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Jason Campbell post game


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Jason Campbell Post-Game: Redskins-Bucs

November 19, 2006

On how he played in the Redskins' 20-17 loss to Tampa Bay:

"I feel like I did some good things. But, I also feel I wish I could have a couple throws back. They possibly were the keys to the game and keeping us in it, keeping us ahead of them. But you know that's part of the learning process. You've got your team to keep your head up high, your team to keep working, and let the guys around you understand that whatever it takes for us to get out of the hole and get on a winning streak that's going to do it."

On what could have been done for them to win the game:

"I feel that Tampa did a good job on offense of keeping the ball from us. They ran the ball a lot and maintained [that] for most of the game. That kept us from getting a lot of plays in, them maintaining the ball a lot. Overall, I feel like the whole team did a good job, they fought hard. The guys told me they were going to support me no matter what and they did that today. And I just take my hat off to the whole team. It's a tough loss."

On if he felt in command in the huddle:

"Yeah, you know I feel good, I feel comfortable. The guys around me feel real comfortable and we were excited about playing good today. And I just wish we had an opportunity to have some more plays to capitalize [on]."

These were taken from www.redskins.com

I hope he does really well this season he is a top notch guy. WDE!!!!

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