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Lawmakers in session can't be arrested for many cr


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MONTGOMERY - State laws that say legislators can't be arrested for drunk driving, speeding and some other crimes during a legislative session would be erased under two proposals passed Wednesday by a legislative panel.


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I would love that! After that incident with Alvin Holmes a couple of weeks ago....

I think he should have been arrested a long time ago....

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I would like to know how a moronic law like that was ever in place to begin with!

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I would like to know how a moronic law like that was ever in place to begin with!

I heard them talking about this on the radio a few weeks ago. It seems that in the olden days, like early 1900's, a common practice was for sherriffs to "arrest" lawmakers as they were traveling to Montgomery in an attempt to keep them from voting on legislation.

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I would like to know how a moronic law like that was ever in place to begin with!

Well, you know. You are standing on the veranda enjoying a mint julip, when you get a call telling you there is an EMERGENCY session. What can you do? You don't want to waste it. And you know you are a good enough driver not to spill it. So there ya go! :D

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I would like to know how a moronic law like that was ever in place to begin with!

I heard them talking about this on the radio a few weeks ago. It seems that in the olden days, like early 1900's, a common practice was for sherriffs to "arrest" lawmakers as they were traveling to Montgomery in an attempt to keep them from voting on legislation.

Thanks for the info TA. I was wondering about the reasoning behind that. However, CCTAU's reason probably hits closer to home nowadays. :lol:

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