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Durbin called them NAZIS. Murtha called them murderers.


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He called them monsters and rapist before he called them uneducated losers.


This elitist ba$stard is so completely out of touch with America and has so much bottled up hostility and rage toward our men and women in uniform that the only surprise is that we didn't hear of such remarks earlier.

The Jr Senator from Mass is a complete disgrace to ALL Americans.

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I deserve better than to be labeled a rapist, monster, and uneducated. Have I ever raped anyone? Nope. No response for the monster label because that would require me to stoop to a 3rd grade level that most libs seem to occupy. Pretty sure I'm not uneducated since I have a 4 year degree. It's not from Yale but it's good enough to earn a commission as an officer in the United States Armed Forces. And I didn't have to lie to earn the medals that I got.

And I'm pretty sure Raptor gives a damn about people like TIS and myself. Pretty sure the President does too. I can't remember the number of times he came to visit us at Fort Hood. How many times did Kerry come to visit us and say 'thank you'? Zero. Kerry is a POS yankee digrace. Thanks for playing.

PS - This muscadine wine is straight up kicking my ass.

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He thinks they deserve better than to have their fate determined by morons like you and Dubya who use them as political props while not giving a damn about them.

Kerry is the moron, not W. Not most Americans who voted for W.

Kerry is , imo, a traitor to this country.

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He thinks they deserve better than to have their fate determined by morons like you and Dubya who use them as political props while not giving a damn about them.

Kerry is the moron, not W. Not most Americans who voted for W.

Kerry is , imo, a traitor to this country.

IMO, you and Bush are traitors to this country....I guess this conversation is really going somewhere, heh? ;)

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He thinks they deserve better than to have their fate determined by morons like you and Dubya who use them as political props while not giving a damn about them.


Kerry and the rest of those pricks don't give a damn about the military. They have proven this time and time again. Like I said during the '04 election; Kerry was a traitor against his brothers in arms after Vietnam and he continues that today. Face it - Kerry is an ass and is still pissed off he lost to that 'loser' Bush. Keep defending him and show you're an ass just like him.

I don't want his apology. His words mean nothing to me.

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He thinks they deserve better than to have their fate determined by morons like you and Dubya who use them as political props while not giving a damn about them.


Kerry and the rest of those pricks don't give a damn about the military. They have proven this time and time again. Like I said during the '04 election; Kerry was a traitor against his brothers in arms after Vietnam and he continues that today. Face it - Kerry is an ass and is still pissed off he lost to that 'loser' Bush. Keep defending him and show you're an ass just like him.

I don't want his apology. His words mean nothing to me.

I'm not defending him. He tried to joke about Bush and did it poorly in a way that could be easily misconstrued. Now, he should shut up and go away but his ego is in the way. But, Rove and Co. are exploiting it as they usually do, claiming any criticism of Bush is a criticism of the troops. Lie and distort...it is the Buscho way and the loyal bootlickers like those on this thread will hop to. There has been no actual discussion here about what was actually said. Just mindless ranting. Which is the same way we got in this war in the first place.

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There has been no actual discussion here about what was actually said.

OK, here's what the prick said

“You know, education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you—you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Sounds to me that in Kerry’s elitist mind our military servicemen and women are a collection of the mentally challenged.

BTW, Kerry is dead wrong. The Heritage Foundation released a report recently that challenges common democrat stereotypes about the enlisted serviceman. The report shows that recruits in 2004 and 2005 came primarily from middle class America. Poor areas are well underrepresented during this timeframe. Additionally, the report states that, “The slight differences are that wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.” Link to the report Kerry couldn't have picked a dumber thing say.

It’s a true shame that in spite of his dishonorable testimony to 1971 about his fellow military servicemen, and the comments on the Senate floor about US soldiers terrorizing women and children in Iraq, Kerry still does not even have a basic appreciation for the men and women who risk death every day for this country.

His gaffe wasn't a botched joke (as his minders have scrambled to name it). It was a true assessment of what he thinks of the military. He immediately scrambled and had a press conference to cover his ass, then stood there in front of the press corps and continued to dig his own grave. “I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy.” I didn't once hear this in his California speech. He made a dig at the military and got caught. He’s an elitist ass, and he’s the same pompous chameleon that all the democrats accuse republicans of being.

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Many service men and women are intelligent, smart, and have chosen a career in the military because they find it a rewarding, meaningful, and important profession that lets them serve their country. Some chose military service as a pathway toward financing later college plans. But some have ended up in the military because they found no real opportunities in civilian life due to their lack of education or training.

I think Kerry had the last group in mind when he said what he said, but it was a stupid comment. He's not running for office right now, and should he decide to run again in 2008 I'm sure it will come back to haunt him. But it does not make him a traitor. I am tired of hearing everyone who criticizes the Bush Adminstration's mistake in Iraq being called "traitors"!

I don't know anything about Kerry calling them "murderers" or "rapists", although a tiny few of the American soldiers in Iraq have been charged with murder and rape. Of course, the same is probably true of any other profession: Teachers, truck drivers, clergy, or insurance salesmen, I'm sure in every profession there have been have been cases of murder or rape. Again, I'm not familiar with Kerry's comments, but it would be incredibly stupid politically to stereotype any entire group as "murderers and rapists". Still doesnt amount to treason, IMHO.

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It's what he did in 1971 that makes him a traitor.

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I'm shocked that you would suggest that about Barbara Bush. You should apologize to the whole Bush clan and great-grandmothers throughout the world.

Nice try, but here are only democrats in the picture.

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Yeah, if I were a republican right now I'd probably be getting a boner over this, too. That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

But no one in the picture is named Barbara.

