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31 Far Right Extremists In White Masks and Riot Gear Arrested in Idaho on 'Conspiracy to Riot' At a LGBTQ Pride Event At a Park

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They are members of "Patriots Front" Which is a far right extremists group of fascist, nationalist, and white supremacists. Apparently 30 of these guys with white hoods on packed into the back of a U-Haul truck and were preparing to drive to the lgbtq pride festival in a local park where they planned to  taunt and harass people and then release smoke grenades and other weapons whenever an altercation started.  Police were tipped off to the suspicious activity at the u-haul and confronted and arrested the participants before they made it to their destination. They are charged with conspiracy to riot, and other charges may be pending depending on what evidence is found. 


Since the arrests, white supremacist and Patriot Front sympathizers have flooded the police tip line with harassment, White said. The chief was also quick to dispel misinformation that had already begun to circulate.


“There is a whole lot of online chatter people thinking this was antifa in disguise, or a false flag by the FBI,” he said. “That is absolutely false. This was Patriot Front.”

Authorities had been aware of online threats leading up to the weekend, White said, so police had increased their presence in the city’s downtown. Two SWAT teams and officers from the city, county and state assisted in the arrests.

Braddock, the extremism researcher, said just as police must contend with the growth of extremist groups, the public must pay attention to the elected officials and personalities in the mainstream who ignite the talking points that ultimately animate far-right groups.

When they see a mainstream politician pick up on something they agree with, they see that as validation,” he said of false claims some Republican lawmakers have made about trans people being “groomers” and “pedophiles.” “Just like the ‘great replacement theory,’ it trickles down to the far-right elements and they run with it.”




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Shocker - the world is full of idiots.  Without condoning what they did, I would say the prosecution will have challenges prosecuting intent to riot, but I truly wish them the best of luck.  

However, doesn’t it seem odd that they didn’t crack down like this at all during the BLM / Defund riots?   

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Maybe, but it sounds like the police have found written out plans and communications from these men about what they had planned. It'll be a light charge anyway. 


The biggest benefit to this is getting the names and faces of these men out into the public square so they can potentially be easily identified if/when they try to cause problems in the future. 

There's a reason they all like wearing hoods and masks and it has nothing to do with Covid. 

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7 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Maybe, but it sounds like the police have found written out plans and communications from these men about what they had planned. It'll be a light charge anyway. 


The biggest benefit to this is getting the names and faces of these men out into the public square so they can potentially be easily identified if/when they try to cause problems in the future. 

There's a reason they all like wearing hoods and masks and it has nothing to do with Covid. 

Red Flag them all....

How can an enlightened nation still produce these a**holes?

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21 hours ago, GoAU said:

Shocker - the world is full of idiots.  Without condoning what they did, I would say the prosecution will have challenges prosecuting intent to riot, but I truly wish them the best of luck.  

However, doesn’t it seem odd that they didn’t crack down like this at all during the BLM / Defund riots?   

The difference lies with the purpose of their protest.  One was protesting government action and their perceived mistreatment by an extension of the government, the police force.  The other was a group targeting another group with the intent being to silence them and prevent them from exercising their constitutionally protected rights.

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19 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

The difference lies with the purpose of their protest.  One was protesting government action and their perceived mistreatment by an extension of the government, the police force.  The other was a group targeting another group with the intent being to silence them and prevent them from exercising their constitutionally protected rights.

This is disingenuous to say the least.  I don’t care what the “intent” of either group is.  If the actions involve breaking the law, assault, vandalism, arson, trespass, etc then you are breaking the law.  Trying to make exceptions for motive is irrelevant 

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32 minutes ago, GoAU said:

This is disingenuous to say the least.  I don’t care what the “intent” of either group is.  If the actions involve breaking the law, assault, vandalism, arson, trespass, etc then you are breaking the law.  Trying to make exceptions for motive is irrelevant 

This is a blatantly racist statement. 

