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Al Gore Continues to Demand Special Treatment

March 20, 2007

Posted By Marc Morano – 8:08 PM ET – Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov

From behind the scenes on Capitol Hill: Former Vice President Al Gore, despite being given major preferential treatment, has violated the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee’s (EPW) hearing rules.

1) Gore first demanded to be granted an unprecedented 30 minute opening statement to the Senate EPW Committee for Wednesday’s (March 21) global warming hearing scheduled for 2:30 pm ET.

(See "FULL COMMITTEE: Vice President Al Gore’s Perspective on Global Warming" )

The GOP minority on the EPW committee agreed to the 30 minute opening statement.

2) But then Gore demanded a waiver of the EPW committee’s 48 hour rule that requires all witnesses before EPW to submit their testimony in advance.

The GOP minority on the EPW committee then agreed to waive the 48 hour rule in favor of allowing Gore to submit his testimony 24 hours before the hearing.

But in a breaking news development on Capitol Hill -- the former Vice President has violated the new 24 hour deadline extension by failing to submit his testimony – even with the new time extension granted to Gore.

As of 8pm ET Tuesday evening, the testimony still has not been received by EPW, a clear violation of committee rules.

The word on Capitol Hill says not to expect Gore’s testimony to the Senate EPW committee until Wednesday (March 21) -- the day of the hearing.

It appears that Gore does not believe the same rules apply to him that apply to every other Senate EPW witness.

The question looms on Capitol Hill: Is Gore delaying the submission of his testimony until the very last moment because he fears it will give members of the EPW committee time to scrutinize it for accuracy?

SSDD for Gore. What a loser...

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Is Gore delaying the submission of his testimony until the very last moment because he fears it will give members of the EPW committee time to scrutinize it for accuracy?

Ding Ding Ding - we have a winner.

How many times has this hypocrite been challenged to a debate by some of the world's top scientists, only to back away and ignore their requests? He knows he's a fraud and he would get his ass handed to him in a debate with actual climatologists.

Man, I would really love to see just how rich this windbag is getting off this hysteria.

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It appears that Gore does not believe the same rules apply to him that apply to every other Senate EPW witness.

Don't you know he has been elevated to rock star status by the green left. The same rules just don't apply to him as the rest of the world.

The question looms on Capitol Hill: Is Gore delaying the submission of his testimony until the very last moment because he fears it will give members of the EPW committee time to scrutinize it for accuracy?

That would be a good question and more than likely the correct conclusion.

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Update: At 9:29AM ET Wednesday -- after the issue was raised by Fox News Channel -- former Vice President Gore's testimony was received by the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee. Gore's testimony was given to Committee members just one minute before his scheduled House appearance and mere hours before his scheduled Senate appearance.

SSDD for Gore... same link as above...

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They should have said "Thanks Al, now that you have submitted your testimony, come back in 48 hours and testify." "You were a member of the Senate for many years Al, you are aware of the 48 hour rule, come back in two days."

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Did anybody notice how empty the meeting room was when the oppositions witnesses testified. Not eve the "media" was ther.

Also, Al Gore had as much credibility on global warming as Meryle Streep had on Alar.

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Al Gore Continues to Demand Special Treatment

March 20, 2007

Posted By Marc Morano – 8:08 PM ET – Marc_Morano@EPW.Senate.Gov

From behind the scenes on Capitol Hill: Former Vice President Al Gore, despite being given major preferential treatment, has violated the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee’s (EPW) hearing rules.

1) Gore first demanded to be granted an unprecedented 30 minute opening statement to the Senate EPW Committee for Wednesday’s (March 21) global warming hearing scheduled for 2:30 pm ET.

(See "FULL COMMITTEE: Vice President Al Gore’s Perspective on Global Warming" )

The GOP minority on the EPW committee agreed to the 30 minute opening statement.

2) But then Gore demanded a waiver of the EPW committee’s 48 hour rule that requires all witnesses before EPW to submit their testimony in advance.

The GOP minority on the EPW committee then agreed to waive the 48 hour rule in favor of allowing Gore to submit his testimony 24 hours before the hearing.

But in a breaking news development on Capitol Hill -- the former Vice President has violated the new 24 hour deadline extension by failing to submit his testimony – even with the new time extension granted to Gore.

As of 8pm ET Tuesday evening, the testimony still has not been received by EPW, a clear violation of committee rules.

The word on Capitol Hill says not to expect Gore’s testimony to the Senate EPW committee until Wednesday (March 21) -- the day of the hearing.

It appears that Gore does not believe the same rules apply to him that apply to every other Senate EPW witness.

The question looms on Capitol Hill: Is Gore delaying the submission of his testimony until the very last moment because he fears it will give members of the EPW committee time to scrutinize it for accuracy?

SSDD for Gore. What a loser...

Ok, this is truely much ado about nothing. Our Committee also has a 48 hour rule for testimony. NEVER (even with the Rs were in charge) have all of the witnesses had all of the testimony in by the deadline. Most of the time we are lucky to get it the day before, and 9 times out of 10 we are waiting for government witnesses to submit their testimony. Industy groups are usually on time. Trust me when I say, this is standard procedure. I would be surprised if EPW is actually all that strict anyway on testimony submittal.

This is a story about nothing. And from people who have no idea of Senate procedure no less. Typical. :rolleyes:

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The story is about Gore making a killing off promoting hysteria. The guy is a snake oil salesman and our lawmakers should be spending their time (and our tax money) on more important matters.

