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Sept. 11 and Nov. 2

Tiger Al

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It is inevitable that such a pivotal event as the 9/11 attacks should surface in the presidential campaign. The fact that President Bush did not hesitate to underline the tragedy in his new wave of campaign commercials puts voters on early notice that they must bring their considered judgment to the bounds of the debate. The mix of painful, familiar graphics and pared-down electioneering slogans will be a test of a candidate's good taste as much as the electorate's political leanings. We hope the media strategists of the president and Senator John Kerry will avoid descending into low-road treacle and claims of primacy on a subject that we all recall as a dark cause of fierce national unity.

The first Bush commercial, with its stark glimpse back at the smoking shell of the World Trade Center, speaks to people's natural fear of changing leaders in perilous times. But it is also a reminder that the great sense of unity and national purpose of those days was lost. How to weigh those two factors is only one of the issues relating to 9/11 that are bound to surface. To choose the next president, Americans will have to judge whether the country is safer now than when the tragedy occurred, whether the proper response to the attacks was the invasion of Iraq and whether the president has been fully cooperative with the independent commission investigating 9/11.

When we think of 9/11, we think of loss, and of the heroism of average people who reached out in ways great and small to help their fellow men and women. Any political candidate who attempts to piggyback onto those emotions deserves to be shunned by the electorate. Speaking of 9/11 in January 2003, President Bush told The Associated Press that he had "no ambition whatsoever to use this as a political issue."  :headshake:  We applaud that sentiment.



Republicans package their messages so that they appeal to two of man's most base instincts: Greed and Fear. Someone's either stealing it from you or they're going to kill you because of it. That will be Dubya's election theme over and over and over.

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Democrats on the other hand will package their message of race baiting and class warfare so that they appeal to three of man's most base instincts: Envy, Greed and Fear. Envy - they have it and you don't - you should hate them. Greed - steal from those who work and give to those who don't. Fear - Anyone who has more than you is out to steal from you and will mistreat you if you don't vote democrat. That will be Kerry's election theme over and over and over. Oh did I leave out that Kerry was in Vietnam?

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Shouldn't a president's handling of the worst tragedy to hit America since Pearl Harbor be reviewed by the American people. A simple question should arise from this discussion. Did the George W. Bush administration handle 9-11 well?

Should the tragedy be trumpeted as a grand accomplishment? No. Should the president be applauded for his leadership through the hard times? Yes.

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Shouldn't a president's handling of the worst tragedy to hit America since Pearl Harbor be reviewed by the American people. A simple question should arise from this discussion. Did the George W. Bush administration handle 9-11 well?

Should the tragedy be trumpeted as a grand accomplishment? No. Should the president be applauded for his leadership through the hard times? Yes.

Is his stonewalling of the 9/11 Commission a sign of good leadership?

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Shouldn't a president's handling of the worst tragedy to hit America since Pearl Harbor be reviewed by the American people.  A simple question should arise from this discussion.  Did the George W. Bush administration handle 9-11 well? 

Should the tragedy be trumpeted as a grand accomplishment?  No.  Should the president be applauded for his leadership through the hard times?  Yes.

Is his stonewalling of the 9/11 Commission a sign of good leadership?

At least there is ONE democrat with brains.

Koch: Banner is ‘outrage’

In a similar vein, Koch said, he’s disappointed none of the Democratic candidates are protesting a banner he saw at ground zero during the recent second anniversary ceremony that read, “The Bush Regime Engineered 9/11.”

Koch was stopped in his car on West St., en route to an interview with Jerry Nachman on a roof overlooking ground zero, when he saw the offensive sign.

“I felt like getting out and horse-whipping them,” Koch said. “To accuse the president of killing 2,600 people…it’s an outrage. That’s the cry of the ultra-radical left. Those are the people that vote in the Democratic primary that Dean is appealing to…. If you talk in religious terms, it’s a sin to the memory of those who died.”

Koch later blasted the banner on CNN in an interview with Wolf Blitzer.


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Shouldn't a president's handling of the worst tragedy to hit America since Pearl Harbor be reviewed by the American people.  A simple question should arise from this discussion.  Did the George W. Bush administration handle 9-11 well? 

Should the tragedy be trumpeted as a grand accomplishment?  No.

His only accomplishment was allowing it unfold. It could, and should, have been prevented.


"A week prior to the attack, an Iranian in Hamburg, Germany contacted police and warned them of an impending terrorist attack against the United States using hijacked planes. His warning specifically mentioned the World Trade Center."

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Republicans package their messages so that they appeal to two of man's most base instincts: Greed and Fear. Someone's either stealing it from you or they're going to kill you because of it. That will be Dubya's election theme over and over and over.


You have so quickly forgotten the ad with Bush pushing the woman in the wheel-chair down the steps!

Or all of the screams that the Bush Administration isn't going to help with RX for seniors.

Or that Bush's plan for SS will take money away from all those who paid into it!

To say that Bush/Republicans are trying to scare people is so unbelievably ASSININE! The sad part is you actually believe what you are saying.

What a joke you liberals are! :rolleyes:

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Again, I will say this for the one's that can't think for themselves; If Al Gore were president instead, do you think he would not mention 9/11 in any of his ads? If you think he would not have, then you are totally braindead! I have asked this question numerous times and yet no liberal has replied back with saying that Al Gore or any president would not have did it. Yet, libbies want to keep bring up an add that mentions 9/11 for at most 5 secondes during the ad. An add that talks about a nation recovering from a tragedy and using images of that recovery. The ads never say anything like "Bush was the one that did it all". The ad reflects how that the people of this country got through the tragedy and were able to recovery quickly. The terrorists failed to get to the American people and crush our will! God forbid that Bush point that out in his ad! He just only happened to be the leader of the country at the time it happened, that is all! But, if you would believe what the liberals are saying, you would think the terrorists did accomplish their mission and that our country is divided because of them instead of unified. Wow, thank you liberals for setting us straight on how evil Bush is for "mentioning" it in his ads. :rolleyes:

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