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Preseason Is Over


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Am I the only Auburn fan sick and tired of hearing about how great every other school in the nation not named Auburn is this year? To listen to the in-state media (and honestly, who really does?), our season is already decided and we are playing for second best in the West. Can't help but love sportswriters giving all of their expert opinion about what will and won't happen with this Auburn team. Just a thought, but have you ever met a sportswriter who looked like he could have played football at the colege level, or even the high school level for that matter? Their opinion is just that, THEIR opinion. So, it's time for the real season to begin. We have a very good team. We will beat Arkansas this weekend. For Christ sake, they lost to Vanderbilt! As for Bama. Go win a few more games and then you can talk smack. In the meantime, spend some time looking at your record from the past five years or so and ponder the fact that , No, you're not back yet. Go undefeated, win the SEC and then you can say "we're back". Until then, shut up and play ball.

Pick for this weekend...

Auburn 28

Arkansas 7


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I think the thing that frustrates me the most about what you are saying about the media is that we had our 13-0 season, and the respect from that is already gone. At least in the seasons preceeding that we had winning records and pulled off a couple of upsets. UAT has beaten nobody in several years except mediocre teams and has had either 500 or losing records at best the last several years and this one year that they have beaten 1 decent team they are getting all the attention in the world. It frustrates me, but all we can do is stay behind the Tigers and cheer as loud as we can.

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Am I the only Auburn fan sick and tired of hearing about how great every other school in the nation not named Auburn is this year?

Heck no!!!

We should, and I hope will beat them soundly.... But we will play the game for a reason come Saturday...

WDE :au::au::au::au::au:

PS: Go Notre Dame!!!

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I am telling ya'll and I hope that I am wrong, but this game is going to be tougher than you think. Arkansas has nothing to lose and we have not been in a hostile environment all year. When I get back from Fayetteville on Sunday and we have beaten them soundly I will be the first one to say that I was wrong and ya'll were right.

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