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I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

So, there ya go. I actually tend to be a moderate/conservative that is more liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. My question is, why am I so turned off by the Republican party? There's just something about them that I just don't like. And, you may say... the party has changed over the last decade and you would have fit well in prior years. So, GOP'ers, what's the deal?

By the way, I went and took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" after filling out the above. Here are my results.


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Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

They have been telling the world what their intentions are but you don't want to believe.

Nuclear Iran?

It is understandable why Ahmadinejad might want an arsenal of nuclear missiles. It would allow him to shake down a constant stream of rich European emissaries, pressure the Arab Gulf states to lower oil production, pose as the Persian and Shiite messianic leader of Islamic terrorists, neutralize the influence of the United States in the region — and, of course, destroy Israel. Let no one doubt that a nuclear Iran would end the entire notion of peaceful global adjudication of nuclear proliferation and pose an unending threat to civilization itself

For now, however, Ahmadinejad faces two hurdles: He must get the bomb, and he must create the psychological landscape whereby the world will shrug at Israel’s demise.

Oddly, the first obstacle may not be the hardest. An impoverished Pakistan and North Korea pulled it off. China and Russia will likely sell Tehran anything it cannot get from rogue regimes. The European Union is Iran’s largest trading partner and ships it everything from sophisticated machine tools to sniper rifles, while impotent European diplomats continue “ruling out force” to stop the Iranian nuclear industry. Meanwhile, Moscow and Beijing, for all their expressed concern, will probably veto any serious punitive action by the United Nations.

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I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

So, there ya go. I actually tend to be a moderate/conservative that is more liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. My question is, why am I so turned off by the Republican party? There's just something about them that I just don't like. And, you may say... the party has changed over the last decade and you would have fit well in prior years. So, GOP'ers, what's the deal?

By the way, I went and took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" after filling out the above. Here are my results.


Dude, other than Tort Reform, we are right on the money.

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Here's mine. I took your answers and modified to show my philosophy:

My PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.

My ECONOMIC issues Score is 80%.

I oppose abortion rights (that wasn't on the survey)

I support flat taxes and reduced sales tax

Iraq War: Unsupportive, but we're stuck with the situation. Cutting and running would be an even worse alternative.

Iran War: Wait and see. I think we can achieve our objectives by continuing to apply diplomatic and economic pressure.

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: The jury is out. However, I think weaning ourselves from fossil fuels should be a strategic priority for this country

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

Same-sex marriage: It's just not my business.

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Supports.

Raising the federal minimum wage: Opposes

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports

NAFTA & CAFTA: Support. It's simply not a zero-sum game. The more we stimulate other economies in the hemisphere, the more we prosper too. That "giant sucking sound" that Ross Perot described simply hasn't happened. Instead, we have the lowest unemployment since the late 1950s, with far higher household incomes.

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Supports. The impact of the War On Drugs has been far worse than the drugs themselves. Legalizing drugs and regulating their distribution will solve most of the problems, at a far lower cost.

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

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Wait, I know exactly why I haven't been associating with you guys. Read your first sentence. That's what I really hate about the GOP - that "holier than thou", ivory tower, in your face type rhetoric. While the Dem party doesn't even know where they stand, I don't see them in a 24/7 ROAR against those that disagree. When actually, we don't even disagree here...

Just, Mike, please don't tell me what I "want to believe." I'm not trying to be an ass to you, but that just really gets off with me. My above comments are not solely directed at you, either. It's really a widespread problem.

As for the issue, I see your point and think something should be done about it.

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I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

So, there ya go. I actually tend to be a moderate/conservative that is more liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. My question is, why am I so turned off by the Republican party? There's just something about them that I just don't like. And, you may say... the party has changed over the last decade and you would have fit well in prior years. So, GOP'ers, what's the deal?

By the way, I went and took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" after filling out the above. Here are my results.


Dude, other than Tort Reform, we are right on the money.

See, that's my point.

