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Ron Paul


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Personally, I don't think I've ever heard a worse clip on a moveon.org anti-Iraq war add.

If you're againt the Iraq War, then fine. Most people are. If you're against the war in Afghanistan, fine. You have a few takers there too. If you're against war alltogether, fine.

However, to sit there and say that the United States of America was responsible for the attacks of September 11 is wrong, reprehensible, and beyond reason. I can't believe this moonbat is actually a GOP Presidential candidate. I can' believe that the good people of the state of Texas keep putting this loon in office.

Ron Paul is a traitor in my mind. In fact, I will contribute money to his Democrat opponent in the 2008 election. Rudy Guliani should have slapped him but he's probably above that.

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I read this article, and I didn't get the same thing out of it you did. He's basically taking the position that our past policies in the Middle East contributed to the culture of terrorism in the Arab world--and he has a point. It certainly doesn't come off as an endorsement of terrorism.

Since when is criticizing American foreign policy traitorous? If so, I would have been hauled off to the clink a long time ago.

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I posted the column for those of you who didn't watch the debate last night and may not know what I'm referring too. His comments sounded much worse on the stage and live. According to Ron Paul logic, America is to blame for Sept. 11 because we bombed Iraq off and on for the previous ten years. Of course, he fails to mention that this is the same Iraq whose secular Bathist regime under Sadaam that Osama Bin Laden and al Quaida despised. He failed to mention that Sadaam started this whole mess by invading Kuwaiit in 1990 and violating U.N resolutions which is precisely why Clinton bombed him and Bush overthrew him. No no no, it's all big bad America's fault because we try to bring order and stability to that pathetic region of the world.

To criticize the policy of your government is one thing. People do it all the time. However, for an elected representative of this country to suggest that the country he represents is responsible for the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans, while placing no blame on the 19 savages who perpetrated these acts, is borderline treason. I would suggest that most ardent. anti war Democrats in this country do not subscribe to the belief that America was responsible for 9-11.

If Ron Paul is not a traitor, then he is incompetent. He fails to undrstand that the radicals we're fighting around the world are dedicated to a world government under the yoke of Islam. Convert them through the word or by the sword. That's their motto and any U.S policy in the Middle East has nothing to do with it.

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Ron Paul is a Libertarian with an isolationist bent. He believes that we should not be in the Middle East. I think he is wrong.

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If Ron Paul is not a traitor, then he is incompetent. He fails to undrstand that the radicals we're fighting around the world are dedicated to a world government under the yoke of Islam. Convert them through the word or by the sword. That's their motto and any U.S policy in the Middle East has nothing to do with it.

Agree, see my signature.

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I read this article, and I didn't get the same thing out of it you did. He's basically taking the position that our past policies in the Middle East contributed to the culture of terrorism in the Arab world--and he has a point. It certainly doesn't come off as an endorsement of terrorism.

Since when is criticizing American foreign policy traitorous? If so, I would have been hauled off to the clink a long time ago.

Drew thinks if he hauls you and me to Gitmo for criticizing foreign policy, he is being bipartisan. B)

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If Ron Paul is a lawyer, he's the lawyer I'd expect most rapist to want representing them. To Ron, every rape victim was beggin for it, and those who committed the assault were just powerless to do anything else.

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If Ron Paul is a lawyer, he's the lawyer I'd expect most rapist to want representing them. To Ron, every rape victim was beggin for it, and those who committed the assault were just powerless to do anything else.

Gotta link?

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If Ron Paul is a lawyer, he's the lawyer I'd expect most rapist to want representing them. To Ron, every rape victim was beggin for it, and those who committed the assault were just powerless to do anything else.

Gotta link?

Heh, sorry TT, but this is an opinion, no link required. Of course, for those who use their brain, it's clear to see what I was trying to say here. That much like some would blame the rape victim for their circumstance, Mr Paul is blaming the U.S. for essentially going about its business and ignoring the act of the terrorists. I asked IF RP was a lawyer, ( presuming he isn't ) then he'd make the perfect lawyer for rapist. As he's argued that the U.S. 'had it comin', it's simple to deduce that he'd also blame a rape victim for the way she dressed, or the things she said, and that clearly his client ( the rapist ) could only naturally assume that the girl WANTED to be raped. What else could the thug do but ravage her ? She had it comin!

*P.S. But since ya asked, Here's your link

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Dr. Ron Paul practiced gynecology.

Thanks for contributing next to nothing to the thread. Again.

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Dr. Ron Paul practiced gynecology.

Thanks for contributing next to nothing to the thread. Again.

Okay, Bush is the American traitor, not Paul. And, if you don't believe me wait until his leagcy is finalized. LOL!

Order the troops to leave Mr. President. afraid for the safety and the future of this place... leave 20 thousands of your soldiers on both Iranian and Syrian borders and let us take over our own country. THIS COUNTRY WILL BE FREE... whether you take your troops out now or by the efforts of the good people of Iraq and America. Sooner or later they will leave, and Al Qaeda will be defeated by the efforts of the good sons of Iraq... by the way, the state dept. must coordinate with the immigration guys to issue the Iraqi politicians visas and residency in U.S. (off course many of them have US passports as you know so those dont need these arrangements).


Bush and Guliani are dumb@$$es.

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