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22 hours ago, GoAU said:

Shocker - the world is full of idiots.  Without condoning what they did, I would say the prosecution will have challenges prosecuting intent to riot, but I truly wish them the best of luck.  

However, doesn’t it seem odd that they didn’t crack down like this at all during the BLM / Defund riots?   

whataboutism is against the rules goa

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44 minutes ago, GoAU said:

This is disingenuous to say the least.  I don’t care what the “intent” of either group is.  If the actions involve breaking the law, assault, vandalism, arson, trespass, etc then you are breaking the law.  Trying to make exceptions for motive is irrelevant 

Good luck with this group. It's NEVER about the obvious....the results are all that matter. 

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4 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

whataboutism is against the rules goa

I'd say it's more of a comparative than whataboutism. 

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4 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

I'd say it's more of a comparative than whataboutism. 

i am being nice here because the rules on the serious side are clear. that is why 99% of my posts are on the smack board. i imagine titan will let him know.

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2 hours ago, GoAU said:

This is disingenuous to say the least.  I don’t care what the “intent” of either group is.  If the actions involve breaking the law, assault, vandalism, arson, trespass, etc then you are breaking the law.  Trying to make exceptions for motive is irrelevant 

Speaking of disingenuous, I find it rather ironic you dismiss the motivation of black people to violently object to the government persecuting (killing) them, while at the same time advocating the common possession of assault rifles, RPGs, and grenades (for starters) to allow for more effective opposition to the government.

Is opposing government tyranny reserved only for white people?

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19 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Maybe, but it sounds like the police have found written out plans and communications from these men about what they had planned. It'll be a light charge anyway. 


The biggest benefit to this is getting the names and faces of these men out into the public square so they can potentially be easily identified if/when they try to cause problems in the future. 

There's a reason they all like wearing hoods and masks and it has nothing to do with Covid. 

I hope they get fingerprinted.  I'd also gather their DNA if possible.

That would be a good way to tone such people down.

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1 hour ago, autigeremt said:

Good luck with this group. It's NEVER about the obvious....the results are all that matter. 

What's the obvious here EMT?

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4 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

This is a blatantly racist statement. 

So, stating the law should be enforced at face value and applied equally to everyone is racist?   You must have lost your mind….

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Speaking of disingenuous, I find it rather ironic you dismiss the motivation of black people to violently object to the government persecuting (killing) them, while at the same time advocating the common possession of assault rifles, RPGs, and grenades (for starters) to allow for more effective opposition to the government.

Is opposing government tyranny reserved only for white people?

You are the one making this about race, not me.   I am saying that rioting, destroying property, arson, etc is a CRIME.   It deserves to be punished accordingly.  There is NO EXCUSE to destroy private (or public) property regardless of your race.  There were plenty of people of all races in the CHOP / CHAZ riots and the defund / BLM riots.  As a matter of fact, you insinuating they were all black is a racist statement.   Protest stops being lawful when things get destroyed, fires are burning out of control and the looting starts.  That is not protest - regardless of what the motive is.   As soon as you start making excuses for breaking the law, you are complicit.  

Also, where have I ever advocated for RPGs, gernades or anything similar?  

You, sir, are a liar.  And I use “sir” very loosely, and in a non-gender manner so as you are not offended. 

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33 minutes ago, GoAU said:

So, stating the law should be enforced at face value and applied equally to everyone is racist?   You must have lost your mind….

Not what you suggested at all. 

There are always people on the fringes of demonstrations looking for trouble.  These folks are the trouble.  Attempting to equate them with BLM is vile racism.


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10 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Not what you suggested at all. 

There are always people on the fringes of demonstrations looking for trouble.  These folks are the trouble.  Attempting to equate them with BLM is vile racism.


No, it’s not what I said. The PF members that were caught with the intention of committing the same crimes that occurred at many of the BLM protests.  Both are crimes “conspiracy to commit” and the actual crimes and should be prosecuted.  

The people at the BLM protests that violated no laws and protested legitimately broke no laws and have done nothing wrong. I am referring only to the vandals, looters, arsonists and people that destroyed property- of all races. 

