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Is the SEC down this year?


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With FLA and MSU looking sloppy at best, who is even that good in the SEC this year? UGA beat Boise State which turned out to be a joke and struggled vs USC. What other teams have won a big out of confrence game?

UAT-beat Fla and USC to unproven teams

UF-Struggling vs MSU, Blown out by UAT

AU-lost to GT(who looks terrible)

UGA-beat BSU, struggled vs USC

UT-Lost to FLA Beat LSU

LSU- Struggled to beat ASU lost to FLA

Vandy-Lost to MTSU

Ark- 1-3

Ken,USC,Miss,MSU-The usual celler of the SEC

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One thing I think we all need to keep in mind is the fact that Auburn lost to GA Tech the first game of the season and if they played again now I think that we'd win. We had what 5 turnovers and were still in the game until pretty much the last few minutes?? Also One thing people don't realize about the SEC (outside of the conference) is our best teams always end up beating one another which really bothers me as it's extremely difficult to go undefeated because of this and on top of that you have to play a championship game which just adds another possible loss, and the next thing you know an SEC team that may have been the best in the country loses to another SEC team and both have 1 loss and could be much better than whoever is in the "national championship game"....Plus Florida may be a bit flat after the whipping bama put on them last week, I'm sure it shook their confidence since the media made them sound like the best team in the east.......but bama took care of that.

Also, I think that Arizona State is a pretty good team....also that was LSU's first game of the year on the road in a hostile environment as opposed to ASU who had already played a game (correct me if wrong on that, but I am pretty sure they had already played a game).........

ASU should have beaten USC, but of course as teams always do against USC they end up blowing it because I think they start realizing they are winning and quit worrying about finishing the game........but Notre Dame should take care of USC next weekend..... :)

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The SEC has had 3 to 4 temas in the top 10 all year. The toast of all the media...the ACC...has NEVER had 4 teams in the top 10. If that's a down year I'll take it. I think there's no more self-flagellating league in the nation than the SEC too...we have such high expectiations that parody (Vandy) makes us panic. Remember, the SEC champ (us) beat the vaunted ACC champ Va Tech (current #3) 10 months ago in what was supposed to be the first year the ACC was a SUPER LEAGUE. Every year we have this SEC question at some point and by the end of every year it's the same ole' SEC schooling most other teams in the country.

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If the SEC is down, what coference is up?

Big 10: Iowa/Michigan/OSU all lose OOC early. Penn State and Wisconsin are their only undefeateds, with Wisconsin down by 10 to Norhtwestern with 10 left.

Big 12: Texas then nothing, really nothing.

Pac 10: UCLA, Cal and ASU are behind USC. ASU has two losses already, and UCLA squeaked by a 1 win Washington team. Cal has played nobody at all and will only finish ranked high because USC is the only team on their schedule.

Big East: Move them to division two and they MIGHT be considered a strong conference.

You could say SEC is behind the ACC even though that is argueable. I don't see how anyone could put SEC behind any of the above 4 conferences.

At worst the second best conference, which isn't bad for being 'down', if it is down at all.

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If the SEC is down, what coference is up?

Big 10:  Iowa/Michigan/OSU all lose OOC early.  Penn State and Wisconsin are their only undefeateds, with Wisconsin down by 10 to Norhtwestern with 10 left.

Big 12:  Texas then nothing, really nothing.

Pac 10:  UCLA, Cal and ASU are behind USC.  ASU has two losses already, and UCLA squeaked by a 1 win Washington team.  Cal has played nobody at all and will only finish ranked high because USC is the only team on their schedule.

Big East:  Move them to division two and they MIGHT  be considered a strong conference.

You could say SEC is behind the ACC even though that is argueable.  I don't see how anyone could put SEC behind any of the above 4 conferences.

At worst the second best conference, which isn't bad for being 'down', if it is down at all.


I agree....I think I have seen the worst defense in the Big Ten this year than ever before. Ohio State is probably the only team with truly a good defense. Other than that how many games have both teams scored over 30?? I know of at least 3.

