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100 Dang Good Reasons to Live in Alabama

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Somedays it can be a stretch to think of even one, but here are some - I think we can all add to the list, right?

100 Dang Good Reasons to Live in Alabama (in no particular order)

1. cheese grits

2. we're the reason God created football.

3. world's last outpost of good manners

4. humidity eliminates need for expensive home sauna

5. you can put a license tag on anything, drive it down the road, and no one will stop you.

6. sweet tea

7. barbecue

8. unlike less fun Yankee states it only takes one snowflake to create a statewide holiday

9. supermarkets have cute names like Piggly Wiggly and Winn-Dixie

10. no official limit on height of hair-do's

11. children address adults using sir and ma'am

12. police officers greet you by name when pulling you over

13. cultural trends take hold at a leisurely pace so everyone can get on board

14. crocuses come up before the last Christmas decorations come down

15. New York and California not taken seriously

16. gulf beaches

17. everyone knows how to tell a good story

18. politics are more entertaining

19. Alabama-Auburn game, better known as "The Iron Bowl"

20. front porches

21. back porches

22. corn on the cob

23. we have our own way of tawkin'

24. we have our own music

25. more family reunions than any other state

26. best joke tellers in the world

27. plenty of elbow room

28. fried pie

29. people still know how to dress up

30. at every get together there is always someone who can pick a guitar

31. unlike hum-drum Yankee supper tables there's no skimping on side dishes

32. vintage automobiles are given the respect they deserve

33. highest per capita cosmetic skills in the nation

34. more books and songs written about Alabama than any other state

35. azaleas

36. fried okra

37. cornbread

38. farmer's markets

39. flea markets

40. neighbors rarely come over empty handed

41. if you break down on the side of the road, someone will always stop to help

42. soda pop brands have more colorful names like Nehi and Grapico

43. no part of a pig ever goes to waste

44. church suppers on the ground

45. citizens generally know the difference between right and wrong

46. wild blackberries

47. bluebirds

48. children use the quaint expressions "please" and "thank you"

49. tent revivals

50. river rats

51. people don't generally pass through, they come to stay

52. small talk skill level highest in nation

53. handshakes still effective in business dealings

54. we might fight but we always make up

55. fishing that borders on religious experience

56. knowing someone will always hold the door for you

57. 365 day golfing season

58. palm trees, dogwoods, sycamores, live oaks, fig trees, sweet gums and magnolias

59. never a shortage of advice on any subject

60. traffic laws subject to individual interpretation

61. central air

62. sweet potato pie

63. misty mornings in the mountains

64. wild muscadines

65. dirt track racing

66. family recipes

67. sunsets in November

68. red tail hawks

69. homemade ice cream

70. peach cobbler

71. snow flurries on Thanksgiving

72. heat waves on Thanksgiving

73. no legal limit on quantity of exterior Christmas lights per household

74. there are still people who talk without cussing

75. for those who must cuss, wide array of original expletives ava! ilable

76. backyard gardens

77. sawmill gravy

78. neighborhood block parties

79. volunteer fire departments

80. mayors who conveniently also sell insurance and used cars

81. camellias blooming in Febr uary

82. 'nanner puddin'

83. Mee-maw's coconut cake

84. Pa-paw's tomatoes

85. folks know your mamma and daddy and their mammas and daddies

86. bluegrass festivals

87. going barefoot in March

88. butterbeans

89. fried catfish

90. certain homemade beverages (moonshine)

91. cockroach species guaranteed to scare the wits out of unsuspecting Yankees

92. high ratio of morning radio shows with hosts named Bu! bba

93.sleeping in a hammock on summer afternoons

94. strangers say hello on the street and instead of running in the opposite direction you say hello back

95. home to one of the seven wonders of the world: the infield at Talladega on race day

96. misguided national news coverage of state keeps obnoxiously heavy, environmentally damaging tourist traffic to a minimum

97. children grow up bilingual speaking both English and Southern

98. state leads the way in culinary presentation of the peanut

99. women named Velma

100. men named J.B., J.R., J.D., J.P., J.C., J.T., or J.W

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If it was in order, sweet tea would definitely be #1. You can't even go to Texas and order sweet tea...right BS? :P

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If it was in order, sweet tea would definitely be #1.  You can't even go to Texas and order sweet tea...right BS?  :P


I learned during the Sugar Bowl that it ain't no sweet tea in Louisiana

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It has been YEARS (20+) since I've even heard the name...that brings back some memories.

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If it was in order, sweet tea would definitely be #1.  You can't even go to Texas and order sweet tea...right BS?  :P


YES YOU CAN - Jason's Deli is one place. There is a little local place we go to that also serves sweet tea.


It has been YEARS (20+) since I've even heard the name...that brings back some memories.


ANyone ever make Grapico homemade ice cream?? One liter of Grapico, one can Eagle Brand Milk - freeze and serve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can also use Nehi Peach or Strawberry or any of the other flavors.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

It has been YEARS (20+) since I've even heard the name...that brings back some memories.


ANyone ever make Grapico homemade ice cream?? One liter of Grapico, one can Eagle Brand Milk - freeze and serve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can also use Nehi Peach or Strawberry or any of the other flavors.


Never made it exactly like that, but women at our church make Grapico ice cream all summer. It is like a party in your mouth.

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low taxes

Mullet is still popular

Create your own junk yard( some people never seem to get rid of their broken down cars, they just put'em on blocks and let them rust)

It's butter bean not lima bean

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Fried Green Tomatoes

A Waffle House at every interstate exit

Folks ask, "how you are doing", because they really care how you're doing

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100. men named J.B., J.R., J.D., J.P., J.C., J.T., or J.W

Two of my uncles were named AC & GW.

64. wild muscadines

Makes the best jelly of any fruit.

77. sawmill gravy

This morning! :big:

84. Pa-paw's tomatoes

I already have seedlings coming up.

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1. 5A

2. 2A

3. Using numbers to represent auto tag sequence of counties


Watch out for the 46 county tags, WORST DRIVERS EVER.

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1. 5A

2. 2A

3. Using numbers to represent auto tag sequence of counties


Watch out for the 46 county tags, WORST DRIVERS EVER.


In our neck of the woods, it's the 34 tags that you have to watch out for. They are absolutely some of the worst drivers, probably because they only have 4 paved roads in their county... :lol:

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Bah...deepseas beat me to it.

I had the trip to school memorized...5, 30, 21, 10, 45, 3, 46, 43.

Outside of states that actually have the counties printed on the plates, Alabama is the only state I know of where you can look at the plate and get an idea where they're from.

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How many of you put the sticker "HEART OF DIXIE" over "STARS FELL ON ALABAMA" on the newer state tags.

Although I'm sure many of you have Auburn tags, which doesn't let the other drivers know what county you live in.

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a fine alabama whitetail buck

lightning bugs


an ice cold coca-cola @ welcome centers

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Tailgating with friends and family

Potato salad at every family event- reunions, Sunday dinner, funerals etc.

Places like Mullins in Huntsville, good food and good people

Fish frys and homemade ice cream in the summer

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picking tomatoes on Christmas Day

BBQ pork chops

dirt roads

brim fishing with a cane pole

69. homemade ice cream

70. peach cobbler

69 & 70 together

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Potato salad at every family event- reunions, Sunday dinner, funerals etc.


Potato salad AND deviled eggs at every event PERIOD. And the deviled eggs have to be served on either your great gramma's deviled egg plate, or one of those Tupperware deviled egg plates, with a piece of masking tape with your last name written on it stuck to the lid...

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