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A "hudna"


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Berkeley Wants Marines Out of Town

BERKELEY, Calif. - Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.


Arabic word: "hudna" A hudna isn't a peace treaty. It's a temporary truce called by a Muslim warrior who's losing in battle. It's pretty easy to understand how hudnas work by watching Israel fight Hamas and Hezbollah. Those two terrorist groups lob rockets and send suicide bombers into Israel for months; then, every once in a while, Israel deploys its military and flattens Hamas and Hezbollah, who then call for a hudna. The UN intervenes, saving Hamas and Hezbollah to fight another day. That's a hudna: a tactical truce for a strategic advantage.

Berkeley will not send Marines "unwelcome intruders" letter


But then there is the reason for their change of mind.

Two City Council members vowed to soften their stance as well.

BERKELEY, Calif. -- As six Republican senators devised a plan to yank $2.3 million in federal funding for Berkeley programs, the mayor of the famously liberal city apologized Wednesday for his hard stance against a Marine recruiting center.


What did the lefty have to say about the turn around?

"I was under the impression that we have the right of free speech," said Xanne Joi of Code Pink. "To me, I thought free speech meant you get to say what you want without recrimination."

Obviously a case of "free speech for me, but not for thee"; and at the same time, the very idea that someone should disagree with them and make their little lives the least bit uncomfortable is clearly (to them anyway) a violation of their freedom.

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Money whores. If they really believed it, they would have forfeited the money for their principles. Librul blow-hards.

Here is what all of the stink was about:

We should deport all of the illegal aliens to Berkeley. Maybe I should say "re-deploy" all of the illegal aliens.

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