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Hypocritical enviromentalists


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I can't stand this garbage. Nuclear isn't safe even though 20% of our energy comes from nuclear.

Nuclear waste is a problem even though we have enough nuclear waste to run at current capacity for over two decades. We just can't recycle this nuclear waste.

Global warming is a problem that will change life as we know it, but putting slightly radioactive material in a mountain is more dangerous than the perceived dangers of global warming?

Make up your mind you hypocrites, and until then stop running our country into the ground.

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They want us to turn back the clock and start living in the pre Industrial revolution era. It's not fair that we have so much and others are too stupid and fanatical to technically advance on their own. We must dumb down our society to make the others feel better about themselves. And we'll do it under the guise of saving the planet.

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