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What media bias?


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How many caught this intentional snafu? While asking George Tenent about the outing of Val Plame, a long winded question was phrased in a way in which it was FACT that the Bush White House intentionally outed the CIA agent as some sort of retribution for her husband's 'report' on his Yellow Cake Uranium trip to Niger. No such thing has been proven, and nothing that Livingston's investigation uncovered remotely hinted at it.

Sorry, but how the hell does that sort of fictional story writing get passed off as ' established fact' in a one on one interview on national t.v. ? THIS is how so many Americans have been brain washed to accept the Left wing's agenda!

If anyone needs to be sent to Gitmo, maybe it's the folks over at CBS.

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What's the deal here ? 10 folks have seen this post, and not one reply ? Seriously, does anyone really believe this tripe ? It's Joe Wilson's story that Bush et al tried to out his wife, no one elses! Wilson's the one lying about his own trip to Niger, and it's Wilson who has the political ax to grind against the GOP. The GOP had NOTHING to gain by outing Val Plame, it's such a ridiculous claim!

C'mon folks..... stop being such sheeple! Wake the hell up!

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Brother, you're preaching to the choir here. I didn't catch the story for obvious reasons, but your assessment of bias in the media (especially CBS) is dead on accurate. I can't stomach network news now and almost never watch it. I prefer to get my information online.

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Brother, you're preaching to the choir here. I didn't catch the story for obvious reasons, but your assessment of bias in the media (especially CBS) is dead on accurate. I can't stomach network news now and almost never watch it. I prefer to get my information online.

Same here. :)

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