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Biggest BCS title game snub Poll

An Auburn Fan

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I don't know how anybody that has already played the same team they would be playing in a bowl AND LOST can claim they have been "snubbed."

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

You are right. We should run Tubby off and he can take all of those GREAT coaches with him! :rolleyes:

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

What did Florida do that our 2004 team didn't? We went undefeated and won our conference title game 38-28 also. What are you talking about?

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

What did Florida do that our 2004 team didn't?


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oh yeah, you're sooooo right. florida's dominant 7 point victory over fsu was a helluva statement. and that turnover laden, 10-point $hit feast of a title game was the biggest affirmative i've ever watched. i mean who didn't watch chris leak pitching it to the defensive end to give up the lead and think... this is the best team in the country???

you know what they did that we didn't (other than lose)? they played two years after the biggest botched vote in the history of the sport. that's it. they're in because we were out, and that's the only reason. so get over yourself and your "tubby doesn't do this!!" routine. we've finished our third straight regular season in the top 10, we've won 31 regular season games in the last three years, and we put together one unbeaten campaign. what the hell else can he do?

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

1. I'm hoping I catch the sarcasm in this.

2. We have no business talking about the BCS. None at all. Reality is a wonderful thing aint it?

3. You are referring to the '06 season as "WE DIDN''T GET DONE!" correct?

4. This may be one of Tubs best coaching seasons. I'm not too sure that the chemistry was there at all this season, but we played efficient SEC football.

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The BCS screws someone almost every year. Last year the BCS lucked up and there happened to be a clear 1 and 2, but usually that is not the case.

But of all the BCS screw-jobs we got by far the worst one. When there are several one loss teams, they can all gripe, but each team in that scenario blew its chance by losing a game. In 2004 we did EVERYTHING we could have, ran the table in the toughest conference and still didn't get our shot. And it hurts even more b/c we haven't won an "official" MNC in almost fifty years.

I'm glad there was more controversy this year, and I'm glad it was a "traditional" power that got screwed.

Seems like more and more coaches are openly supporting a playoff. Hopefully we can get one soon.

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I want to address another part of this that wears me out:

Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one.

Now, while CTT immediately improved Auburn's performance on the field from the end of the Bowden days, it was going to take a while before we could compete for championships. I think the 2003 team was the first time you could have legitimately expected Auburn to rise to the top. And we could have done that if Petrino hadn't left and we been stuck with Nallball, but the very next season, once we had a real OC, we went 13-0. Last year, after losing 4 first round draft picks, 3 from the starting backfield, we managed to go 9-2 in the regular season, losing only Cox's first game as a starter by 9 and an overtime road game by 3 vs LSU. I hardly think you could have realistically expected us last year to go all the way.

This year, though expectations were high, we missed some people that graduated badly, particularly three 1000-yd receivers and two offensive tackles. That and some injuries affected us more than some of you want to let on, but we still went 10-2. I'm not happy with how we lost our 2 games, but it wasn't "blowing" opportunities either. While we lost those two, we also pulled out two very tough games we could have lost as well. You can't treat the big wins as "status quo" and the losses as abject failures.

So this thing of "blowing opportunities" is bollocks in my opinion. CTT has put us in position to compete for all the marbles and we got hosed in '04 which wasn't his fault. Given the number of kids redshirted this year, we have every reason to expect to be in the mix the next few years as well. In a conference as tough as this one, I'm not sure what you expect to be different.

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This only goes to show that Florida did something WE DIDN"T GET DONE! They made a STATEMENT when it mattered most.....we didn't! Instead, we came out lackluster and laid down for Arky and lost it all. Tubby is an outstanding coach but he has a habit of "blowing" opportunities like that one. Giveem HELL gators!

Yup...that 2004 loss to UT in Knoxville was...oh wait...we beat the cowstuff out of them...well...it must been that loss to UGA? No...the one to Bamar? No...LS_Who...NO...well...you get the idea.

Guys...we had a very beat up running back and QB this year...and 2 new tackles...and we went 10-2, which is about what most of us predicted at the beginning of the year. Yeah, it would've been great to have been 12-0...but with no time off in a 12 game schedule...and the injuries we had after just the 3rd game of the season...it was a little too tough.


