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Bush to Saddam: "Good riddance"


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The capture of Saddam Hussein was a "great moment for the people of Iraq," President Bush (search) said Monday, and said that the Iraqi people will decide the fate of their former brutal ruler.

"Iraqi citizens have lost a source of fear and they can now focus with confidence on the task of creating a hopeful and self-governing nation," Bush said during a news conference in Washington. "The enemies of Iraq have lost their dictators and they've lost any hope of regaining power."

When asked if Saddam would be tried in court, Bush said: "We will work with the Iraqis to develop a way to try him that will stand international scrutiny."

"Iraqis need to be very much involved -- they were the people who were brutalized by this man … We'll work with the Iraqis to develop a process," Bush said. Of course we want it to be fair and of course we want the world to say, 'he got a fair trial.'

"I've got my own personal views on how he ought to be treated but I'm not an Iraqi citizen, it's got to be up to the Iraqis," Bush continued. "My personal views aren't important in this matter."

Bush said that, if given the chance to talk to Saddam, he'd say: "Good riddance, the world is better off without you Mr. Saddam Hussein. I find it very interesting that when the heat got in, you dug yourself a hole and crawled in it."

Bush stressed, however, that he does not trust Saddam and does not believe he will tell the whole truth just because he's been detained.

But in a public trial, "all the atrocities need to come out and justice needs to be delivered," Bush said. "And I'm confident it can be done in a fair way."

The president said, however, that U.S. troops will not be pulled out sooner just because Saddam is in custody, particularly because violence on the ground has not stopped

"We will stay the course until the job is done," the president said. "It's very important that the Iraqi people know that."...


On a side note, did you hear about the conversation between Saddam and the soldiers who captured him? Saddam said something like "My name is Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq and I'm willing to negotiate." The soldiers simply said back, "Regards from President Bush." Hee! :lol:

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Bush stressed, however, that he does not trust Saddam and does not believe he will tell the whole truth just because he's been detained.

This would be all the "evidence" we had against Saddam before the war, such as WMD's, uranium purchases, al Quaeda, 9/11, etc. Bush will cover up HIS lies by saying that anything Saddam says that is contradictory is a lie. Sweet racket!!!

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Or maybe, just maybe, it's reasonable to think that someone who spent a third of his tenure as dictator of Iraq defying UN resolutions would, oh I don't know...


Overthink much?

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid :drink1:

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

See, David, if I didn't you were a smart guy I might think you really believed that I've maintained that Saddam never ever ever had WMD's. Since that's not the case then you should please sweep up all of your strawman's remains before you go...even if this is your site!!!

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

See, David, if I didn't you were a smart guy I might think you really believed that I've maintained that Saddam never ever ever had WMD's. Since that's not the case then you should please sweep up all of your strawman's remains before you go...even if this is your site!!!

Since you are willing to take even the smallest pro Sadaam stance, then maybe you need to go to where he is being held and protest for his release. Then you can stand right beside him when they let him go.....right in the middle of a crowded Bagdad!

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

See, David, if I didn't you were a smart guy I might think you really believed that I've maintained that Saddam never ever ever had WMD's. Since that's not the case then you should please sweep up all of your strawman's remains before you go...even if this is your site!!!

Humor AL!!!!!

We could all use some!

Lighten up guy. It's the holidays.

Prez election in 2004 is not life and death.

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

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Al, it works both ways.

Bush is not the Devil incarnate. Clinton wasnt either. (Gore might be but that is another discussion.) ;)

Just need a little levity here.

Lets lighten it up a bit for the holidays.

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

Actually, he DID gas the Kurds, and guess who gave him the gas. The Reagan- Bush team in 1988. Of course, he was supposed to use it on Iran but we could overlook his attrocities then because he was our ally against the evil Iranians. Yes, we knew he had nerve gas because we supplied him with it. However, it appears he was being truthful when he said all the WMDs we gave him were dismantled.

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

Actually, he DID gas the Kurds, and guess who gave him the gas. The Reagan- Bush team in 1988. Of course, he was supposed to use it on Iran but we could overlook his attrocities then because he was our ally against the evil Iranians. Yes, we knew he had nerve gas because we supplied him with it. However, it appears he was being truthful when he said all the WMDs we gave him were dismantled.

So I guess all the reports of the gas making equipment he bought from Germany were all greatly exaggerated.

I doubt totally that we would sell gas to him anyway. Our policy has been to only posess it to make others never use it on us.

For years our intelligence said Germany was the source for the Big Gun aimed at Israel and the gas he used on the Kurds too.

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Saddam never had WMDs! Those 5000 kurds gassed themselves guy. The UN was never looking for WMDs for 12 years. Nah we all just imagined it. (Bobby Ewing just woke up, didnt you hear?)

Get on the Demo bandwagon.....

BTW, here's your Kool-Aid  :drink1:

Actually, he DID gas the Kurds, and guess who gave him the gas. The Reagan- Bush team in 1988. Of course, he was supposed to use it on Iran but we could overlook his attrocities then because he was our ally against the evil Iranians. Yes, we knew he had nerve gas because we supplied him with it. However, it appears he was being truthful when he said all the WMDs we gave him were dismantled.

So I guess all the reports of the gas making equipment he bought from Germany were all greatly exaggerated.

Well, "reports" also said he was trying to buy enriched yellowcake uranium from Africa. ;)

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

Also call it the Democratic Modus Operandi...

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

Also call it the Democratic Modus Operandi...

Is that sort of like how when Republicans decide that instead of allowing some gov't program to grow 10% in the next fiscal year, they want it to only grow 7% in the budget, the Dems say the Republicans are "cutting" said program? Then they just keep saying "cut", "cuts", "draconian cuts", and "cutting" over and over until it numbs the nerve endings in your ear...even though the program is actually "growing"?

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

Also call it the Democratic Modus Operandi...

Is that sort of like how when Republicans decide that instead of allowing some gov't program to grow 10% in the next fiscal year, they want it to only grow 7% in the budget, the Dems say the Republicans are "cutting" said program? Then they just keep saying "cut", "cuts", "draconian cuts", and "cutting" over and over until it numbs the nerve endings in your ear...even though the program is actually "growing"?

Bush was AWOL, Bush was AWOL, Bush was AWOL, Bush was AWOL, Bush was AWOL...

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Bush knew (but we have no proof), Bush knew (we're just repeating stuff that crazy old bat McKinney said), Bush knew (we've thrown just about everything else against the wall...will this stick?)...
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The democrats have nothing to complain about now so they find petty stuff to whine about, which they have been doing for a long time!!! For example they complained about the turkey being fake....BIG FREAKIN DEAL!!!

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

You from Hope, Arkansas too? :o:lol:

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

You from Hope, Arkansas too? :o:lol:

No. I'm from Samamish, Wa.

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Excuse me, David, for I've come from a land where if you repeat a falsehood often enough and loud enough then the truth eventually morphs into the lie. Call it a defense mechanism.

You from Hope, Arkansas too? :o:lol:

No. I'm from Samamish, Wa.

Busted. You're from Hope, Arkansas alright. :D

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