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I work at a Gas Refienery and ....


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I work at the Chevron Refinery in Pascagoula Ms and they are spending money like its going out of style. These old refineries need to be retrofitted every 5-7 years. Do you know what all these chemicals do to metal pipes, conduits, valves etc. Makes them look they are 100 years old in such a short time. Right now they have over 3000 contractors in there working 7 days a week making 25-30 dollars an hour plus 75-100 per diem fixing and building new areas of the plant. And guess what they aren't even blinking an eye to costs. We had 3 trucks the other day bring in wire for 1 job. THese were regular delivery trucks not 18 wheelers and they had over ! million dollars worth of wire on them. I believe that you are seeing gas prices rise so that they can pay for all of this work any comments.

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I don't really think that's the driver (no pun intended) of costs. I think you're looking at the result of high gas prices (huge profits) rather than the cause.

Now if we could get a few more refineries built with some of that money...

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Are all those repairs a scheduled overhaul or are they a continuation of repairs from the Katrina damage?

With prices high and profits up, they can afford to make the necessary upgrades in order to make the plants profitable. If I am not mistaken they also received some tax cuts to make the up grades.

PS - Years ago I used to sell (a lot) to that plant.

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Yep. That's what happens with those "excessive" gas company profits. Mostly, they get plowed right back into the company, not used to light cigars for billionaires.

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