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What Would You Do


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If you were an extremely wealthy, influential, politically connected person and happened to have a half-brother/sister that lived in a third world country in a tiny shack and lived on less than $1 a day, what would you do? Would you bring them to the United States to live a better life? I'm pretty sure I would. Evidently the Democratic (we stand up for the poor) Party candidate wouldn't.

Obama's Half Brother Living in Kenya

Granted, we don't know the whole story, but wow...I'd be doing everything I possibly could to get my half-brother a better life. I don't believe I'd be saying things like he's a "beautiful boy with a rounded head".

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If you were an extremely wealthy, influential, politically connected person and happened to have a half-brother/sister that lived in a third world country in a tiny shack and lived on less than $1 a day, what would you do? Would you bring them to the United States to live a better life? I'm pretty sure I would. Evidently the Democratic (we stand up for the poor) Party candidate wouldn't.

Obama's Half Brother Living in Kenya

Granted, we don't know the whole story, but wow...I'd be doing everything I possibly could to get my half-brother a better life. I don't believe I'd be saying things like he's a "beautiful boy with a rounded head".

That's a complicated situation. Barack didn't know his father that well and didn't grow up with his half-brothers. Sounds like the meeting in 2006 was the first time he'd seen him in almost 40 years. I don't think that obligates Barack to bring him here or take care of him and we have no idea what kind of person this guy is. He might be a great guy working hard to make his life better but stuck in a tough place or he might be a shiftless, lazy bum that doesn't deserve any help. I don't know.

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I have two half-brothers I have not seen in six years, and we all live within 25 miles of each other. Often, circumstances are known only by those involved.

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What's the point in this post? If Obama did bring a sibling here from Kenya you would have TM and others on this board screaming about preferential visas, etc. I swear, some of you guys...

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What's the point in this post? If Obama did bring a sibling here from Kenya you would have TM and others on this board screaming about preferential visas, etc. I swear, some of you guys...

If anybody should recognize a pointless post, it would be you, the King of Pointless Posts. Pot, meet the Kettle.

Getting back on subject, I see where somebody could try to go with this, but I do think we need to know the full circumstances before being able to comment on something like this. Like Titan said, the half brother may be worthless and Obama does not feel obligated to help him at all, especially since he knows him about as well as he knows anybody on this board. Non-story here if you ask me and I would rather hear what Obama says about issues that affect me instead of why he is not taking care of his Kenyan half brother.

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What's the point in this post? If Obama did bring a sibling here from Kenya you would have TM and others on this board screaming about preferential visas, etc. I swear, some of you guys...

If anybody should recognize a pointless post, it would be you, the King of Pointless Posts. Pot, meet the Kettle.

Getting back on subject, I see where somebody could try to go with this, but I do think we need to know the full circumstances before being able to comment on something like this. Like Titan said, the half brother may be worthless and Obama does not feel obligated to help him at all, especially since he knows him about as well as he knows anybody on this board. Non-story here if you ask me and I would rather hear what Obama says about issues that affect me instead of why he is not taking care of his Kenyan half brother.

I agree about it's pretty much a non-story and said in my initial post that "granted we don't know the full story", but I wondered what others views would be. The guy may be worthless, but I bet his life is typical of the poor in Africa. It just seems an odd thing to have someone who is potentially going to be president of the most generous, largest economy having, live the American dream, country in the world to have that situation in his life. Since it is out on the news now though, I'd think Obama would make a statement about it because if he doesn't a lot of people will attack saying he doesn't even care about his family.

Again, I think it's a strange situation and wondered what others thought. And yeah, it might be a preferential visa or whatever if he was to bring him to the US, but like I said, I think I'd be doing all I could so obviously I wouldn't cry about it if it was something I'd do.

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Even the Jimmah took care of his brother Billy, and Billy Jeff took care of Roger and the brother in law Hugh Rodham...

And George and Barbara took care of their coke head son until they pushed him off on the rest of us...

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No need to post this thread, in my mind. He more than likely has more 1/2 brothers and sisters out there.

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......might be a shiftless, lazy bum that doesn't deserve any help. I don't know.

When you are the leader of the party of the shiftless lazy bums of America, shouldn't you at least include the one's who are kin to you?

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What's the point in this post? If Obama did bring a sibling here from Kenya you would have TM and others on this board screaming about preferential visas, etc. I swear, some of you guys...

Ahhhhh, no need to bring up hypothetical situations. Just think back to what your Messiah said?

When asked about his own failings at the Saddleback Church forum, Barack Obama somehow turned his answer into everyone else's failings:

"Americans' greatest moral failure in my lifetime," he said, "has been that we still don't abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me."

Hmmm ... Now HuntsvilleTiger, post an article about "the least of Obama's brothers"

Okay, let's see. Americans get lectured to about being stingy (which is false). by a man who hasn't done a damned thing for his own flesh and blood. Is this what hopey-changitude is all about? Mind-boggling hypocrisy and selfishness?



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Now I think we know why Obama authored and presented the "Global Poverty Act" (S.2433). This bill was never about "whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me." Obama. It was about assuaging Obama's guilt. And in his normal egoistic self-absorption Obama has decided he will let us all share in his grand scheme to "whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me." And in so doing he gets to help his poor brother(s) and (sisters) and his grand mother. All of which are living in abject poverty. But what has the millionaire "community organizer" done? Nothing but come up with a tax so everyone can share in his benevolence and bask in his glory knowing he sees the big picture.

Obama's altruist nature and benevolence is overwhelming. I think I may hang several of his pictures in every room of my house so I can daily bathe in his glory.

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Even the Jimmah took care of his brother Billy, and Billy Jeff took care of Roger and the brother in law Hugh Rodham...

And George and Barbara took care of their coke head son until they pushed him off on the rest of us...

Uhhhuh... Tuscaloosa peace project? Sounds like the typical drivel those weenies manage to slobber out their drug addled heads...

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