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Most of the article talks about the so-called "special treatment" he received from the Committee about submitting his testimony. I was just pointing out that this is not unusal, therefore a non-story. I highly doubt that when Sen. Inhofe was Chairman (who's staffer posted this on the press blog) reprimanded witnesses who did not follow these rules--- and I guarantee there were witnesses under his Chairmanship that broke the rules in a similar fashion as Gore. Not giving an excuse, just stating fact.

Whether Congress should or shouldn't have had him as a witness was never discussed.

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I was listening to the news on the drive home yesterday and they (NPR socialists) were talking about what a great crusader Gore was and how we are all going to die if we don't start living like cavemen immediately.

I got to thinking about the book 1984 that I read in high school. Man, we are living this book today. Think about it; the thought police telling you what you can and can't say, a huge move towards socialism, government trying to take over your lives with ridiculous mamby pamby laws that dictate when and where you can smoke, what your donuts can be cooked in, etc....it goes on and on. Read it and see for yourselves.

Now we are dealing with these human based global warming goons that are trying to impose their religion on us. This crap isn't about science, and its followers are getting to be more irrational than the islamic zealots.

Kind of gave me a chill.

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Most of the article talks about the so-called "special treatment" he received from the Committee about submitting his testimony. I was just pointing out that this is not unusal, therefore a non-story. I highly doubt that when Sen. Inhofe was Chairman (who's staffer posted this on the press blog) reprimanded witnesses who did not follow these rules--- and I guarantee there were witnesses under his Chairmanship that broke the rules in a similar fashion as Gore. Not giving an excuse, just stating fact.

Whether Congress should or shouldn't have had him as a witness was never discussed.

So, you are saying that every committee on Capital Hill has a one minute before testimony submission policy and no one ever gets upset at this?

Strange, why have the rule on any committee then? Why bother to question anyone if you cant challenge their testimonyu as to truthfulness? Your tax dollars at work, I guess.

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I was listening to the news on the drive home yesterday and they (NPR socialists) were talking about what a great crusader Gore was and how we are all going to die if we don't start living like cavemen immediately.

I got to thinking about the book 1984 that I read in high school. Man, we are living this book today. Think about it; the thought police telling you what you can and can't say, a huge move towards socialism, government trying to take over your lives with ridiculous mamby pamby laws that dictate when and where you can smoke, what your donuts can be cooked in, etc....it goes on and on. Read it and see for yourselves.

Now we are dealing with these human based global warming goons that are trying to impose their religion on us. This crap isn't about science, and its followers are getting to be more irrational than the islamic zealots.

Kind of gave me a chill.

Good analogy. "Some animals are more equal than others."

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I was listening to the news on the drive home yesterday and they (NPR socialists) were talking about what a great crusader Gore was and how we are all going to die if we don't start living like cavemen immediately.

I got to thinking about the book 1984 that I read in high school. Man, we are living this book today. Think about it; the thought police telling you what you can and can't say, a huge move towards socialism, government trying to take over your lives with ridiculous mamby pamby laws that dictate when and where you can smoke, what your donuts can be cooked in, etc....it goes on and on. Read it and see for yourselves.

Now we are dealing with these human based global warming goons that are trying to impose their religion on us. This crap isn't about science, and its followers are getting to be more irrational than the islamic zealots.

Kind of gave me a chill.

Try reading Bill O'Reilly's "Culture Warrior." Just as frightening as 1984 but non-fiction.

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Most of the article talks about the so-called "special treatment" he received from the Committee about submitting his testimony. I was just pointing out that this is not unusal, therefore a non-story. I highly doubt that when Sen. Inhofe was Chairman (who's staffer posted this on the press blog) reprimanded witnesses who did not follow these rules--- and I guarantee there were witnesses under his Chairmanship that broke the rules in a similar fashion as Gore. Not giving an excuse, just stating fact.

Whether Congress should or shouldn't have had him as a witness was never discussed.

So, you are saying that every committee on Capital Hill has a one minute before testimony submission policy and no one ever gets upset at this?

Strange, why have the rule on any committee then? Why bother to question anyone if you cant challenge their testimonyu as to truthfulness? Your tax dollars at work, I guess.

No, I am saying that its not uncommon, and I have yet to hear of a witness penalized for it. Generally though, the Committee has been alerted that the testimony will be submitted late.

Also, the testimony submitted is often the exact same thing as their spoken statement. Finally, the record is often kept open for weeks after the hearing, any Committee Member is given the opportunity to submit questions in writing to any/all of the witnesses, and the witness is to respond in writing.

The hearing process is much more complex than one would have you believe if you just watch TV.

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In 10 yrs, there won't be anyclmatenaechange beyond the nature we see right about now.

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Also, the testimony submitted is often the exact same thing as their spoken statement. Finally, the record is often kept open for weeks after the hearing, any Committee Member is given the opportunity to submit questions in writing to any/all of the witnesses, and the witness is to respond in writing.

I wonder if any of them wrote down, "Mr Gore, how much money have you made so far off this fleecing, and how much do you anticipate making before everyone finally realizes you're full of s**t?"

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While nosing around the EPW site, I ran across this interesting speech given by Senator Inhofe back in September 2006. Well worth the read with some outstanding reference material linked.

Sen Inhofe's speech

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