I think most voters are much closer to the center than the extremists that control the two major parties. How 'bout you and I found us a centrist third party? ;)

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Abortion rights: Pro-choice

Taxes: Support the FairTax Plan 100%. Repeal the 16th Amendment!

Iraq war: Support

Iran war: Would support

Vouchers: Support

Global warming: I believe man-made Global Warming is a farce. That's not to say that I don't think the earth may be going through a climate change, but I don't believe that man is the cause.

Bush tax cuts: Support, and I think more tax cuts would be great

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: I support 'civil unions' that would afford homosexual couples the same advantages that heterosexual couples get, but I do have a problem calling them 'marriages'.

Gun rights: Support

Stem-cell research: Undecided

Tort reform: I support a loser-pays system

Raising the federal minimum wage: Oppose 100%. It shouldn't be the government's place to enter the free market and set wages.

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Support, use the ANWAR section of Alaska for what it was intended for.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Support

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: Support

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Support in some circumstances. I do believe that if money spent to cart off otherwise law-abiding citizens was used to help treat addiction, we would be more effective in our so called 'War on Drugs'.

Privatize SSI: Support 100%

I took the quiz, too:

My PERSONAL issues Score is 80%.

My ECONOMIC issues Score is 100%.

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Well, if you had a political party that believed in smaller government AND kept out of people's personal lives, then you'd probably have a winner. I think Republicans don't have a clue how much the party's alliance with the fundamentalists has really hurt them over the years. If, instead, the Republicans really embraced the ideals of Friedman, they would be routing the Democratic Party at the polls year in and year out--chiefly because the Democrats just can't seem to relinquish their childlike faith in Keynsianism, despite it leading to economic disasters wherever it is applied.

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Wait, I know exactly why I haven't been associating with you guys. Read your first sentence. That's what I really hate about the GOP - that "holier than thou", ivory tower, in your face type rhetoric. While the Dem party doesn't even know where they stand, I don't see them in a 24/7 ROAR against those that disagree. When actually, we don't even disagree here...

Just, Mike, please don't tell me what I "want to believe." I'm not trying to be an ass to you, but that just really gets off with me. My above comments are not solely directed at you, either. It's really a widespread problem.

As for the issue, I see your point and think something should be done about it.

Nor was I trying to be an ass to you. So don’t be so thin skinned. I responded to one statement. When I said “you don’t want to believe”, I was in fact meaning many, most all on the left and many on the right. But in fact you did say

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world.

My question would have to be how is a Nuclear Iran not a threat to the world? How is Iran being one of the world’s largest exporters and supporters of terrorists not a threat to the world? How has Iran’s stated intention of eliminating the nation of Israel and Jews world wide not a threat to the world?

“Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran has been one of the world's most active sponsors of terrorism. Tehran has armed, trained, financed, inspired, organized, and otherwise supported dozens of violent groups over the years. Iran has backed not only groups in its Persian Gulf neighborhood, but also terrorists and radicals in Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Bosnia, the Philippines, and elsewhere.1 This support remains strong even today. It comes as no surprise then, twenty five years after the revolution, the U.S. State Department still considers Iran "the most active state sponsor of terrorism."2”

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I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

You and I agree on a lot. I think NCLB was good in theory but implemented poorly. I don't agree with the Iraq war as much as I disagree with the way it has been fought. I am not sold that "Global Warming" is man made. I do believe we are putting out way too much pollution. I am totally against ESCR, period. Not neccessarily for an increase in minimum wage but could possibly be convinced.

I guess I don't understand why you are turned off by the GOP but not the DNC. And for you to be such an Edwards supporter, you sure do have serveral opposing opinions to his.

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I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

So, there ya go. I actually tend to be a moderate/conservative that is more liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. My question is, why am I so turned off by the Republican party? There's just something about them that I just don't like. And, you may say... the party has changed over the last decade and you would have fit well in prior years. So, GOP'ers, what's the deal?

By the way, I went and took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" after filling out the above. Here are my results.


Dude, other than Tort Reform, we are right on the money.

See, that's my point.

