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Irons Brothers


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good article from Mobile Register

I am sure many of you already know the story of the Irons brothers. My question is does anyone know what ESPN program the ESPN stage could have been for...??? I guess I'll have to watch gameday for sure and endure herbstreits blind behind-kissing to bama (but for some reason I have a gut feeling florida won't win and may not be that good afterall, but that's just me). I just don't want the segment to be for sportscenter or it's probably for the game's broadcast so if anyone could record the game and the segment and somehow get it to me after the game I'd appreciate it. I will be :cheer: for :au: against :usc: so I won't be watching the game at home. I don't know if I still have a VCR around to record it and I'm too broke as a college student to own tivo, so if anyone finds out what its for and can get a copy of the segment I'd appreciate it as it's probably going to be a good one. Thanks! WAR EAGLE!!!! :cheer:

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