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St. Bobby vs Nick Satan


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I don't like how he fidgets at the podium during his pressers. My grandfather always said never trust a man that can't stand still when he's talking.

I don't care if Saban reads Dr Seuss stories to sick little kids at the Childrens Hospital and helps them eat their chicken noodle soup. I don't like him, I don't like bama, and I don't like reading all the bama horse***t that has seemed to permeate every friggin thread on this board. It's an Auburn board, you bama jackasses. If what we say on here bothers you .... tough s***. Enough with the "well, ______ did it 21 years ago, so why are you attacking poor bama?" excuse.

**** Saban, **** Alabama, **** their fans, and **** their opinions on anything. I don't want to hear it. As far as I'm concerned, bama doesn't exist. This is war!

If you're tired of reading about Bama, you should probably stay away from the Rivals forum.

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I think his "lack of character" is far overblown. Unless he says all the right things and does something else, I don't see him having character problems.

I'm just wondering. Do you have or have you had access to a television for the last eight or nine months? Maybe a radio? Newspaper? Anything?

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One reason why Saban likes to go place-to-place so quickly is that after awhile he realizes that more and more people can catch on to his act. Now, when I say act...I don't mean that in a bad way but just a way that he goes about himself that can become repetitive (think that is spelled correctly) after awhile. He can give the same speeches time & time again.

Saban class wise...well, I don't think he has THAT MUCH but I do think he has more then some AU fans will believe. He is not the devil that some think but he is far from a true class-act even off the field (though his son and wife are very nice).

With that said, people will go to Bama to have Saban treat them as a rented mule. He was NEVER a players coach at LSU and will NEVER be a players coach at Alabama. Some can't handle it...some will handle it but hate him underneath.

There were a good amount of players (some of which I personally know) that DESPISED Saban but they worked their ass off for him and got through his program.

We will see if it last at Bama.

This goes directly to his style of coaching and is a variation of what I said the day he was hired. There are a number of coaching "types" that don't generally last long or have sustained success.

One is the "rah-rah" guy who's all up in everybody's face, screaming and thrashing around. HE'S EXCITED ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND YOU DAMN WELL BETTER KNOW IT!!" Ed Orgeron strikes me as this kind of coach. One of two things happens: Either the first group of kids you rip your shirt off in front of and chase around the field buy into your enthusiasm and crank out a better-than-expected season or you fester and rot, never getting the dull-eyed players to respond. Orgeron fell into the latter scenario.

Another is the totalitarian d***head. He's the guy who micro-manages everything and is so "focused" and aloof that he never really relates to the fanbase. His basic schtick is to browbeat the players into shape. He's generally universally hated by even his own team, but he exercises such control that most are (initially) afraid to buck him. Saban is the archetype for this coaching personality. He can't stick around long at any one location because he will eventually grate on enough people's nerves that he is no longer welcome, regardless of his on-field success. People at LSU write sonnets to Saban these days, but there were plenty of them who were openly glad to be shed of his prima donna, whining, bitching, moaning ass when he left there. Coaches like Saban don't have the ability to assess things objectively, the only thing that matters is their version of how things should be and anybody who differs from that is an idiot and should be vilified in private and in public. He left Louisiana pissing and moaning about their unrealistic fans and how they harassed him and his coaches for not doing enough and having a "bad" season just because of three losses. He then proceeded to toot his own horn about what a great job he'd done. He'll leave Bama under the same circumstances, but with much less available tootage.

At some point the players stop responding to or buying into the constant abuse. One will buck the system. And then another. And another. It spreads like cancer. If it's a good player who challenges the abuse first, things quickly break down because the prima-donna coach is scared to make a stand and lose the guy from the field. Once that discipline barrier is broken, it all crumbles and spirals into chaos. The modus operandi ot the totalitarian d***head is to haul ass to another locale before the players figure out that he's nothing more than a pussified paper lion with lots of roar, but no actual bite. Sadly for Saban, this spiral started before his first game when Castille and the other arrested players challenged him and he did not respond.

I've been 100% right about every Bama coach since Bryant (with the exception of Stallings) and I've said since the first day that Saban would be an ill fit and very quickly wear out his welcome. I've seen nothing to change that assessment. I didn't think much of Stallings as a coach when he came to Bama, but he brought in decent assistants and let them coach. Saban doesn't have that capacity. He's a meddler.

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I've been 100% right about every Bama coach since Bryant (with the exception of Stallings) and I've said since the first day that Saban would be an ill fit and very quickly wear out his welcome. I've seen nothing to change that assessment. I didn't think much of Stallings as a coach when he came to Bama, but he brought in decent assistants and let them coach. Saban doesn't have that capacity. He's a meddler.

Yeah. I'm sure you picked Dubose to win the SEC Championship. And Mike Shula to win 10 games.

Look, you can pat yourself on the back all you want. But your prognostications aren't special. You downlplay EVERYTHING about Alabama. You think everything about Alabama will ultimately be a failure. So since we've had a rough stretch of it lately, you declare yourself right.

You also said Saban isn't a good recruiter and won't be able to bring in the talent he did at LSU.

I guess we'll see on signing day.

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I don't like how he fidgets at the podium during his pressers. My grandfather always said never trust a man that can't stand still when he's talking.

I don't care if Saban reads Dr Seuss stories to sick little kids at the Childrens Hospital and helps them eat their chicken noodle soup. I don't like him, I don't like bama, and I don't like reading all the bama horse***t that has seemed to permeate every friggin thread on this board. It's an Auburn board, you bama jackasses. If what we say on here bothers you .... tough s***. Enough with the "well, ______ did it 21 years ago, so why are you attacking poor bama?" excuse.

