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Read this bama ridiculousness


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What the hell is OMK and why do ya'll keep writing it on your posts?


Omega Men Know

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ya know, this article is just like one i posted over a month ago from "The Auburner"... you can see that thread


It's like y'all said there... "The Auburner" is very pro AU, CW is a very pro BAMA publication, so what do you really expect. It's no different than the Auburner. So no, i don't really think that we will be 13-0, win the NC, and beat USC (because we won't get that chance)... However, i do think that if we get past UF this weekend, we have a very good chance of being 10-0 going into the Iron Bowl, and seeing UF again in the SECCG. Anyone remember 1999? I'd love to repeat that feat... But no, even then i don't think we'll be in the NCG, because i don't think USC or UT will lose a game. And we haven't been a big enough player on the national scene in the past few years to warrant being ranked higher than them (in the polls).

And yes, if this scenario works out this way, many BAMA fans will bitch about being left out of the NCG, just like y'all did last year. But it won't be me. I think we've got some proving to do to get back to the level where we deserve our shot. Both USC and UT have been national players the last few years, so they will play in the big game... But in the meantime, i'll enjoy proving we're worth our shot over and over again.

JMHO, take it for what it's worth

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Are you folks speaking of the same uat "team" that I saw make arkie look like a football team? :blink:

Surely NOT. :)


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ya know, this article is just like one i posted over a month ago from "The Auburner"... you can see that thread


It's like y'all said there... "The Auburner" is very pro AU, CW is a very pro BAMA publication, so what do you really expect.  It's no different than the Auburner.  So no, i don't really think that we will be 13-0, win the NC, and beat USC (because we won't get that chance)... However, i do think that if we get past UF this weekend, we have a very good chance of being 10-0 going into the Iron Bowl, and seeing UF again in the SECCG.  Anyone remember 1999?  I'd love to repeat that feat... But no, even then i don't think we'll be in the NCG, because i don't think USC or UT will lose a game.  And we haven't been a big enough player on the national scene in the past few years to warrant being ranked higher than them (in the polls).

And yes, if this scenario works out this way, many BAMA fans will bitch about being left out of the NCG, just like y'all did last year.  But it won't be me.  I think we've got some proving to do to get back to the level where we deserve our shot.  Both USC and UT have been national players the last few years, so they will play in the big game... But in the meantime, i'll enjoy proving we're worth our shot over and over again.

JMHO, take it for what it's worth


The difference is that the Auburner is a satire laden website, even says so at the bottom of the page, while this goober actually belives what he types.

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ya know, this article is just like one i posted over a month ago from "The Auburner"... you can see that thread


It's like y'all said there... "The Auburner" is very pro AU, CW is a very pro BAMA publication, so what do you really expect. 


For the record, I'm the "Adam" who wrote that Auburn Dream article. The difference between what I wrote and what was published on CW is that CW is the campus newspaper, while theauburner is just for jokes (I admit, the jokes can be pretty dumb, but at least I amuse myself). CW is a publication of the university, while theauburner is a publication primarily of engineering dorks with twisted senses of humor. Point being, CW is at least supposed to have some credibility, while theauburner doesn't even pretend to. So don't even try to compare the two.

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ya know, this article is just like one i posted over a month ago from "The Auburner"... you can see that thread


It's like y'all said there... "The Auburner" is very pro AU, CW is a very pro BAMA publication, so what do you really expect. 


For the record, I'm the "Adam" who wrote that Auburn Dream article. The difference between what I wrote and what was published on CW is that CW is the campus newspaper, while theauburner is just for jokes (I admit, the jokes can be pretty dumb, but at least I amuse myself). CW is a publication of the university, while theauburner is a publication primarily of engineering dorks with twisted senses of humor. Point being, CW is at least supposed to have some credibility, while theauburner doesn't even pretend to. So don't even try to compare the two.


You amuse us too. We need to do a link swap, etc. Maybe even write a piece or two to post here on index page?

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Well, actually I just write for them occasionally...I'm an alum who found their site awhile back and thought it was funny, so I volunteered to contribute every now and then. If you want to work something out with the guys who run the site, just email them.

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