I will. :big::au:

Rocky Top!

You'll always be,

Home Sweet Home to me ....

Good 'ole Rock Top!

Rocky Top Tennessee! :lol:

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Cry us a river bg. Everyone on the face of this earth, except bammers, knows ly paid for albert means after being directed there by the coaches. You guys made your bed now just shut up and lie in it! :lol::poke:

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There is a ray of hope at bama. A poster on Crimson Tusks, referring to the accusations against LY said "I'm not saying he didn't do it. As a matter of fact, I guarantee you he did do it."

Must be an Auburn guy posing as a bammer :D:cheer:

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Here's another good question for all of you guys who think the NCAA had honorable intentions and is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right and just when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with bama...

During all your antibama trial updates david...you failed to mention that Lang testified that he got money from UGA, UK for the recruitment of means...AND that UT, UK, UGA, Michigan St and Arkansas were all involved in bidding. Yet none of those other schools got hammered? Is that fair? No...but as long as bama gets slammed...thats all that matters right?


BG, Calm Down!

First, No one has ever been bent over by the NCAA than my beloved :au: Where were all you guy's tears back then?

Second, I was getting to the extra stuff no doubt. If the other schools were doling out the cash, what got AM to :ua: ? Come on BG, THINK.............

Do you mean to tell me they were taking $$$ from everybody else, and then miraculously he went to :ua: and that there was NO $$$ from someone on the :ua: side?

Come On BG!!!! You are better than this... :yes:

Three other views on the latest in the trial.

3) LL says :ut: was in on the dealing too, offered money for AM. How do you think LL is a lying SOB but then turn around and take this as gospel? And yes, maybe the NCAA do need to look into :ut: if the statute of limitations hasnt run out.

4) LY as a disassociated booster...BS! I have been told by very reputable RE that LY was in the locker room in Shreveport. I totally believe the LY still in SkyBox Stories too. he could just get the box in someone else's name and he is back on campus. It just means they cannot take money from him officially.

5) LY was seen/heard bragging about all the recruits he got :ua: Spin/Defense: LY is lying, womanizing, ole drunk! Heck he may come back to Tuscaloosa a HC someday.... :big:

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During all your antibama trial updates david...you failed to mention that Lang testified that he got money from UGA, UK for the recruitment of means...AND that UT, UK, UGA, Michigan St and Arkansas were all involved in bidding. Yet none of those other schools got hammered? Is that fair? No...but as long as bama gets slammed...thats all that matters right?


First of all, the NCAA is anything but fair. But, it's what we've got. I don't like them and I don't think they should be able to rule autonomously like a court system with no checks and balances. The NCAA is a governing body, but there are no "Bill of Rights" for the governed. Booo.....

Secondly, you are admitting that Lang told the TRUTH about UT, UK, UGA, MichSU involvement. But, he's lying about Bama. If you take his word as gospel on the other guys, you should probably think he's speaking truth about Bama, too. Which means the Bama "We didn't do it," line is played out. Sorry, take your parting prize and go.

And by the way, UK and Bama must've been the two highest bidders, because they BOTH got hammered by the NCAA. If Means WENT to Alabama, apparently Bama DESERVED to get hammered.

MOM: "Billy, did you steal a cookie from the cookie jar."

BILLY: "No."

MOM: "Well, I can smell cookie on your breath. And you've got crumbs on your shirt."

BILLY: "I didn't do it."

MOM: "Go to your room!!"

BILLY: "But...., but..., tommy took one, too!"




BILLY: "But, if Tommy took one too, I'm innocent!"

I think we all can see the ignorance in the argument.

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