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Anyone watch the Republican Debate tonight?


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I saw several minutes of it. Ol' Ron Paul was givin' 'em hell!

He sure contrasts what the constitution really says against the rhetoric of the established party. Ex. Everyone is for small government. But the Republicans have expanded the federal gov. tremendously in response to a couple of buildings being taken out. [before you bash me. Overwhelming response is fine. Starting unnecessary wars is not small government.]

It's really the establishment of the Homeland Security bureaucracy that I'm am talking about. We lost privacy rights and lost protection against search and seizure. I don't think we need this monster, nor do I think it's benefit outweighs its cost.

Go into the smallest Social Security Office you can find. There will be a guard there to check your license at the door. Our tax dollar pays his Homeland Security salary. When will terrorists target a small town SS office? It's just one example of your money being wasted on Homeland Security. Is this small government as defined by the Republican Party?

The rhetoric of reducing taxes is directly related to spending cuts by RP. He shows what he wants to cut. The others say tax cuts and increase our military by Xfold.

I'm no legal scholar, but I believe we went about 150 years or so with almost no federal criminal laws. We had treason and maybe after income tax, tax evasion. Now we have a wall full of Federal criminal laws. Big government. With every law comes a big price for enforcement. Do you hear anyone wanting to pare back Federal criminal or other laws? Where are state's rights and limited federal government now?

This country was intended to provide maximum freedom for its citizens. But Big Brother watching our every move is almost here.

It's sad that RP is so goofy looking and acting. When he speaks the truth, the others chuckle and giggle at him. That's indicates how far we are from the Founders' intent.

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Nope. No reason to. Mitt's my guy, and if not him, I'll still vote Republican.

Would you vote for Huck?

Only if my choices were between Hillary or Obama and Huck.

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It's sad that RP is so goofy looking and acting. When he speaks the truth, the others chuckle and giggle at him. That's indicates how far we are from the Founders' intent.

Bingo. I really don't think people realize how intrusive the Federal government has become in our everyday lives. Case in point? The National ID Card, under the guise of the national driver's license. The states are quietly fighting it, but it's appearing that the Federal Government is going to get its way. So, soon, the Feds will have an automatic right to access any record on any person at any time for any reason. Oh, and the Military Commission Act of 2006 effectively eliminated habeus corpus on a case-by-case basis. So anybody at anytime loses his right to say in a court of law, "Hey, why am I being arrested?" If you think this is far-fetched, just wait. Because all sweeping Federal legislation such as this winds up being abused.

Anybody remember the RICO statutes that were formulated to fight organized crime? Today, RICO is being used by the Federal Government in ways never intended by the original authors of the legislation, from lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers to action against the Catholic church in the aftermath of the sex abuse scandals. So you can bet your bottom dollar that the Military Commission Act will be brought into play one day soon to disenfranchise a citizen for reasons wholly unrelated to terrorism.

Of course, it will be used against some fringe member of society, so mainstream American will think it's perfectly okay, and applaud the DOJ for its ingenuity. We'll collectively say, "Well, where there's smoke, there's fire," probably the most insidious arguments ever for assuming guilt rather than innocence. When that day comes, tear up the Bill of Rights and the Constitution my friends, because you've just traded your rights away for the illusion of security--not the actual thing.

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Speaking of Huck, remember him saying this?

"For those of us for whom summer is not a verb, for those of us who didn't go to fancy boarding schools on the east coast, for those of us who didn't grow up with a silver spoon, who were lucky to have a spoon — ask those folks and they'll tell you the economy is not doing well for them,"

I was thinking he was John Edwards lite or maybe Barack Obama had slipped his speech note to Huck.

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The more he speaks, the less I care for Huckabee. Nice guy, but I don't want him as my President.

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I do think Fred Thompson has the best comic relief of any candidate. If he were fairing better in the poles I might would consider voting for him.

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Well, I know my guy is not going to win because he is not a big enough name. Not to offend anyone so please do not take my following statement as an insult for those of you supporting other GOP candidates, but I think if most true conservatives would have researched all the GOP candidates instead of just the major candidates, they would have found out that Duncan Hunter was probably the most conservative GOP candidate running, thus he would have at least kept the other candidates honest in regards to the conservative agenda.

That said, I really have no clue who I am going to back after Hunter drops out. None of the other GOP and Democratic candidates impress me enough to even thinking about backing them during the general election. I will have to do just do some hard thinking and support the lesser of two evils again or either waste a vote and write in a candidate.

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