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Intersting stuff on health care and the election


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I spent some time at a conference a week ago and heard an intersting speaker from inside Washington. He came in to speak to us about the future of health care and it's part in this election and the near future. I took some notes and have posted them below:


As insurers, employers, and providers have made cost management progress, Americans have become less healthy.

Two-thirds of US adults are overweight or obese

60% of the population (including children) in 32 states is overweight or obese.

Today’s children and young adults risk being the first generation to have health status worse than the previous generation.

Emory University found that 20 medical conditions accounted for 67% of health care spending in 2002 up from 42% in 1987.

For 16 of those conditions, the increase in the number of people receiving treatment accounted for over half of the growth in health care spending between ‘87-’02.

The study stated, “The obesity epidemic has caused an tenfold increase in the nation’s private health insurance bill for conditions related to being overweight.”

“Increases in the number of people getting treatment for serious problems like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and mental disorders are directly linked to population increases in obesity.”


The federal cost to provide those over 65 with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits increased to $27,289 in 2007 – up 24% after inflation over 2000.


Healthcare ranks as one of the top tier issues in the 2008 election.

When asked which issue they wanted, candidates to discuss, voters listed the economy first (45%), the Iraq War second (32%), and Health Care third (28%).

Democrats listed health care as the 2nd most important issue while Republicans rated it 4th after immigration.

Obama has proposed spending more than $100B a year on improving access to near universal levels.

Obama would infuse $100 Billion a year into the market - “A double edged sword of more business but also likely highly inflationary."

Propose giving those under age 65 a Medicare-like government run program with Employer mandates and create additional government marketing structure.

Would create government-run marketing organizations for small group and individual coverage.

Would eliminate pre-existing condition provisions and medial underwriting.

McCain claims he won’t spend more money or raise more taxes – will use money already in the health system.

Emphasizes first using market forces to make coverage affordable.

Use tax subsides and credits to encourage individual control over health benefits and assist in paying for them.

Supports individual market over employer market.

First priority is making HC affordable so more people have access to it.

Create a national individual health insurance market w/ greater flexibility for rating policy provisions.

Supports revitalization of association plans.

Replace Employer tax exemption with individual credit - $2500 individuals and $5000 families – in order to buy insurance.

Would create State run “GAP” plans (state high risk pools) for those with pre-ex.

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good stuff there.

that's right, we have a sickcare stystem, not a heathcare system. it's a system not based on wellness.

Anotehr thing I don't get is in several places across the country, we have a shortage of doctors and nurses. Then, we throw additional people into an already stressed system, what does that do for basic things?

Hell, people with insurance sometimes have to wait past their appointment time when they get to a doctor's office. People with insurance sometimes never see an emrgency room doctor, they instead see a nurse practioner, but still get the bill from the actual ER doctor. Yes I do know this is common, but I'm just saying giving everyone healthcare or affordable healthcare doesn't address the quality of healthcare once universal healthcare is implemented.

how do we get an influx of doctors and nurses? do we again look to government for more scholarships and funding? do we lower the bar to become a doctor or nurse to that just barely above staying at a Holiday Inn Express?

We can't expect family health coverage to remain $250-$300 bucks a month or lower until the end of time, when some people refuse to take care of themselves. We can't expect the price of healthcare to remain unchanged with all of the technological advances in the medical field. Sure people have health problems. Poeple can be very, very healthy and then suffer a heart attack and have to have quadruple bypass surgery. But as it's been stated before, there are ALOT of unhealthy people in this country right now. And it's not because of any Bush policies or lack thereof.

Replace Employer tax exemption with individual credit - $2500 individuals and $5000 families – in order to buy insurance.

noble effort here, but why not reduce the person's income tax? the tax code is confusing enough without having people search for the latest and greatest tax deduction.

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