I think most voters are much closer to the center than the extremists that control the two major parties. How 'bout you and I found us a centrist third party? ;)

You, otter, and I could do that...

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Sounds good, man.

Another thing I dislike about the two parties is how if you're not walking in lockstep with them, you're not "one of them." To me, Joe Lieberman has as much right to be a Democrat as anybody and the same thing goes with Chuck Hagel on the Repub side. Partisan politics and political pandering are running this nation into the ground. I don't see any reason why we, as voters, should participate in it as well.

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Abortion rights: Pro-choice

Taxes: Support the FairTax Plan 100%. Repeal the 16th Amendment!

Iraq war: Support

Iran war: Would support

Vouchers: Support

Global warming: I believe man-made Global Warming is a farce. That's not to say that I don't think the earth may be going through a climate change, but I don't believe that man is the cause.

Bush tax cuts: Support, and I think more tax cuts would be great

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: I support 'civil unions' that would afford homosexual couples the same advantages that heterosexual couples get, but I do have a problem calling them 'marriages'.

Gun rights: Support

Stem-cell research: Undecided

Tort reform: I support a loser-pays system

Raising the federal minimum wage: Oppose 100%. It shouldn't be the government's place to enter the free market and set wages.

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Support, use the ANWAR section of Alaska for what it was intended for.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Support

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: Support

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Support in some circumstances. I do believe that if money spent to cart off otherwise law-abiding citizens was used to help treat addiction, we would be more effective in our so called 'War on Drugs'.

Privatize SSI: Support 100%

I took the quiz, too:

My PERSONAL issues Score is 80%.

My ECONOMIC issues Score is 100%.

Other than the abortion issue, we are a lot alike (especially the stuff in red).

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In a note toward FULL disclosure for my friends at AUN.

I'm about as centrist as you can get, really.

Abortion rights: Opposes

Taxes: Supports flat tax and less sales tax

Iraq war: Opposes I think we need to get out ASAFeasibly Possible. NKorea and Venezuela worry me far more. We dont need our armed forces involved with something else if a war with NKorea is imminent. Our being in the Middle East actually makes a war with NKorea much more possible.

Iran war: Could easily support if evidence is shown that they are a threat to the world

Vouchers: Supports

Global warming: Manmade and steps must be taken to solve this problem

I think Man IS A LESSER PART of Global Warming, but we still need to take steps. I am FAR FAR MORE WORRIED ABOUT OUR ENERGY DEPENDENCE ON THE MIDDLE EAST. If I was President, I would be pushing the Cafe Stds far higher. Pushing Alternative fuels everyday. Pushing for better built homes and upgrades to older homes. I would make Al Gore look like the fraud he is. We need to cut oil consumtion by about one third to half in the next 10-15 years. We also need to open our own off shore drilling and ANWR to help us ease off of the Middle East tit.

Bush tax cuts: Supports, there's nothing wrong with giving a cut to those whose who earned the most

NCLB: Opposes

Same-sex marriage: Opposes; but no need for constitutional amendment

Gun rights: Supports; no need for something that can fire off 20 rounds, though.

Stem-cell research: Supports, but with caution and respect for the many who believe the embryonic form to be immoral

Tort reform: Opposes I totally support tort reform. Sorry Esquire...

Raising the federal minimum wage: Supports

Drill for oil in ANWAR: Supports, but don't believe that Alaskan oil is a permanent solution. We can't rely solely on it.

NAFTA & CAFTA: Opposes

Replace gov't welfare with private charity: No, but weaken the welfare program and provide a "welfare to work" system

Repeal laws on illegal drugs: Opposes

Privatize SSI: Supports, let people do what they wish with their money. If privatization fails, then scrap it. But, something has to be done.

So, there ya go. I actually tend to be a moderate/conservative that is more liberal on social issues and conservative on economic issues. My question is, why am I so turned off by the Republican party? There's just something about them that I just don't like. And, you may say... the party has changed over the last decade and you would have fit well in prior years. So, GOP'ers, what's the deal?

By the way, I went and took the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" after filling out the above. Here are my results.


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