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Democrats fighting mad over Hillary/ Obama issue.


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Top adviser Harold Ickes, a member of the rules committee, appeared on CNN's "Late Edition" Sunday and reiterated his threat to take the matter to the party's credentials committee at the convention in August. He and other Clinton backers are upset that the committee allocated 69 of the Michigan votes to their candidate and 59 to Barack Obama, who was not on the ballot. (By their count, Clinton should have gotten 73 delegates and "uncommitted" 55.)

Another Clinton adviser, Mandy Grunwald, argued on CBS' "Face the Nation" "that in the way delegates were apportioned by the rules committee yesterday, they broke their own rules. And that's a terrible precedent. That's a terrible precedent. That's why our campaign has said we will consider taking this fight to the convention."

"Just to explain -- they took the votes, the delegates, and apportioned them the way they chose," she said. "It had nothing to do with the way votes were made in Michigan. That is an arbitrary ruling that simply violates the rules of our party."

6/2: Intense Feelings

The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee's decision to allocate 69 of MI's pledged delegates to Hillary Clinton and 59 to Barack Obama (who wasn't on the ballot) provoked a furious response from pro-Clinton bloggers. Taylor Marsh wrote an emotional post savaging the RBC members, telling them: "You have no idea what you've done. The fury you have unleashed...[You've] likely just thrown the 2008 election." Marsh's post -- combined with various accounts of angry Clinton supporters vowing to vote for John McCain if Obama wins the Dem nod -- has inflamed the tensions already roiling the liberal blogosphere. Many bloggers are urging the Clinton camp to cool their rhetoric (especially their controversial popular vote claims, which most liberal bloggers consider bogus) before more Dems become convinced that Obama's (likely) victory is illegitimate. Other bloggers are arguing that it's Obama's responsibility to unite Dems, not Clinton's. http://blogometer.nationaljournal.com/arch...tense_feel.html

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They made the rules. They decided not to abide by the rules they made.

It couldn't be happening to a more deserving bunch of people.

I know the dims won't agree but. It's more than a little ironic that the state the dims were screaming about in the 2000 election is in the center of yet another controversy. This time it's the dims saying your vote is only worth 1/2 a vote.

Dems to Florida voters - "Your chad is only worth 1/2 as much as Idaho!" :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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McCain wins FL by 6% points in November, and he will challenge Obama for sure in Michigan.

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