**** Saban, **** Alabama, **** their fans, and **** their opinions on anything. I don't want to hear it. As far as I'm concerned, bama doesn't exist. This is war!

If you're tired of reading about Bama, you should probably stay away from the Rivals forum.

In a perfect world, all I would have to do is log onto an Auburn site.

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I don't like how he fidgets at the podium during his pressers. My grandfather always said never trust a man that can't stand still when he's talking.

I don't care if Saban reads Dr Seuss stories to sick little kids at the Childrens Hospital and helps them eat their chicken noodle soup. I don't like him, I don't like bama, and I don't like reading all the bama horse***t that has seemed to permeate every friggin thread on this board. It's an Auburn board, you bama jackasses. If what we say on here bothers you .... tough s***. Enough with the "well, ______ did it 21 years ago, so why are you attacking poor bama?" excuse.

**** Saban, **** Alabama, **** their fans, and **** their opinions on anything. I don't want to hear it. As far as I'm concerned, bama doesn't exist. This is war!

If you're tired of reading about Bama, you should probably stay away from the Rivals forum.

In a perfect world, all I would have to do is log onto an Auburn site.


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I've been 100% right about every Bama coach since Bryant (with the exception of Stallings) and I've said since the first day that Saban would be an ill fit and very quickly wear out his welcome. I've seen nothing to change that assessment. I didn't think much of Stallings as a coach when he came to Bama, but he brought in decent assistants and let them coach. Saban doesn't have that capacity. He's a meddler.

Yeah. I'm sure you picked Dubose to win the SEC Championship. And Mike Shula to win 10 games.

Look, you can pat yourself on the back all you want. But your prognostications aren't special. You downlplay EVERYTHING about Alabama. You think everything about Alabama will ultimately be a failure. So since we've had a rough stretch of it lately, you declare yourself right.

You also said Saban isn't a good recruiter and won't be able to bring in the talent he did at LSU.

I guess we'll see on signing day.

Don't be f**king ridiculous, BG.

I said the day Perkins was hired that his personality would never endear him to the Bama fanbase or administration and that he'd leave with a sour taste for all. He did.

I said the day Curry was hired that he'd never be able to overcome being "that Georgia Tech guy" and that his personality was too nice and reserved for the fanbase as a whole to accept.

I said from the very start that DuBose would fail. He did. His anomaly season doesn't change that.

I said from the first day that Price had no idea what he was getting into and would be overwhelmed by the job. He was country mouse come to town. He didn't even make it to the first game of the season.

I said from the day Shula walked blinking into the press conference light that he was a lightweight an in over his head. You -- and many others -- vociferiously disagreed. You tooted his recruiting horn until your lips were chapped. You wet your pants with excitement telling all who would listen what a great coach he was after the 10-win season. And you don't have to look any further than this very message board to find where I told you REPEATEDLY that the 10-win season was an anomaly and that he was an inferior coach. You -- and others -- worked yourself into a veritable lather explaining all the reasons I was wrong. Except I wasn't was I?

And I'm not wrong now. You can cream your jeans over Saban the master recruiter all you want. He won't be able to do at Alabama what he did at LSU over the long haul. One reason is that he won't BE there for the long haul. You know that I have his personality traits pegged. He's an impatient little imp and doesn't brook criticism well. He won't last long and be happy there. And he'll move right along.

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And I'm not wrong now. You can cream your jeans over Saban the master recruiter all you want. He won't be able to do at Alabama what he did at LSU over the long haul. One reason is that he won't BE there for the long haul. You know that I have his personality traits pegged. He's an impatient little imp and doesn't brook criticism well. He won't last long and be happy there. And he'll move right along.

So why don't you go ahead and tell give us a ceiling on his success benchmarks and years tenured at Alabama.

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I do find it somewhat funny that the bammer coach get blasted in an article and a bammer fan can point out that the only thing wrong in the article was whether or not Coach Bowden was offered the bammer job. I guess it's tough to defense the indefensible.

I stopped reading after that inaccuracy.

Besides you all think Saba is the Devil anyway. Nothing I say is going to change your opinion.

"SABA"...Did you mean saban?

You may try spell check there ...Mr. quotemyster.... :lol::lol::poke:

Funny, funny stuff.

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How long you been following me around, just dying for me to slip up...waiting to drop that nugget?

Everyone that responds to any of your posts is "following you around". I forgot the earth, moon, sun, and stars revolve around you. Whoops, there I go "following you around" again.

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How long you been following me around, just dying for me to slip up...waiting to drop that nugget?

BG is right. I've noticed you guys pick on him an awful lot. Everybody makes minor typos from time to time.

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How long you been following me around, just dying for me to slip up...waiting to drop that nugget?

Everyone that responds to any of your posts is "following you around". I forgot the earth, moon, sun, and stars revolve around you. Whoops, there I go "following you around" again.

Why do you keep following me?

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How long you been following me around, just dying for me to slip up...waiting to drop that nugget?

Oh, there is someone "following" someone "around" alright. Take a BIG sniff there little bg...A BIG sniff. :moon::lol::lol::lol:

Gotcha' :big:

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How long you been following me around, just dying for me to slip up...waiting to drop that nugget?

Everyone that responds to any of your posts is "following you around". I forgot the earth, moon, sun, and stars revolve around you. Whoops, there I go "following you around" again.

Why do you keep following me?

Why do you hate stalkers?

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Why do you hate stalkers?

I don't hate female stalkers.

You just haven't met the right one yet.

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