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Propaganda from Filipovic?

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Warning: Pure Propaganda ahead...

Kevin McCarthy's comment is a warning sign

Opinion by Jill Filipovic

(CNN)If Democrats lose the US House of Representatives in this fall's midterm elections, 2023 is going to be rough -- not just for liberals, but for American democracy and the country's overall stability.

Jill Filipovic
Jill Filipovic
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, has already vowed to remove three prominent Democrats -- Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and Ilhan Omar -- from important committee assignments, simply -- it seems -- as vengeance.
"The Democrats have created a new thing where they're picking and choosing who could be on committee. Never in the history have you had the majority tell the minority who could be on committee," McCarthy told the right-wing Breitbart News.
This would be a radical move under just about any circumstance, but it's coming at a critical moment, when American democracy is at its most fragile in generations. One party is seeking to maintain our democratic system of governance and the institutions and norms that enable it. Another has steadily sought to undermine them.
This latest threat is one more warning sign: The GOP is on the path to become an antidemocratic party. We miss that fact at our nation's peril.
Back to reality: The minority has never told the majority who gets places on committees. It has usually fallen to deference, but it has never been a demand. Swalwell, he is a grenade thrower. Sometimes accurate, often not. Schiff? OMG, even the WSJ and the NYT called him "a liar of such renown no one should ever believe a word he says" after the minutes of the impeachment committee became public.  He has repeatedly told whopper lies about what was in the impeachment documents when his comments during committee discovery were tempered by reality.  He was clearly lying, as bad as trump for the most part, while addressing the public and the media. Omar, personally, she is shrill at times, but I cant say she is a liar. There are some questionable calls in there, but no outright hallucinations.
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These two parties have done nothing but seesaw our country into a buzz saw. Back and forth.....to hell with working together for the betterment of the people. GONE. 

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