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Furr is transferring


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Says rivals.

I wonder how long until some media outlet does an interview with Furr discussing how awful our coaches treat players....

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His dad says he will withdraw on Wednesday. His dad says that Auburn has been extremely good to Derron and that it just didn't work out. He also said that no schools have contacted him including FSU.

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Well that sucks. I definitely didn't see this coming before the other day.

I'd like to get some more insight on the decision.

He doesn't know where he will transfer to for classes that start in a couple of weeks?

I don't care for quitters. Don't really care what happens to him at this point.

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Well that sucks. I definitely didn't see this coming before the other day.

I'd like to get some more insight on the decision.

He doesn't know where he will transfer to for classes that start in a couple of weeks?

This is a weird situation. Listening to Tubby on rivals his nonverbals said he wasn't happy about it and didn't want to talk. When the media pressed about it he basically said next question. There will be much more to this story before it's all said and done

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He started out great.....graduated HS early and went to spring classes/football. Some freahmen students are overwhelmed with the college experience and want to quit, but this kid is from Columbus (closeby) and should have got accustomed to school this past spring/summer. This is probably something personal....friends, etc.

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I think it's pretty simple, he came to AU to play QB, and it didn't work out, he doesn't want to play defensive back. From all accounts that I heard from that day Furr was just lagging behind acting like he didn't even care, thats when Etheridge got in face and told him to pick it up, at which point Furr said something stupid, and then got beat up by Etheridge. I'm glad he's gone, it's a privilege to play here, no matter what position you're put at, if the players don't realize what a privilege it is, then I'm fine with them being kicked out in favor of some players that want to play and will give 100% every down in practice and in the games.

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I think it's pretty simple, he came to AU to play QB, and it didn't work out, he doesn't want to play defensive back. From all accounts that I heard from that day Furr was just lagging behind acting like he didn't even care, thats when Etheridge got in face and told him to pick it up, at which point Furr said something stupid, and then got beat up by Etheridge. I'm glad he's gone, it's a privilege to play here, no matter what position you're put at, if the players don't realize what a privilege it is, then I'm fine with them being kicked out in favor of some players that want to play and will give 100% every down in practice and in the games.

a.) I thought it was Furr's idea to change positions.

b.) Etheridge may be a little outta line depending on the extent of the "beat down" (assuming that is what happened; I'm not saying you don't know, rather I don't know that for a fact.)

c.) It is a privilege to play anywhere, especially a D-1 team. Just ask any HS senior. Furr will still get that privilege.

d.) I don't think he was "kicked out" but instead, the call was his. CTT said throughout it all that it was his (Furr's) choice to make.

Granted, I don't like how this shook out. I don't like the hissy-fit he threw. I see that there is probably an attitude problem that needs to be addressed. That will be something he will have to grow into as a person. However, I am not going to sit here and bad mouth him because he decided to go somewhere else. I won't take away that he is a good athlete that had a lot of potential here. He and his family at least made a good showing as he informed the public saying that Auburn was good him and they appreciated the opportunity.

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Furr got his ass whooped by a guy he had 4 inches and 20 something pounds on and now is quitting?

I can't imagine that the whooping is why he quit. He obviously had some issue(s) going on that was affecting his play/attitude.

If he was so unhappy that it was affecting his attitude/effort so much that a teamate jumped him to get his attention...then if he feels he can't adjust his attitude, it is time to quit. Is this immature? Probably.....the guy is only 18 years old. May be he will grow up from this experience and succeed the next time. It's a shame b/c he would have been valuable with the right attitude.

Did the db's do the wrong thing? Probably not. We don't know how bad it got out there, but if ZE and those guys haven't had a history of doing this and now were compelled to do so, then a lot of fault probably goes to DeRon.

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This one has been hard for me as he was one of the recruits I was most excited about. I had been very excited about what he could do in a TF system, and then when they moved him to db, I was excited about the thought of him being a hard hitting safety. But after hearing the details coming out, it sounds like good riddance. We don't need punks like that at Auburn, especially with all the other talent we've got. Time to move on. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!

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Furr got his ass whooped by a guy he had 4 inches and 20 something pounds on and now is quitting?

I can't imagine that the whooping is why he quit. He obviously had some issue(s) going on that was affecting his play/attitude.

If he was so unhappy that it was affecting his attitude/effort so much that a teamate jumped him to get his attention...then if he feels he can't adjust his attitude, it is time to quit. Is this immature? Probably.....the guy is only 18 years old. May be he will grow up from this experience and succeed the next time. It's a shame b/c he would have been valuable with the right attitude.