Don't go and ruin his wet dream!!!

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Yeah, if I were a republican right now I'd probably be getting a boner over this, too. That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

But no one in the picture is named Barbara.

Don't go and ruin his my wet dream of Barney Frank!!!

Fixed that for you.

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That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

Once again a dim wants to offer nothing but criticism. No new ideas. No solutions, No nothing. That is why the repubs will keep control. The american people are just about as tired of the stale dims as they are of the inept repubs.

BTW. Nobody thinks the dims can lead it either. We are in dire need of some strong AMERICAN leaders. But until some come along, I have to go with strong security and lower taxes. Everything else is just a lot of hot air, no new idea, bullshirt from the dims. Sad all the way around.

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That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

Once again a dim wants to offer nothing but criticism. No new ideas. No solutions, No nothing. That is why the repubs will keep control. The american people are just about as tired of the stale dims as they are of the inept repubs.

BTW. Nobody thinks the dims can lead it either. We are in dire need of some strong AMERICAN leaders. But until some come along, I have to go with strong security and lower taxes. Everything else is just a lot of hot air, no new idea, bullshirt from the dims. Sad all the way around.

You live in a make-believe world rich with denial and fueled by too many Toby Keith videos.

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That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

Once again a dim wants to offer nothing but criticism. No new ideas. No solutions, No nothing. That is why the repubs will keep control. The american people are just about as tired of the stale dims as they are of the inept repubs.

BTW. Nobody thinks the dims can lead it either. We are in dire need of some strong AMERICAN leaders. But until some come along, I have to go with strong security and lower taxes. Everything else is just a lot of hot air, no new idea, bullshirt from the dims. Sad all the way around.

You live in a make-believe world rich with denial and fueled by too many Toby Keith videos.

You're right. Demoncrats are great. They are better than republicans. They have so many new ideas. They care about the economy. They are willing to stand up and proclaim the moral high ground even if one of their own makes a mistake. They are committed to keeping terrorists and illegals from entering our country. They want to take the fight to the terrorists instead of just closing their eyes and praying to God, "Please make me a bird so I can fly far, far away." They are willingto work with others to make this a better country. They are always respectful of our president and other legislators. I don't know what I was thinking. I'll run out and vote dims across the board. Thank you for showing me the light. You are such a bastion of good will.

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That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

Once again a dim wants to offer nothing but criticism. No new ideas. No solutions, No nothing. That is why the repubs will keep control. The american people are just about as tired of the stale dims as they are of the inept repubs.

BTW. Nobody thinks the dims can lead it either. We are in dire need of some strong AMERICAN leaders. But until some come along, I have to go with strong security and lower taxes. Everything else is just a lot of hot air, no new idea, bullshirt from the dims. Sad all the way around.

You live in a make-believe world rich with denial and fueled by too many Toby Keith videos.

Start a new thread Al and tell us exactly what the dims stand for and run their campaigns on. The opportunity is yours.

But this thread if for the French guy who is the Democrat Senator from the state of Massachusetts and how he is still running his mouth about U.S. troops. Tell us again how the dims support the troops.


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IMO, you and Bush are traitors to this country....

Spoken like the true intellectual adolescent we know you to be. :moon:

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Yeah, if I were a republican right now I'd probably be getting a boner over this, too. That way, I wouldn't have to discuss the real issues that my party had thoroughly dropped the ball on and I wouldn't have to think about how poll after poll shows that the majority of people think the republicans are ill-equipped to lead this country any longer.

But no one in the picture is named Barbara.

Don't go and ruin his my wet dream of Barney Frank!!!

Fixed that for you.

Typical Republican abuse of power. ;)

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There has been no actual discussion here about what was actually said.

OK, here's what the prick said

“You know, education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you—you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Sounds to me that in Kerry’s elitist mind our military servicemen and women are a collection of the mentally challenged.

BTW, Kerry is dead wrong. The Heritage Foundation released a report recently that challenges common democrat stereotypes about the enlisted serviceman. The report shows that recruits in 2004 and 2005 came primarily from middle class America. Poor areas are well underrepresented during this timeframe. Additionally, the report states that, “The slight differences are that wartime U.S. military enlistees are better educated, wealthier, and more rural on average than their civilian peers.” Link to the report Kerry couldn't have picked a dumber thing say.

It’s a true shame that in spite of his dishonorable testimony to 1971 about his fellow military servicemen, and the comments on the Senate floor about US soldiers terrorizing women and children in Iraq, Kerry still does not even have a basic appreciation for the men and women who risk death every day for this country.

His gaffe wasn't a botched joke (as his minders have scrambled to name it). It was a true assessment of what he thinks of the military. He immediately scrambled and had a press conference to cover his ass, then stood there in front of the press corps and continued to dig his own grave. “I apologize to no one for my criticism of the president and of his broken policy.” I didn't once hear this in his California speech. He made a dig at the military and got caught. He’s an elitist ass, and he’s the same pompous chameleon that all the democrats accuse republicans of being.

Kerry aides yesterday said the senator bungled a line intended to make fun of the president, a fellow Yale University graduate who has poked fun at his own lackadaisical attitude toward his schooling. According to Kerry's prepared text, as provided to reporters, Kerry intended to reference Bush in that portion of the speech.

"Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy?" Kerry was to say. "You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush."


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So say his handlers. He even f'ed up his own coverup. The word he claims he left out of the speech (as he says it happened) doesn't even fit in the sentence.

He's been slamming the military for at least 35 years. Why should we expect him to change now? He is what he is and he should come on out and tell us what we already know about him.

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