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Today is a special day...


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It's waking up in the morning and realizing that it's game day.

It's the drive into campus and the beautiful sight of Jordan-Hare Stadium appearing.

It's walking through the Lovliest Village on the Plains with the smell of tailgating and football in the air.

It's watching our Tigers walk into Jordan-Hare with the Auburn Family proudly cheering.

It's remembering the past but looking to the future that awaits us this year.

It's the walk into the stadium and the feeling you get when you walk through the tunnel and see the field for the first time.

It's the band taking the field and playing the songs that have a special place in our hearts.

It's 87,451 of your closest friends on their feet for kickoff yelling WARRR EAGLE!!

It's the band playing the Alma Mater and everyone singing at the end of the game, win or lose.

It's heading to Toomer's Corner and making it look like Christmas.

This particular day is special because it's the start of something new and promising and what could be one of the best seasons in a long time. So, to all of you in my Auburn family, I want to give a big WARRRRRR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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