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3 minutes ago, GoAU said:

No, it’s not what I said. The PF members that were caught with the intention of committing the same crimes that occurred at many of the BLM protests.  Both are crimes “conspiracy to commit” and the actual crimes and should be prosecuted.  

The people at the BLM protests that violated no laws and protested legitimately broke no laws and have done nothing wrong. I am referring only to the vandals, looters, arsonists and people that destroyed property- of all races. 

Thank you.  That is much better than your original statement. 

Unfortunately, I still believe you are a racist in light of the fact that many, many were arrested at protests for social justice.  Your original post was most definitely classic racist nonsense.  You poor white people just can't get a break,,, right?


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No sir.  I think what you will find if you re-read my original post (without any pre-conceived stereotypes) is that I said I didn’t condone what they did and I wish the prosecution luck in convicting them.  

the people at the “social justice” protests that committed crimes should also be prosecuted.  My whole point is that there is a difference between protests and crime, and that should apply to all - regardless of what the protest is for.  I have also said many times tha those involved in the Jan 6 protests that trespassed and vandalized the Capital should also be prosecuted.   Race is immaterial in my views.  

However, I am truly glad I was able to clarify.  

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23 minutes ago, GoAU said:

No sir.  I think what you will find if you re-read my original post with any pre-conceived stereotypes is that I  said I didn’t condone what they did and I wish the prosecution luck in convicting them.  

the people at the “social justice” protests that committed crimes should also be prosecuted.  My whole point is that there is a difference between protests and crime, and that should apply to all - regardless of what the protest is for.  I have also said many times tha those involved in the Jan 6 protests that trespassed and vandalized the Capital should also be prosecuted.   Race is immaterial in my views.  

However, I am truly glad I was able to clarify.  

Some can’t help but to make everything about race. 

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14 hours ago, GoAU said:

This is disingenuous to say the least.  I don’t care what the “intent” of either group is.  If the actions involve breaking the law, assault, vandalism, arson, trespass, etc then you are breaking the law.  Trying to make exceptions for motive is irrelevant 

I didn't make excuses and agree that they should be arrested regardless of who is destroying property etc, but comparing the two in a manner that implies that the two groups were wrongly treated differently without including why the circumstances were very different is also disingenuous. 

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8 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Thank you.  That is much better than your original statement. 

Unfortunately, I still believe you are a racist in light of the fact that many, many were arrested at protests for social justice.  Your original post was most definitely classic racist nonsense.  You poor white people just can't get a break,,, right?


The argument is really an excuse pushed by the right wing media.  I don't agree with the argument, but I don't think someone is racist simply because they compare the two.

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5 hours ago, AU9377 said:

I didn't make excuses and agree that they should be arrested regardless of who is destroying property etc, but comparing the two in a manner that implies that the two groups were wrongly treated differently without including why the circumstances were very different is also disingenuous. 

I think you are confusing two different groups of people at the protests.  The first are legitimate protestors there to excercise their first amendment rights.  Obviously there is nothing at all with that.  The second group tries to blend in with the first, but are not in fact protestors and are rioters, looters, vandals, arsonists, etc.  There is no legitimacy or honor in that - they are criminals just using a cause as an excuse.  To try and conflate their acts with a legitimate protest makes all the protestors look complicit and that is wrong. 

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This thread is several adult men TRYING to put words in each others' mouths. It is truly sad. 

GoAU did not equate EVERY BLM Protester to being violent and his whataboutism is a whataboutism. I know most on this board cannot understand this but people can be Correct and Wrong at the same time. Jumping to the conclusion that he is racist is just crazy. He, AND OTHERS ON THIS THREAD, have meticulously stated their contention that breaking of any law merits arrest, conviction, etc. Protests are a good and honorable thing. Rioting is against the law and should be shut down as soon as possible at any time using as much force as necessary. Seattle, Portland, Kenosha allowed the rioting to continue unabated and businesses and citizens suffered. That was from spineless inaction on enforcing the law.

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