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Can this be prevented- voter fraud scheme


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We've already had 2 incidents where this has taken place with mail in ballots. Some were found in a trash receptacle, and the other batch found in a ditch. The one's found in a ditch were all votes for Trump (if I'm not mistaken). There is no way that the mail in concept can not be corrupted. This is why Trump says he will wait until after the election to say if he accepts it or not. I say well played by Trump.

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people get their meds every single day to include pain meds. voting by mail insures those that are bedridden get a fair chance to vote which is an american right. and you people need to worry more about the liar and crook known as trump. have you forgotten already his attempts to slow down the mail by having fast sorters ripped out by the dude he appointed who also happens to be one of his bigger donors. look people already know trump is a crook and a liar and you guys are willing to buy into his bull?

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Aside from orchestrated fraud, you have to deal with postal workers doing things on their own based on their personal political beliefs. Not only that, the postal service has a history of being less than reliable. I see it all the time about missing mail in our neighborhood, mail order prescriptions, packages, etc. I routinely don’t get things delivered the way they are supposed to be. You can’t really do anything about it because for the most part the workers and folks up the supervisory chain don’t care. 

Here someone didn’t like the candidate so they trashed his ads. Just recently they found tons of mail in a vacant barn in a nearby city. 


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let me say this. she might be corrupt but the lies that have been told on that girl make this suspect and i had a docs appointment so di not have time to google it. but here is the deal.........if she is really guilty she needs to pay. i am not like most of you cats that blow off the truth with stupid excuses. i mean when the president of the united states gets away with corruption it is possible some might say let her off. not me. maybe they can share a jail cell together and he can reach out and grab her by the kitty cat. but serious if she is guilty she needs to go down but after watching the russian interfering with american elections it also would not surprise me to find out it is garbage. i am sick and tired of liars and cheaters getting away with stuff and hurting this country,period. doing the right thing should not ever be a partisan issue.

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Troy Nehls is our county sheriff, and he is in what is projected to be a very tight race here in TX-22 with Sri Preston Kulkarni. Nehls made a bit of a name for himself after Harvey with his plain-spoken warning for potential looters, which I personally appreciated.

I was getting flyers in the mail from every other candidate, but not Nehls...guess this may explain that.

Let's say my confidence in either the neutrality or the competence of the USPS is tepid at best.

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Today on the evening news there were reports of 100,000 ballots being mis-sent in New York. There is no need for all this risk. People go to the grocery and WalMart, they can damn sure go to vote.

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