I think Nebraska is a little better than what every body thinks. They are playing Texas TEch, who could be better than we think, but they have played nobody yet to prove it. But other than Texas NOBODY really good.

Arizona just tied it up with USC 7-7. How great would it be for an unranked team to beat the mighty trojans?? They said Bush has a knee injury, but is playing. ASU should in up in a bowl game as #2 Pac 10, but LSU has beat them.

Big East is a joke of a conference, no power house at all. Louisville may be only team that can play with most of "big boys", but thier defense is not good.

Top to bottom SEC is best, IMO. ACC has 3 very good teams in FSU, Va Tech, and arguably Miami. I am not sold on UM and think they will drop another one. I look for UGA, UT, UF, LSU, Bama, and Auburn to be in top 15 even at end of the year, depending on how far the pollsters will drop a two loss one of these teams. IF it is us out of top 25, UT or LSU, depends on who beats them.

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Normally the SEC West has had more than 3 competitive teams...I've mentioned this elsewhere, but there is a wide gulf between the top 3 of the West and the bottom 3. Arkansas, Ole Miss and MSU are just hideous.

Georgia and Alabama are the two best right now because, well, they're unbeaten and have proven themselves to a degree against at least one decent opponent, Georgia doing so on the road.

The West is still very much up for grabs...the top teams haven't played against the others yet, unlike the East. LSU has a loss, so they have the smallest margin for error.

The East is almost decided...Tennessee is out of it (they lose tiebreakers against Florida and Georgia, so they're essentially 3 games behind UGA) and if Georgia beats Florida, the pups are in ATL with ease.

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Although the gators are clueless, you can't state that in an open forum. Don't you folks know that it is the "signature" win for flipper? :lol::lol::lol:

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Normally the SEC West has had more than 3 competitive teams...I've mentioned this elsewhere, but there is a wide gulf between the top 3 of the West and the bottom 3.  Arkansas, Ole Miss and MSU are just hideous.

Georgia and Alabama are the two best right now because, well, they're unbeaten and have proven themselves to a degree against at least one decent opponent, Georgia doing so on the road.

The West is still very much up for grabs...the top teams haven't played against the others yet, unlike the East.  LSU has a loss, so they have the smallest margin for error.

The East is almost decided...Tennessee is out of it (they lose tiebreakers against Florida and Georgia, so they're essentially 3 games behind UGA) and if Georgia beats Florida, the pups are in ATL with ease.


I think I ahve been dissapointed with the quality of play from UT, UF, and LSU. I really thought they would all be pretty good. I guess playing against each other it might be hard to determine. How good are these teams?? Last year, everybody was playing trying to catch us, everybody knew we were the best. This year, it up for grabs in both divisions. UGA is ruling the roost in the East right now, with still having to play UF and Vandy, don't count out the dores. In the west AU and bama are on top with LSU already having a lose, but beating us and bama head to head will still give them the trip to the SECCG.

From what I have seen out of UT, LSU, and UF. Ut better hope to play a Big Ten team in a bowl game in hopes of being able to score some points. I think LSU, bama and AU are teams that are steadly improving week by week. the remaining games will for sure be interesting.

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is the conference down? Probably

reasoning: Looks as if it will not take a finger of God play for UGA to win the East. Not that it was ever in doubt, but the shift of power that started to occur from the East to the West back in 2000 is in full effect.

I am anxious to see the results of LSU/UF this weekend

War Damn Eagle

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Sure it's a down year, Tennessee has lost TWO games, Florida has lost (and will loose again),

LSU has lost, AUBURN has lost a game and Bama is undefeated so far. Therefore it must be a down year!

And it does not surprise me for Bama fans to be saying that it is not a down year because Bama is undefeated. But last year was a down year since AUBURN was winning!

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Are you suggesting that uaters would speak out of both sides of their mouths? B)

If so, which side do they use for spitting Redman? :D

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