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I will say this in defense of the statement. When we lose we LOSE. Which in some ways is a good thing. We followed up 2 drubbungs by beating one of the 2 teams playing for it all and the other we followed up with BEATING BAMA!! So I love what we did after these 2 games but WOW did we get smoked by ARK AND UGA. Those 2 games did affect our season and cant be completly chaulked up to the season not having any breaks in it. This was a great year even after those 2 games. I for one have gotten spoiled and was quite upset with our performance in alot of games this year. But all in all we are playing in a new years day bowl against a traditional power, beat FLA, LSU (BCS participants) and BAMA. I for one hope we win the Cotton Bowl but know that we DO NOT play well early in the morning. But for all my crying this season and all my negative comments I am proud to be an Auburn Tiger and im comming home to visit mt BAMA family and cant wait to WAVE MY FIVE HIGH!!!!



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Do you guys wish there was a playoff at the end of the season instead of the BCS? Just a question, as I for one am in favor of a playoff rather than the BCS.

Have you read ANY of the comments on here?

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Do you guys wish there was a playoff at the end of the season instead of the BCS? Just a question, as I for one am in favor of a playoff rather than the BCS.

I am 100% AGAINST any form of a playoff, with the possible exception of a +1 system. Of course, I may be the only Auburn fan in the world that feels that way. With a playoff, you may settle it on the field, but is it really the best team that wins it all? Go watch the NFL, and see how many Wild Card teams win the Super Bowl, or watch March Madness, and look at how many 3 or 4 seeds end up winning it all. At least with the BCS, you can be reasonably sure that the team that wins it all is at least in the top 2 or 3. Go back and look at College Basketball in 2003, when Syracuse won it all. They were a 4 seed...I don't even think they were in the Top 10 going into the tournament.

I want the old system back. It may not have given you a true champion, but it never really claimed to. You didn't see the SEC Champion feeling snubbed because they were "only" in the Sugar Bowl. You weren't eliminated from contention just because you weren't in the big game. At the same time, making it to the big game and winning was no guarantee you would win it all. All the games mattered until the very end.

With the old system, it seemed to me that some days you were the dog (Miami, 1983), and somedays you were the fire hydrant (Auburn, 1983). It just seems like now, with the BCS, the gauntlet of a season that an SEC schedule forces you to play will pretty much always mean an SEC team will be the fire hydrant.

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Do you guys wish there was a playoff at the end of the season instead of the BCS? Just a question, as I for one am in favor of a playoff rather than the BCS.

I am 100% AGAINST any form of a playoff, with the possible exception of a +1 system. Of course, I may be the only Auburn fan in the world that feels that way. With a playoff, you may settle it on the field, but is it really the best team that wins it all? Go watch the NFL, and see how many Wild Card teams win the Super Bowl, or watch March Madness, and look at how many 3 or 4 seeds end up winning it all. At least with the BCS, you can be reasonably sure that the team that wins it all is at least in the top 2 or 3. Go back and look at College Basketball in 2003, when Syracuse won it all. They were a 4 seed...I don't even think they were in the Top 10 going into the tournament.

I want the old system back. It may not have given you a true champion, but it never really claimed to. You didn't see the SEC Champion feeling snubbed because they were "only" in the Sugar Bowl. You weren't eliminated from contention just because you weren't in the big game. At the same time, making it to the big game and winning was no guarantee you would win it all. All the games mattered until the very end.

With the old system, it seemed to me that some days you were the dog (Miami, 1983), and somedays you were the fire hydrant (Auburn, 1983). It just seems like now, with the BCS, the gauntlet of a season that an SEC schedule forces you to play will pretty much always mean an SEC team will be the fire hydrant.

That was a perfect way to describe the fiasco that was 1983. I am still so po'd at that. #1 and #2 lose, #3 (Auburn) wins, but #5 Miami jumps us in the final poll. We were robbed!

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You don't have to go any further than last year's Gator basketball team to see the best team doesn't always win in a playoff (UF started the torunament outside the top 5). Having said that, when's the last time we had a controversy that the wrong 2 teams were in the basketball championship? There's something about playoffs that just shut the fans up.

