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"You'll have to ask someone else if it's good policy"

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Hillary Clinton Defends Use of Corporate Jet for Family Vacations


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was challenged by the press about the Clinton family's acceptance of more than $900,000 in free private travel from Infousa, a company linked to scamming the elderly.

Her reply? She said that she had complied with all Senate ethics rules and reimbursed the company for the amount of a first class air ticket — usually about 1 percent of the cost of the luxurious private jet travel. According to Hillary, "Those were the rules. You'll have to ask someone else if it's good policy."

In other words, get lost.

Is there anyone out there who would say it's good policy for a U.S. senator and presidential candidate to accept apparently tax-free gifts of almost a million dollars from a corporation — especially a corporation involved in providing lists of vulnerable elderly people to scam artists?

And it's not like the Clintons couldn't afford to buy an air ticket — the family income since 2001 has been more than $63 million! So why do they have to freeload from rich friends?

Well, evidently Hillary doesn't think that she should be the one to consider whether it makes ethical sense to have rich pals pay for a U.S. senator's family vacations.

That's up to "someone else…"

But, Hillary has decided it is up to her — and not someone else — to determine whether corporate policies that allow huge payments and perks to CEOs make good policy. And her answer is a resounding, "NO" … unless, it seems, if she's benefiting from the perks.



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" All politicians are equal, but some politicians are 'more' equal than others." Straight from Animal Farm.

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She's had quite the winning week, hasn't she? If she's their nominee, the humor could reach exospheric, Bush-esque levels.

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We dont need anymore of these Harvard educated lucky gene poolers as President.

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We dont need anymore of these Harvard educated lucky gene poolers as President.

??? Perhaps you're thinking of Al Gore, who went to Harvard and was born into a Senator's family. My memory isn't perfect, but I believe you have to go back to JFK to find a Harvard-educated President. Hillary and Bill both got their law degrees from Yale (with undergrad degrees from Wellesley & Georgetown, respectively.)

As for luck with the gene pool, both Bill and Hillary were born into middle class families. Our current President came into this world with a much bigger silver spoon (but is, of course, also a Yale man).




And just out of curiousity: Does anyone know offhand if Bill was inducted into Skull & Bones while he was there?

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We dont need anymore of these Harvard educated lucky gene poolers as President.

??? Perhaps you're thinking of Al Gore, who went to Harvard and was born into a Senator's family. My memory isn't perfect, but I believe you have to go back to JFK to find a Harvard-educated President. Hillary and Bill both got their law degrees from Yale (with undergrad degrees from Wellesley & Georgetown, respectively.)

As for luck with the gene pool, both Bill and Hillary were born into middle class families. Our current President came into this world with a much bigger silver spoon (but is, of course, also a Yale man).




And just out of curiousity: Does anyone know offhand if Bill was inducted into Skull & Bones while he was there?

It's a stretch to say Bill Clinton was born into a middle class family. His father was a traveling salesman who died 3 months before he was born and his Mom struggled for a while. At their best, they worked themselves into lower middle class during his youth.

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We dont need anymore of these Harvard educated lucky gene poolers as President.

??? Perhaps you're thinking of Al Gore, who went to Harvard and was born into a Senator's family. My memory isn't perfect, but I believe you have to go back to JFK to find a Harvard-educated President. Hillary and Bill both got their law degrees from Yale (with undergrad degrees from Wellesley & Georgetown, respectively.)

As for luck with the gene pool, both Bill and Hillary were born into middle class families. Our current President came into this world with a much bigger silver spoon (but is, of course, also a Yale man).




And just out of curiousity: Does anyone know offhand if Bill was inducted into Skull & Bones while he was there?

No. Skull and bones was for the well-connected and only for Yale undergrads.

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43 is a Harvard grad. Kerry is a Harvard grad, Ted Kennedy is a Harvard grad. I should have added Yale in that too. 43 is a Yaley, as was his Dad. etc, etc. etc.

What we need is someone from middle America that is not a lucky gene pooler.

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43 is a Harvard grad. Kerry is a Harvard grad, Ted Kennedy is a Harvard grad. I should have added Yale in that too. 43 is a Yaley, as was his Dad. etc, etc. etc.

What we need is someone from middle America that is not a lucky gene pooler.

Well, I said my memory isn't perfect. I was thinking about 43 following his Dad to Yale and into Skull & Bones, and totally forgot about his Harvard MBA.
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Nietzsche said it best. There is master morality and slave morality. The rich and powerful can do anything they want, while the rest of us slobs have to jump through whatever hoops the elite have set up for us.

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