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No, this is what going crazy feels like.


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Of course, the spin doctors who put these things on air know that it's summer, and what sells more in summer than global warming propaganda? I'll not link anything, but I saw this ad on FOX news, where they show factories and cars polluting, and then show this guy talking about not doing anything about global warming.He's standing on some rail road tracks, and a train is coming toward him, off in the background. He then makes some smart a$$ comment about the effects not showing up for another 30 yrs. The guy then steps aside, where a cute, young little girl is standing behind him, as the train now bears down on her.

Clever. <_<

Of course, it's all B.S. though, but hey....if it's on t.v., and it's smartly written, it MUST be true. Right ?

How'd we survive 1.5 million yrs as a species while being this damn gullible.

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