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Wait Until No One's Paying Attention...


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Wait Until No One's Paying Attention...

I thought this was interesting:

The New York Times' Carl Hulse reports: (emphasis added)

During four decades of Democratic rule ending in 1994, committee chairmen amassed almost unchallenged authority, often becoming more feared and influential than the elected leadership. They were nearly impossible to budge from their perches, and the concept of term limits was unimaginable. In a move that caught some new Democratic chairmen by surprise, House rules pushed through by the Democrats this week retained the six-year limit on chairmen imposed by Republicans, but the leadership reassured lawmakers they would revisit the restrictions when there was less attention focused on the dawn of the Democratic era.

So, ya know, when no one's payin' attention, we'll change the term-limit rule back to the way it was when we last ran da House...

As they say in Chicago, Punch 10.


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what do expect from democraps


Long time no post!

We raved about your awesome user Name, and you just finally reappear only to respond to this?

Come on man, post at least until I've gotten used to your name so I don't giggle like Beavis & Butt-head every time I see it.

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