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Sergio Garcia


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Ugh! The outfit was horrible! I am convinced that's why he didn't play very well.

Not to mention, he and Tiger were playing sooooooo slow! I hate watching those guys take 800 practice swings. Just pull the trigger already!

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Sergio has always been known for playing slow. He probably holds the record for the most slow play warnings on the PGA tour. You think his wardrobe was horrible, you should have seen the guy that wore the burnt orange pants with the shirt that had the Union Jack on the top part. His pants had diamond studs on the sides of them!

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Geez people -- you've been watching too much Queer Eye for the Straight Guy if you feel the need to rag on the clothes a golfer wears! It doesn't matter what you wear as long as you can play. The late Payne Stewart proved that long ago.


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Stewart didnt do it to be "fashionable" he was just old school like that.

Sergio looked like a total loser. He's singlehandledly trying to bring back super mega mid 80s tapered jeans/pants back. I had to do a double take to make sure he didnt have a tight roll at the bottom of those suckers.

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BG3 is right. Payne Stewart was not trying to make a fashion statement like some of these clowns these days. If they would focus more on their golf then their wardrobe, they may actually get something accomplished.

I loved Payne Stewart and have his book. What a man and what an inspiration! Sometimes the great ones get taken early and he was one of those for sure.

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It doesn't matter what you wear as long as you can play.

i guess someone forgot to tell sergio.

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Count me in on the Sergio fashion bashing. That was sick looking. As far as his slow play, he's actually picked it up in the past couple of years. Or at least, it SEEMS so. Does anyone recall how he used to stand over a swing and "Regrip" about 60 times before each shot?

He's cut most of that out now, but that used to make me throw objects at the TV and holler, "Just grip it and rip it you little &%^$ piece of $%%#@!!!!

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