"I don't know how anybody that has already played the same team they would be playing in a bowl AND LOST can claim they have been "snubbed.""

Re. THAT statement: how about if the team that lost was the second best team and they lost to the best team. Uh, in a #1 vs. #2 championship game a rematch might make sense then, right?

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Yea Canuck, but I like the controversy. What would we do all December if there was no bowl controversy?

Talk about the playoff games that would last through early January?

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1 Ohio State

2 Florida

3 Michigan


5 Southern California

6 Louisville

7 Wisconsin

8 Boise State

9 Auburn

10 Oklahoma

Lets say you use the current BCS formula to pick the teams to make the BCS Playoff. The top 8 above would play and Auburn and Oklahoma would be the first of the teams left out of the big show. I have no problem with Auburn and Oklahoma being left out as both have two losses. Yes USC has two and so does LSU but they did look pretty good and Auburn played lights out to beat LSU.

My question is if we took the top 8 who is not deserving of a shot at the NC? This is not like some wild card team in the NFL with 4 losses winning the Superbowl. At worst you would have a 2 loss USC or LSU winning and that would be a long shot. At least if you lose a tough game in the regular season you are not a completly out of the running at the NC. Look at Boise State they may not be a BCS school and they did not play a super tough schedule but they are a pretty impressive team and I would like to see them have a shot. Wisconsin is left out of the current system because they are in the same confernece with Ohio State and Michigan but in a 8 team playoff they have a shot.

In the top 8 of the current BCS I think Ohio State would be the favorite but they would have to knock off a few top teams to make it. I also think that the teams playing in the BCS Playoff should be locked in to at least a top 8 ranking.

Here are my brackets

Round one December 23

Ohio State vs Boise State: Ohio State win in Rose Bowl

Florida vs Wisconsin: Florida win in Sugar

Michigan vs Louisville: Michigan win in Fiesta

LSU vs USC: LSU win in Orange

Round two January 1

Ohio State vs LSU in Sugar: Ohio State win

Florida vs Michigan in Fiesta: Florida win in Fiesta

Championship Game January 8th

Ohio State vs Florida: well kind of worked out like this year but you get the idea.

Florida wins Go SEC

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The way that I figure it is that 1) a team that didn't win its on conference cannot be the national champion. I know that twice this century, that has happened, but if we are talking about how the system as we see it should work, I think that should be a given. 2) No matter how screwed up the pollsters are, or are screwed up the computers are, I think that if team that is not in the top 5 at the end of the year, then it is a pretty safe bet that they are not the best team in the country.

If we look at the top 8 in the BCS:

Ohio St. and Florida would be able to be considered.

Michigan and LSU (despite what I said in another thread about how I thought LSU may be the best team in the country when they are clicking) are out. Again, if you can't win your conference, or even your division of the conference, you CANNOT POSSIBLY be the champion of the whole shebang.

Southern Cal you could argue, but with 2 losses, to a 7-5 and 8-4 team, can it honestly be said that they deserve a shot at Ohio St., who went unchallenged through the Big 10?

Louisville - another argument, and they only have one loss, and they won their conference, but could they really beat Ohio St.? See my second rule. They might get hot one day and beat OSU, but I think that it where a playoff could fail us. The #1, the way I see it, should not be a team that gets hot for a game or two in a row, but instead be the team that is actually the best, week in week out. I know we can't be sure of that happening in our system now, but we can at least keep some teams out. I think 9 times out of 10, OSU would run Louisville off the field, out of the stadium, and all the way back to the Airport. Would it really be any less of an injustice to call Louisville "#1" because they caught OSU on that 1 out of 10 game, or is it better to never give them a chance?

Wisconsin - didn't win their conference

Boise St. - you could argue for them if you wanted, but really, I think putting Boise on the field with OSU would be a blood letting waiting to happen.

The way I see it, OSU v. UF is the only possible matchup. Before Saturday, USC also should have been in the conversation, but to allow any other team in there is, I think, more of an injustice than it is to keep them out.

P.S. - I wrote this in a bit of a hurry, without giving too much thought to how I worded it, so just disregard anything that is incoherent or that just doesn't make a lick of sense.

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