Did the db's do the wrong thing? Probably not. We don't know how bad it got out there, but if ZE and those guys haven't had a history of doing this and now were compelled to do so, then a lot of fault probably goes to DeRon.

I'm in no way saying that the sequence of events but it sort of was the sequence of events as we read it.

Who knows the back story of the whole deal but whatever to the kid.

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Hey DeRon

1) Not everyone can play QB.

2) Not everyone can play QB as soon as possible with no waiting.

3) Playing DB is important,especially now.

4) Quiting NEVER helps.

5) Not everyone gets a free ride at Auburn University.

You may have just thrown away future millions in the NFL.

No wonder you're not happy.

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Regardless of his reason, there sure seems to be many that like to throw stones and trash the kid without knowing the whole story. Let's try to remember the Auburn Creed and also try to remember this is an 18 year old that none of us personally know. How can we ever talk bad about bammers that trash players that leave their program if we do the same thing?

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Regardless of his reason, there sure seems to be many that like to throw stones and trash the kid without knowing the whole story. Let's try to remember the Auburn Creed and also try to remember this is an 18 year old that none of us personally know. How can we ever talk bad about bammers that trash players that leave their program if we do the same thing?

Right On Brother!


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Regardless of his reason, there sure seems to be many that like to throw stones and trash the kid without knowing the whole story. Let's try to remember the Auburn Creed and also try to remember this is an 18 year old that none of us personally know. How can we ever talk bad about bammers that trash players that leave their program if we do the same thing?

Right On Brother!


And again :thumbsup:

People... this kid is not a criminal. He didn't say anything bad about your mother. Please have some perspective.

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I wish the kids luck as he regroups and finds his destiny. I personally don't want a kid to be somewhere he doesn't want to be.

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Personally, I haven't seen anyone acting like the kid was a criminal. People are ticked that we wasted recruiting time and a scholarship on him only to have him quit 2 days into fall practice and called him a quitter. Which by definition, he is. Note that the reaction to others leaving the team in the past was much different such as Kelcy Luke, Blake Field, Calvin Booker or even Brandon Jacobs.

People get when you come in, give good effort, but things just don't work out and you're wanting to go somewhere you'll get some playing time. No one begrudges such a thing. Even with Brandon, no one was upset that he looked at Ronnie and Caddy up the depth chart and decided to go. The only problem they had with him were some of his comments about Auburn later. But Deron is giving up without much of an attempt. He looked at the QB depth chart and volunteered to move to defense to get on the field quicker, which we granted him. Then he loafs in practice, ticking off some upperclassmen. After a message gets delivered about that lack of effort, he just doesn't show up for two days, then quits. THAT is what has sort of soured people on him.

Again, calling him a quitter for those reasons (even if you disagree) is not tantamount to calling him a criminal, saying he's a rotten kid or a thug or anything of the sort. Hopefully he'll land somewhere and redeem his reputation regarding sticking with a commitment and pushing through tough times. But I haven't seen anything over the line in this discussion thus far. If I do see people going off the rails we'll rein it in. But Deron made his bed on this and he can lay in it a while. He's a big boy.

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* Freshman quarterback-turned-safety DeRon Furr is officially gone and has been granted his release. Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville had no further comment, but the Furr family apparently met with coaches at least once this afternoon in the football complex.

DeRon Furr Sr. just texted me this evening that the family wishes to thank Auburn for giving DeRon the opportunity to be a student here. It would seem that DeRon is taking the high road in his exit.

Family meets with coaches, CTT grants release, family publically thanks AU for opportunity...sounds like everyone has closure and is ready to move on. So should we.

Best of luck to DeRon.

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When Deron verballed to AU he should have known and more than likely discussed the possiblility of being switched to S if he didn't excel at QB... My speculation is 1)his pride was hurt, and 2) probably saw he wasn't going to see much playing time this year at S, so 3) he wasn't giving his top efforts. Which led to a major A$$ beating from his senior teamates. I believe he'll live to regret leaving AU. This happens to most every player who comes through major D1 programs (minus complete bitch slapping). It's dissapointing he is leaving the team the day after we lose a starting DB in our most shallow position. He could have seen limited play.

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So, i heard that there was a fight or something at one of the practices. Does anyone know what really happened?

Just a little "senior leadership", except it was given out by a sophomore. Apparently, Deron hasn't been very happy since he was switched to DB. His attitude has been bad and his effort has been lacking. Zac Ethridge decided that a little adjustment was in order and administered a beatdown in practice. After that, Deron decided that he would move on.

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